GW changes (not sure I like it)



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    I agree with the OP, they made it a lot easier. And yes I was level 80 with a good squad arena team.

    To make it fun again I started using different factions (rebels, empire, resistance, scoundrels, droids and jedi) on the first 6 nodes. It's a chance to use your never used characters and it's at least a challenge. When else can you use a 3* magma trooper or 4* Luke? Plus it helps you prepare for a lot of the events.

    If you have time than try that, if you're in a hurry than you can auto play it. Win/win really.
  • Lianara
    740 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    HK47_1974 wrote: »
    I agree with the OP, they made it a lot easier. And yes I was level 80 with a good squad arena team.

    To make it fun again I started using different factions (rebels, empire, resistance, scoundrels, droids and jedi) on the first 6 nodes. It's a chance to use your never used characters and it's at least a challenge. When else can you use a 3* magma trooper or 4* Luke? Plus it helps you prepare for a lot of the events.

    If you have time than try that, if you're in a hurry than you can auto play it. Win/win really.

    That's what I started doing. Ewoks team, droid team, Jedi team. It's allowing me to learn their strengths and weaknesses. I'm also trying out different leaders (I.e. omega HK leader vs omega 88 leader).
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
  • jusTiC3
    47 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Stop whining. GW is fine as it is, no need for changes. I got good mixed teams as opponents since the update an could use my weaker toons to have fun. A everyday 4 hour lasting challenge isn't interesting and not even challenging, it's boring.
  • CEG9876
    355 posts Member
    HK47_1974 wrote: »
    I agree with the OP, they made it a lot easier. And yes I was level 80 with a good squad arena team.

    To make it fun again I started using different factions (rebels, empire, resistance, scoundrels, droids and jedi) on the first 6 nodes. It's a chance to use your never used characters and it's at least a challenge. When else can you use a 3* magma trooper or 4* Luke? Plus it helps you prepare for a lot of the events.

    If you have time than try that, if you're in a hurry than you can auto play it. Win/win really.

    Dude that is a genius idea. Mind blown.
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    Thank you for those who posted considered replys, having been a long time reader of the forum I knew no matter how I worded it I would get flamed. My view point is that of someone who is level 74, made me laugh out loud those people who flamed me for not being 80. By all means share you view point from being 80 but just funny I should be slated for being 74.

    I have started to try some different team builds for GW to keep it interesting, thanks to those who suggested that I will do it more going forward.

    My intention is not to have it changed back, I never once mentioned that so don't hit me with the "we hate people calling for changes" brush. Totally get the points raised about it now saving time on the old GW and that I appricate. Had never thought about the no increase in rewards as you level and like the suggestion of an increase of rewards as it gets harder.

    If my general post about how I felt about the changes to GW was considering whining then perhaps it says more about others than me. As another person posted your welcome to your opinion and free to share it.

    Once again thanks for the thoughtful posts either agreeing or disagreeing with some or all of my points. At least for some the open sharing forum is working as intended :)

    Off to start a post on nerfing a popular char to add some balance lol
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    The game is more and more demanding free to play players to use real money. Its getting on my nerves. GW is easier now and that is a good thing. Just give us f2p players a break and let us farm Characters, level up and enjoy the game...
  • MrGrips
    521 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    They should make it harder for pre-36.5k arena team. Who would actually mind that? Keep it the same as rn for level 80 36.5k but it really is very easy for probably most players rn.

    My problem with super easy GW is that there is almost no reason to build wide now! Outside a few events. Id love to get some reward for working on many characters similar to how you get a big reward for just working on your 5 arena people. But even if nothing is done to GW id be happy if they make a use for our non-arena team. Or at least make raids fun, since theyre supposed to be what I was talking about.
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Part of the reason this was necessary is that using arena power to set your GW difficulty is a TERRIBLE measure of how strong you are. Some toons that are absolutely awful have higher power ratings than super powered toons. I understand trying to give stronger players a scaled up challenge. But that wasn't happening, because the arena power number is a totally arbitrary number, and it's completely useless for measuring the actual strength of a player.

    I had an easy time with GW before. I completed it easily daily, but I had a lot of 'bang for your buck' toons in arena. I was an even match for teams with 3-5000 more arena power than I had, so I could auto most of GW. now the early nodes are barely easier, but the last 2 are ACTUALLY HARDER! So instead of using one team built just for GW to auto thru it, I use lower level (7*/gear 8/level 70-75) teams of toons to fight the lower levels just as others have said. Then I use my gear 9-10 arena team to take on the last two teams that are brutal. It's actually quite fun now. I get to experiment with different teams I'm too broke to max out early on, and a bit of a challenge at the end. Rewards are still low, but it's a more interesting experience.
    Post edited by JRA on
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    At this rate they will never get gw right it's ether to hard or to easy.
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    Npopple wrote: »
    Ok at the risk of getting flamed.

    I am still only level 74, but I spent time unlocking JC, Barris, and maxing Lumi as well as others because I was playing the long game in my view.
    Was it hard unlocking JC? I can never seem to get him :/
  • Keyper
    245 posts Member
    I believe you now get one less tier iii ability material for completion. Am I mistaken?
  • Avinash
    168 posts Member
    Well, I'm glad it's a bit easier. I can now complete GW without wanting to throw my mobile device across the room. Sometimes I still want to, but that's because of the evasion/dodge issue.

    For the longest time, I couldn't finish GW because all of my characters were decimated in short order. Now I can actually reap the rewards that I missed out on.

    Being L80 and going against 'perfect' teams with 10-11 gear wasn't my idea of fun. I dreaded it. So much so, that I would only do the one that was required for my daily.
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    Npopple wrote: »
    Ok at the risk of getting flamed.

    On reflection over the last few weeks I am not a fan of the recent changes to GW. I spent time building a team and a deep roster to make sure I could complete GW everyday. I am still only level 74, but I spent time unlocking JC, Barris, and maxing Lumi as well as others because I was playing the long game in my view. I understood how important GW was so focused that over my arena team.

    I heard people complain about how hard GW was, gave regular advice to people on how to beat it. Have yet to fail to win a GW pre and post change, well maybe one fail early on I think. It was one of the most challenging parts of the game for me and took strategy. I had to look at the team I was facing and using my roster create the team to beat it. Now when I say deep roster I am FTP mostly and don't have any chromium pack chars. But I created a roster of both healers and DPS/support.

    Since the changes I roll out the same team of DPS everyday and just auto, if one dies I just add another and my healers are now siting on the bench and don't get used. There is just not part of the game that requires them anymore really unless you want too. I guess for long term players you could do this anyway, but I had to think about it.

    Part of me does like the speed at which I can now complete GW everyday, but the other bigger part of me doesn't like this change and certainly misses the challenge. If I could be bothered then I would be upset about the time I spent getting all the best game healers. However I know this is how the game works and in time all chars will cycle and maybe one day something will require healers again.

    Mixed feelings but feels like we are going for arcade button push over strategy. I wouldn't want to be a Dev because it must be a daily grind to find ways to challenge players and not make it so hard people give up and go play some other point and click game with insta gratification.

    Good luck Devs I do love the game and hope you keep if fresh for as long as possible

    Capt Popple

    I see your point OP. But I wish you would have seen the GW before the update when you were lvl.80. That way you can see the whiner's point of view.

    All in all, it's a good update on GW that CG did for the players so yeah. Cheers.
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    I know what the OP is trying to say and you are definitely entitled to your opinion. Your post was very constructive and responses can always be harsh. Shocks me.

    Anyway, I can understand what you're saying. I liked Galactic war when it was harder too. A real challenge. I have a deep roster too and it was interesting using them as needed. But like you, I also hated wasting so much time on it. I actually am level 80 so do know what others are talking about. It got 10 times harder when I got to 80. But with enough toons, I got through it every time. I am mostly f2p.

    Interesting viewpoint anyway. Each to their own. I like it easier due to time constraints but would like it to get harder again if rewards were more. That would be worth the extra time it took.
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    I am happy with the new galactic war... right now, it is the best ftp way to get credits, so I am not complaining..

    Want a challenge? Go to arena and meet the obi-dook-rey-leia-rg-gs-st-han gladiators there.
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    It's really a joke now, I went through a couple days this week without even needing to use heal once.

    They should really just have tiered GW. Everything else has different difficulty tiers. Higher rewards the harder the tier, but you can only choose one a day, and you either finish it or you don't.

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    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    It's really a joke now, I went through a couple days this week without even needing to use heal once.

    They should really just have tiered GW. Everything else has different difficulty tiers. Higher rewards the harder the tier, but you can only choose one a day, and you either finish it or you don't.

    It's not a JOKE!!!! Get over it. Too easy? Go play something else, and leave the 1 million plus other players carry on. ****!

    Making a harder tier of GW effects what you're doing now how exactly?

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