Why's this event so useless?


  • MrGrips
    521 posts Member
    This ones ok but droid event was pretty bad
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Forar wrote: »
    medetec wrote: »
    I actually really enjoyed the event. Since it doesn't cost energy, its not competing with other farms, its pure extra content with pretty good rewards. It actually rewards a ton of credits for not costing anything, and I'm not going to turn down free guaranteed shards no matter who they are for.

    Well, contrast it against getting 100k from the Ewok event that was even easier and also cost nothing.

    I'm not saying that they have to hit or exceed every bar they set every time, but compared to previous ones, there's some oddity going on with the rewards.

    Getting less for T3 than T2 is just strange. I'm sure it's not unprecedented, but it's not their usual style.

    I'm getting 200k credits or more a day from this event. Maybe thats luck but seems good to me.
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    You people crack me up. Free shards, credits and ability mats. Life must be hard for you.

    Word. :)
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    StarSon wrote: »
    This community is officially the worst.

    Oh come on now, don't just lump us all in there. ;)
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Far from useless
  • Qyxstyx
    46 posts Member
    I can't believe EA wants to give us free stuff. How dare they!
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    They only do it so you don't notice them clubbing seals.
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    Lol the people on this thread. JC is decent I mean useful but not amazing. Jedi Knight. Is just a waste of space. Ayala seems like solid character but it's pointless cause by the end of this event you might have unlocked her. Cause one shard for JKG and JC won't help me at all. I want them starred but at this rate I'll be dead before it'll be done. Cause I'm not going out of my way to do it. This event is pretty useless to me. I want Ayala, but if this is how I have to unlock her I'd rather wait for her to be F2P. Truthfully I would've rathered it be called Force Champions: Jedi Knight Guardian and Jedi Counsler Revenge. Because if you really wanted this event to go well. You shouldn't point out this rediculous "possible rewards" and then get not even close to what half of them are. If this event had a higher chance of giving me idk 3 maybe even 4 shards I could deal with it. But no it's one **** shard. So yes I think this event is a true waste of time.
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    Sure event is useless because you can't get a 7* Aayla in 30 seconds. Fully agree!

    It's fun, can get shards for hard to farm Chromium only toons. No complaints here. Cheers devs, great event! Just please stop advertising we can win up to 2M credits. It won't happen.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    medetec wrote: »
    I'm getting 200k credits or more a day from this event. Maybe thats luck but seems good to me.

    It seems to have a really wide variance on rewards. As I said, I got 145k from T2 yesterday, but 28k from T3 today.

    I'm not expecting millions for free, but normally the harder the objective, the better the rewards.

    Missions do this, Challenges do this, Cantina fights do this, previous Events did this (in general terms; we can argue about what shards are more valuable, but the credit rewards do usually scale up from tier to tier, even if it's a paltry amount).

    That's what makes it odd.
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    I haven't got above 2 shards. Excluding the first time rewards.
  • Casual_Player
    639 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    specific character event like this is very very nice, only there no need to put cheap creds, out of topic shreds and non sensical ability mat, plus run it at very short period time. . .now it sound like feedback
    the point is, if it just ayla event then give syla shard whether RNG or no, and maybe some gear that also related to ayla gear.
    the cake is a lie
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    This event is pointless I'm getting a shard each time. I got the first time rewards that's all I got. The second time I got a JKG shard and a JC shard? This event is supposed to help me?? It's gonna cut my farming time by what 5 minutes??

    Sooooo, that's five minutes less than you would have to spend normally? How is that not helpful? It may not be a massive help, but it's more than NOTHING.

    I'm not a fan of Freemium modeling, but geez, at some point us free players need to recognize when somethings are truly freebies. It's an easy event (depending on your current character roster) with easy rewards. Just like the all female event. Take the events for what they are worth, don't spend any money on them, and enjoy the additional free items.
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    This event is pointless I'm getting a shard each time. I got the first time rewards that's all I got. The second time I got a JKG shard and a JC shard? This event is supposed to help me?? It's gonna cut my farming time by what 5 minutes??

    What?? It's completely free to do each day and provides good rewards for being free. Would you rather not have it? There's literally no downside to having this I don't understand any complaints (as long as you're not refreshing).
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    Lol the people on this thread. JC is decent I mean useful but not amazing. Jedi Knight. Is just a waste of space. Ayala seems like solid character but it's pointless cause by the end of this event you might have unlocked her. Cause one shard for JKG and JC won't help me at all. I want them starred but at this rate I'll be dead before it'll be done. Cause I'm not going out of my way to do it. This event is pretty useless to me. I want Ayala, but if this is how I have to unlock her I'd rather wait for her to be F2P. Truthfully I would've rathered it be called Force Champions: Jedi Knight Guardian and Jedi Counsler Revenge. Because if you really wanted this event to go well. You shouldn't point out this rediculous "possible rewards" and then get not even close to what half of them are. If this event had a higher chance of giving me idk 3 maybe even 4 shards I could deal with it. But no it's one **** shard. So yes I think this event is a true waste of time.

    I bet you're a ton of fun to be around.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    This community is officially the worst.
    Totally. I'd say more, but I'm too busy having fun playing the game.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    I haven't got above 2 shards. Excluding the first time rewards.
    specific character event like this is very very nice, only there no need to put cheap creds, out of topic shreds and non sensical ability mat, plus run it at very short period time. . .now it sound like feedback
    the point is, if it just ayla event then give syla shard whether RNG or no, and maybe some gear that also related to ayla gear.

    Would you guys rather not have it? As I said, there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO DOWNSIDE. It's all free. We are getting free shards regardless of what we could get from the event.

    I think right now you're caught up in wanting Aayla shards and taking the free aspect for granted. Yes, many of us do want Aayla but don't/can't spend on chromium to get her. Well this helps. Maybe not a ton, but still we could have not had the event and gotten no extra credits, mats, Aayla shards, and rando Jedi shards.

    Imo, these events should be happening all the time. This is a great thing to do for the game to add more gameplay with some simple rewards for our time. I hope the devs continue this trend (last week female event, this week Aayla event) because it is very fun, more gameplay, more rewards, and FREE.

    Please do not complain about what we should or shouldn't be getting out of the event when we could have no event whatsoever.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I disagree with a lot of EA's decisions. Including their decision not (or inability) to properly convey information in cohesive manner... but this has been addressed. On reddit, hah.

    The listed rewards for all events is adding up all possible rewards instead of showing the maximum rewards. Say an event can give you either 1, 2, 3 or 4 shards, It will add them and list 10 instead of the maximum 4. It's a known UI error.

    So while yes, you are not getting the "listed rewards" (and never will, it is a UI error) the even itself still has a pretty decent payout and... no cost.

    EDIT: Removed a quote from your reply. You're fine.
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
  • Pokebreaker
    734 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    The OP was complaining that the rewards, as little as they are, are completely useless to him/her. So he wasn't saying he was misled, just that he wants MORE rewards for les his little effort.

    What many "martyrs" are saying is that it's an easy event with easy rewards, regardless of how little. There are only upsides to participation, as it doesn't require much of any effort. You could not participate and be in the same state as before the event started.

    EDIT: Removed a quote from your reply. You're fine.
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
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    It's free. Please don't complain when the devs give us something extra
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    I hate it when they give me free stuff too!!! We should revolt!!! Make them have us pay through the nose to get everything!!! None of those nice events to give us stuff so we can't farm it.... This is totally unjustified!!!

    (dude seriously if you don't want to do it then just don't.... Don't bad mouth something free we have been given because they didn't HAVE to give us anything....)
  • Kane13
    256 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    This community is officially the worst.

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    Telaan wrote: »

    LMAO! Did you just tell on him? That's actually worse than the thread.

  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Luv me some free shards.

    I got 4 aayla shards today. On top of the awesome drops, yesterday.

    I don't know if I would call any of the events "content." I wish they could spend some of their millions on adding real content. Cheesy corny content. Maybe some snazzy cut scenes of toons doing stuff. Or maybe shell out enough to lucas to add a few 3 second movie clips in the game. Maybe a little random cutscene when u win a battle, rather than VICTORY. Rancor roaring and a door opening is so meh. Maybe sell some alternate skins. I rather spend money on something as meaningless as skins than gear. Of course... spaceships.

  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    This event is pointless I'm getting a shard each time. I got the first time rewards that's all I got. The second time I got a JKG shard and a JC shard? This event is supposed to help me?? It's gonna cut my farming time by what 5 minutes??

    I actually like the event itself. The rewards after completing it for the first time are pretty pitiful though. I got purple ability mats 1 out of 8 tries and I keep getting JKG. I already have her 7*.
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    Forar wrote: »
    medetec wrote: »
    I actually really enjoyed the event. Since it doesn't cost energy, its not competing with other farms, its pure extra content with pretty good rewards. It actually rewards a ton of credits for not costing anything, and I'm not going to turn down free guaranteed shards no matter who they are for.

    Well, contrast it against getting 100k from the Ewok event that was even easier and also cost nothing.

    I'm not saying that they have to hit or exceed every bar they set every time, but compared to previous ones, there's some oddity going on with the rewards.

    Getting less for T3 than T2 is just strange. I'm sure it's not unprecedented, but it's not their usual style.

    It's called trying new ways of posting content. The challenges have differences and that keeps them from getting boring. The devs are trying and I appreciate it. A free event is better than no event. Also you see the differences between the last three to four events so obviously they are trying new or different things. That's good. Be patient and it will work out. It's just a game!
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    I feel like the messaging is what's made this event such crap (as others have kind of said). If it was just presented as a nice little add on to get a couple free shards, then I, and I think most people, would be happy for it and say thanks. The issue is that it's presented as "getting you ready for the next yoga event" and showing a possible 12 shards per character, when it will do neither. It's a few useless Ayala shards (since she's not farmable), a few useless JKG shards (since she's the worst Jedi), and few JC shards if you don't have him at 7* (which I don't, so yay). It's all about expectations, and EA over promised and underdelivered. In a vacuume the event is a fine alternative/distraction from the usual few modes.
    *in game: MC3P0 - The Ewoking Deads
  • PugVader
    438 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    haha, getting a lamborghini for your 18th birthday, complain because you wanted a ferrari xD

  • bluenqm
    172 posts Member
    This event is good. I like it.
    Even better if I can use ally credit to refresh the attempt. But for now, it is still very good.
  • M31Andro
    253 posts Member
    CronozNL wrote: »
    Im doing it for the creds only but the shards is a joke tho. Constantly getting jc or jkg shards which I both have max already so 45 shards for the shop is ok I guess...
    But yeah it's still free. False advertisement is more annoying tbh

    ^this. I'm glad it's free but if they promote Aayla, you should at least get 1 share of her each battle.
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