a little help

Jaco_Danni1 - June 23, 2016 12:27PM

Arena fight, 7 star lumina level6 skills and 6 star oppress 5 and 6 level skills left against 6 star duku. He gets 9 attacks before i get 1 and kills both of mine? How does that happen?


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    Dooku is strong with his counterattack
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    He's fast. Lumi is 118, Savage is 117, while Dooku is 161! That's part. His basic also has a high percent chance to give him a second attack. ON TOP of that, he has the same with his counter attack. So it's not uncommon to see him fling attacks 4 times in a row. If he happened to be far along enough in the fight that his TM filled and reset while your Lumi and Savage were still charging theirs, it's mathematically possible for him to do 8 there. Maybe was one of your stunned?

    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    It's possible. I think I'm gonna have to start doing a lot of researching and pay more attention to what these guys can do. This type of thing has happened before so I'm obviously missing something. Thanks for the responses:-)
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    Dooku buys turn meter at the jerkstore. I hate that guy.
    He is very fast, speed 161. Savage speed is 117 and Lumi speed is 118.
    Let's say his turn meter was almost full. You attack him with Savage. He counters (1) and bonus (2) and gains TM. Now it's his turn. He throws lightning (3) at Lumi for the stun, which jumps and hits Savage. Now you're immobile for a turn. Savage TM was empty and Lumi was x% full. Dooku TM fills up again and he attacks Lumi (4) and bonus (5); Lumi goes down, Savage TM at 73%. Savage TM fills and stun expires, Dooku TM at 38%. Dooku TM fills up yet again and attacks (6) and bonus (7), Savage TM at 45%. When Savage TM fills up, Dooku should be at 75% TM.
    Sounds like you got boned. Dooku sometimes gets a double bonus attack, doesn't he? Maybe he hit you with a couple of triples. That would bring the attack count up to 9.
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    That pretty much summed up what happened. Sigh. Again thank you.
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