Jedi teams finally need some respect on their name

41 posts Member
edited June 2016
It really is a shame that most Jedi teams are complete garbage in the current meta. There are exceptions, but a f2p player can't get the great Jedi like kit fisto, Ayala, etc. I'm just saying, but an overall buff on Jedi would be awesome. I mean at one point they were the most unstoppable force in the galaxy. We all know how that ended but nonetheless, in the Star Wars universe 5 Jedi knights together could take on most anyone in a fight. That is all lol
Post edited by BentWookiee on


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    ALSO: I'm not saying to make Aayla or Kit f2p, I'm just making the point that Jedi as a whole deserve a decent buff
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    Just be happy we're not still in the speed meta...that said, now they are a bit trash except for a select few.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • Phu_Zzy
    148 posts Member
    I enjoy my 7* Jedi team, I don't play them because they're awesome, I play them because they're the characters I like. I usually sit between 50-100 on my server, sometimes as high as 25-30 on days I play properly, so I don't think they're as bad as people make out either.
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    Hahah that's a good point. I don't run Jedi but there is this one guy in my server who has a Jedi team with IGD lead who does pretty good. I think he runs IGD (L), Yoda, QGJ, Aayla, Lumi. He's around 38.5k yet an never reach top 5, always hovers between 6-20
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    Kit fisto is awful
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    I agree that the Jedi's are overwhelmed in Arena. But I have found a place where my Jedi's perform well. In GW. I run Ima-Gun Di (L), Yoda, Barriss, Luminara, Old Ben and can get through the entire thing some days without losing a single player. Sometimes I do lose someone and put in QGJ. If I lose Ima-Gun Di I put Barriss as lead for her health benefits. I love getting hit with AoE and watch the attacker get swarmed by 5 Jedi
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    @Phu_Zzy but I imagine you drop back a ways every day? That's the thing, their offense it good, but their defensive AI sucks. I run a Dooku, savage, lumi, QGJ, and RG team and NEVER drop back more than 10 spots a night. A full Jedi team deserves awesome synergy and staying power
  • AlphaRedFox
    41 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Also a good point. I don't have overly strong Jedi but my friends say they're awesome for gw. Guess i didnt consider every aspect of them :open_mouth:
  • Phu_Zzy
    148 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Usually drops back into the 90's overnight, but that's part of the fun for me, smashing my way back up the next day.

    There's something deeply satisfying about watching a 5 Jedi mass counter attack too
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    @Boba_The_Fetter I've heard he's really good once he's at 7*. The in between sucks tho
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    Jedis are complete garbage and have so many counters. There are very few good ones and only two top tier ones.
    Ben and qui gon are the top tier ones
    Lumi, ahsoka, yoda, ima gun di are the halfway decent ones. You can't make a decent Jedi team at all. They really need a tank, they really need a good damage dealer, and they need a turn meter support character like Phasma. Mace needs a buff, eeth koth, JKG, kit fisto(actually not too terrible with I'ma gun di..) But anyways, Aayla has got to be the next FTP toon. She is probably the third best Jedi, but no one has her.
  • irvvri
    152 posts Member
    benacrow wrote: »
    Just be happy we're not still in the speed meta...that said, now they are a bit trash except for a select few.


    I personally loved the speed meta lmao at least i could hit my targets
  • Duckoo
    279 posts Member
    @Phu_Zzy but I imagine you drop back a ways every day? That's the thing, their offense it good, but their defensive AI sucks. I run a Dooku, savage, lumi, QGJ, and RG team and NEVER drop back more than 10 spots a night. A full Jedi team deserves awesome synergy and staying power

    You must playboy an incredibly young server for that.

    I'm on a November server and pretty much everyone falls back 20 to 30 ranks regardless of what they run. Defense is not really something you can rely on in arena.
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    Kit fisto is awful
    @Boba_The_Fetter I've heard he's really good once he's at 7*. The in between sucks tho
    Ive fought him gear 11 7* lvl 80 many times. He just has lots of health. Plenty of better characters i would put my resources into
  • Naugrin
    686 posts Member
    My gw team until the last couple of nodes is Ahsoka (L), QGJ, Yoda, Daka, Barris...they make it all the way through now and then.
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    Anakin is getting a rework in next update.

    It's good that they listen, i'm sure others will follow suit eventually.
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    +1 for the Birdman reference in your title.
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    Kit Fisto - "Y'all finished or Y'all done?"
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member

    +1 for the Birdman reference in your title.

    This. +2

    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Kit Fisto - "Y'all finished or Y'all done?"

    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    The only good Jedi in my opinion, NOT great but good is lumi. THERE ARE a few great jedi. Obi wan, Aayla Secura, Qui Gon, and Yoda. The other 10 though are pretty bad currently.
    Guild: Order 66 501st Division
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    Anakin! He is our only hope!

    No, there is another... Mace...
  • Phu_Zzy
    148 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Ima Gun Di as a lead, once you get him levelled & geared, is far from bad IMO.
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    Ohh Wilma I'm home!
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    The spark is the reason for our existence!
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    It really is a shame that most Jedi teams are complete garbage in the current meta. There are exceptions, but a f2p player can't get the great Jedi like kit fisto, Ayala, etc. I'm just saying, but an overall buff on Jedi would be awesome. I mean at one point they were the most unstoppable force in the galaxy. We all know how that ended but nonetheless, in the Star Wars universe 5 Jedi knights together could take on most anyone in a fight. That is all lol

    This is garbage.

    Ben and GQJ are ABSOLUTELY still meta. Be glad you have members from the faction of your choice that are meta. Besides, QGJ has almost always been meta and always one of the best.
  • bLz
    27 posts Member
    My F2P Jedi team often clears GW. Running Lumi (L), Barris, QGJ, Yoda and Eeth.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Powda wrote: »
    It really is a shame that most Jedi teams are complete garbage in the current meta. There are exceptions, but a f2p player can't get the great Jedi like kit fisto, Ayala, etc. I'm just saying, but an overall buff on Jedi would be awesome. I mean at one point they were the most unstoppable force in the galaxy. We all know how that ended but nonetheless, in the Star Wars universe 5 Jedi knights together could take on most anyone in a fight. That is all lol

    This is garbage.

    Ben and GQJ are ABSOLUTELY still meta. Be glad you have members from the faction of your choice that are meta. Besides, QGJ has almost always been meta and always one of the best.

    You should probably read the post. He said "most" jedi are garbage, which is true. OB and QGJ are about the only fiedable jedi... maybe Yoda too.

    Either way, OB is really only good as a leader. Putting him as a non lead is a good way to have him be ignored/cc'd in combat.

    QGJ is great, but not as a leader. The absence of dodge guarantees he is either cc'd or dead within a turn or two.

    The rest of the Jedi rank from "meh" to "terrible" because of numerous issues. Either low hp, low damage, low speed, or a combination of all of them.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    @Toukai - No love for Ashoka?
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    She is "meh."
    I like her rework kit, but she has never been a terrifying presence or tilt to a battle. On a scale of focusing, I usually target yoda > qgj > mace > lumi > ahsoka.

    It obviously depends on the team comp to whom I truly focus, but I usually just ignore Ahsoka because she doesnt seem to put out enough damage for me to care about her presense. Although, I havent seen a g9-10 ahsoka anywhere and I certainly wont level her. She may become better at max, but I just can't speak from experience on that.

    Also, if you have any sort of AoE or Dooku, she becomes even more irrelevant as she loses all her buffs when she is crit, or she sits in perma CC.

    I like Ahsoka, I like her kit, I just wish Jedi wern't "meh" in general right now. I've come across an old ben lead team, which is great, but a single Dooku wrecks them and a Rey/GS can put them all in the grave if they manage to get past OB dodges.
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