Jedi teams finally need some respect on their name



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    IGD is a boss. 10-12k basic on droids, 2 good omegas, easy to gear. I have a maxed IGD, QGJ g9, Yoda g9, Lumi g8, and 86. Was hovering around 100 but jumped to 40-50 this week.

    Not the best team, but I like them. I drop 30-50 ranks per day. Waiting for aayla or for mace to be worth something. Lumi is surely the weak link in the team; but the team is heal dependant because the don't have the speed/damage up to par. Buffs are great though, but steals are better.

    And IGD as a tank doesn't have taunt or anything, but his 15% health regain for 3 turns after any critical keeps him around for ever. He will 1 on 1 'most' toons.
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