Question About My New Squad

okay so I'm not terribly new to the game, but I still have some questions. I was wondering if this new team I'm building would be any good
Lumi (Leader)
Princess Lehi
Qui-Gon Jinn
Geonosian Soldier


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    Get a tank to hide Leila and Rey. Han is great and easily obtainable. Chewie will do that trick as well in the begining
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    Optimus11 wrote: »
    Get a tank to hide Leila and Rey. Han is great and easily obtainable. Chewie will do that trick as well in the begining
    who should I replace then?

  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    I would drop QGJ for fives.. not a massive fan of Lumi as Leader, I usually have Bariss or Phasma
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    Saraleb wrote: »
    I would drop QGJ for fives.. not a massive fan of Lumi as Leader, I usually have Bariss or Phasma
    yeah that team sounds bad ****.. too bad I've already spent so much time leveling up QGJ.. thank you

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    Do not drop qui gon for fives. You need a tank to protect your damage dealers and since has a leader ability he is the best fit for your current team. However you can replace one of your damage dealers for a different tank, and maybe get a dodge lead and a tank.. Like Old Ben, Han, Rey, Genosian Soldier, qui gon, was a very effective team I ran. I never dropped below 16 in arena with it. But yeah, if you dot wanna do that I would recommend Han over lumi for your current team, strictly because he has a leader ability, and can protect teammates
  • JonathanPS
    7 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    how does this sound?
    han (leader)
    old Ben
    and then either QGJ or Fives
  • KelEl85
    158 posts Member
    JonathanPS wrote: »
    how does this sound?
    han (leader)
    old Ben
    and then either QGJ or Fives

    No if you are using Old Ben its as a Leader. He is not worth much else. Make ben the leader and you have a pretty standard meta team there
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    should I use QGJ or fives then?
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    and instead of Old Ben, could I use Leia?
  • KelEl85
    158 posts Member
    I'd say QGJ. And yeah leia would be good, too. Just move Han to Leader and switch out Ben for Leia. Then you've got great damage (GS, Rey, Leia), great utility (qgj dispel + plus decent damage with harmonious assault) and a tank to keep them alive and give the damage dealers turn meter. Learn to use that team well and you should be good. Don't use STH taunt if opponent has a dispel to use (usually QGJ). If your Rey gets foresight, OGJ will usually try to dispel it (what a waste) and then you can trigger Han's taunt
  • JVU420
    431 posts Member
    Keep QGJ his kit is more useful, Fives is not that great, you just stun him or hit him with a stealth Leia.
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    heck yeah okay I'm going to build the team that KelEl85 said.. that sounds freaking seeet
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Those girls would like a tank to shoot from behind.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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