Why's this event so useless?

This event is pointless I'm getting a shard each time. I got the first time rewards that's all I got. The second time I got a JKG shard and a JC shard? This event is supposed to help me?? It's gonna cut my farming time by what 5 minutes??


  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    energy generation rate is 6min for normal energy, 12 energy for JC hard node = 1hour and 12 minutes per possible shard
    12 min for cantina, 10 c-energy for JC = 1hour and 20 minutes per possible shard.
    factor in a 33% droprate, you saved yourself around 3hours and 36min / 4 hours of farming time per shard ;)

    Save water, drink champagne!
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    just wake up and then you'll have enough energy to do it.. I agree, this challenge is useless.
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    We want gameplay. It provides some
    We want gameplay that does not deplete energy, creds, crystals, ect. It provides that.
    We get Creds, mats, shards atop of the first two.

    Not sure how it is useless as it fills 3 desires.
  • Options
    You people crack me up. Free shards, credits and ability mats. Life must be hard for you.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    You people crack me up. Free shards, credits and ability mats. Life must be hard for you.

  • Chaxis
    40 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Its a nice easy new event for the majority to take part in at some level.
    I don't see what there is to complain about when your pretty much getting something for nothing.
    Roll on more events like this please, cause I like something for nothing ;)
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    You people crack me up. Free shards, credits and ability mats. Life must be hard for you.

    ^ That. /thread
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited June 2016
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    Im doing it for the creds only but the shards is a joke tho. Constantly getting jc or jkg shards which I both have max already so 45 shards for the shop is ok I guess...
    But yeah it's still free. False advertisement is more annoying tbh
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Got 58k credits for finishing tier 2, 24k for tier 3.

    Without stepping into a debate about shards, this RNG has a kind of silly reward structure.
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    Did you miss the part where they gave you 18 free Aayla shards (plus others) and hundreds of thousands of credits, plus 4 new rounds of action that introduced a Mon Calamari Jedi, all free to you for no other reason than because you already had a handful of geared up characters? Pretty sweet deal, it seems to me.
    I expect they are doing this because interest in the Yoda event is waning. There is probably a significant portion of the player base that have yet to unlock or 7* the Master, and this is one way to stimulate that segment toward the event. (I fall into this category, btw.)
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    It's total crap, another thing to distract us from real issues.
  • WasteMyTime2022
    192 posts Member
    edited June 2016

    We want gameplay. It provides some
    We want gameplay that does not deplete energy, creds, crystals, ect. It provides that.
    We get Creds, mats, shards atop of the first two.

    Not sure how it is useless as it fills 3 desires.

    I want progress. I'm not making any with this event. I get 1 shard 1 shard. An no it won't save that long cause I can just refresh. Not only that yes it gives some shards and mats but what's the use of wasting 5 minutes on one shard, one mat and 24k credits? It's not I can go to cantina and get that same thing in 2 seconds, and it be a character I'll actually use.
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    I got 500k credits from t3 today. I'm not complaining
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    You people crack me up. Free shards, credits and ability mats. Life must be hard for you.

    Holy crap. THIS. Nothing people can do will satisfy some people.
    EA: Here's some absolutely free stuff.
    Player: No thanks, why can't it be freer or more better.
  • Steve1221
    26 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    It was billed as readying you for the next Yoda event.
    Total garbage*, a few shades to get you in and then 1 per run.
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
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    Be thankful they even gave us an event like this
  • StarSon
    7529 posts Member
    This community is officially the worst.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    haha, getting a lamborghini for your 18th birthday, complain because you wanted a ferrari xD
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    So the Empire event was tailored to higher levels, people cried. The female event was basically for everyone, people cried. This event is tiered to appease everyone, and gives rewards for nothing. People still crying. The mind boggles.
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    Veritasum wrote: »
    You people crack me up. Free shards, credits and ability mats. Life must be hard for you.

    Holy ****. THIS. Nothing people can do will satisfy some people.
    EA: Here's some absolutely free stuff.
    Player: No thanks, why can't it be freer or more better.

    Literally laughed out loud. "why can't it be freer or more better."
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    Eh, it's a fine catch-up method for newer players, but people have been farming Jedi hard for months for Yoda tiers. The Guardian is nothing special and the JC is likely maxed by many already, so it's mostly Aayla shards, ability materials, and credits. However, the credits have such massive variance as to be a drop in the bucket for anyone levelling characters to 80. I got 145k yesterday when I beat T2 (that's not bad!) but only 28k today for beating T3 (that's less than 10% of what is needed to go from 79 to 80).

    Yes, it's more than nothing, but the rewards list displaying "2 million" credits for T3 is misleading/mismanaging expectations.

    I'm glad it's here, I enjoy knocking them out swiftly and the fact there's a larger pool of heroes to draw from to play it (as opposed to the extremely narrow pools of some other events).

    But I can see where there's room for improvement. Fix the 'display bug' that apparently exists for the rewards so people know what they're realistically getting, not what they could get if they dropped like 750 crystals on refreshes. I have a hard time believing that the JC is a character in dire need of more shards for the majority, but that just kind of ties into the 20 to 1 exchange for the shard shop being a bit iffy/frustrating as well, not necessarily bad in and of itself, but in the larger scheme kind of eye-roll worthy.

    There's room for critique/constructive feedback. Not every issue has to boil down to "the greatest achievement mankind has wrought, or the worst thing ever in history and that's including actual crimes against humanity".
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    I actually really enjoyed the event. Since it doesn't cost energy, its not competing with other farms, its pure extra content with pretty good rewards. It actually rewards a ton of credits for not costing anything, and I'm not going to turn down free guaranteed shards no matter who they are for.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    This community is officially the worst.

    I don't know, I'm not really into the idea of letting someone named "DATSBUllCrAPMaN" portray me as an average community member on the boards here.

    I really like this event. More shards for the shard god(grievous).
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    You people crack me up. Free shards, credits and ability mats. Life must be hard for you.

    For real if you are complaining about this event you need therapy, and fast.
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    medetec wrote: »
    I actually really enjoyed the event. Since it doesn't cost energy, its not competing with other farms, its pure extra content with pretty good rewards. It actually rewards a ton of credits for not costing anything, and I'm not going to turn down free guaranteed shards no matter who they are for.

    Well, contrast it against getting 100k from the Ewok event that was even easier and also cost nothing.

    I'm not saying that they have to hit or exceed every bar they set every time, but compared to previous ones, there's some oddity going on with the rewards.

    Getting less for T3 than T2 is just strange. I'm sure it's not unprecedented, but it's not their usual style.
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    Maybe they could just send you rewards to your inbox without even doing anything? 25-50 random shards per day, 100 miscellaneous pieces of gear, 100-250k credits, ability mats, and 25-500 crystals, and you don't have to do anything in the game..
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    It's useless because they hate you.

    The only downside to this event is there are no green mat 1s and that's just a personal thing because somehow I used all mine.

    5 green 1 mats
    167 blue 2 mats
    49 purple 3 mats.

    If it had green mats I'd be blowing crystals left and right.
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    Running out of green mats should be an event.
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    It obviously was for me lol.
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