Feedback on a Lando lead team

148 posts Member
Hey everyone, long time lurker decided to post finally.

I'm thinking of running a lando lead team ftp with Lando (L), Chewbacca, ST Han, Hoth Rebel Scout, and Phasma. Does Lando speed boost make Chewie somewhat arena viable as a second tank? Thanks in advance!


  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    Should also mention I plan on swapping HRS for Leia once I get ST Han maxed.
  • Options
    I run all rebel with AA lead, tried lando as lead but ackbar has 25 speed, 10 increase over lando's, and the extra attack whenever a passive ability is used is legit. I would use him on a scoundrel team with heavy hitters as lead.

    AA(l) leia, St Han lando and HRS. Level 77 ~gear 9
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    Are two tanks not needed? I guess with the popularity of B2 these days it kind of kills the previous two tank strategy.
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    Welcome to the forum.. it's interesting you ask this, I just switched up Akbar for Lando as a lead in my rebel GW team and I REALLY like the result. I don't know if that would translate to the Arena though.

    I guess it depends on who is around him.

    I tried Lando,Wedge,Biggs,HRSoldier and AA for the first 6 modes and usually throw Leia in after that.
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    I feel like phasma as the fifth slot ties the whole team concept together... The advantage up guarantees Lando can get his crit train rolling, and the slow coupled with time up from HRS and ST Han seems to me pretty op on paper. Yes there are AI issues with Lando and taunts on defense, but I think CG will fix the AoE ignoring taunt issue soon (tm).

    Leia subbed for HRS giving crit up to everyone seems like icing on the cake.
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    Oh and thanks for the welcome o:)
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    I'm building up a similar team; I'd suggest keeping HRS and dropping Chewie when you bring in Leia. If you're going to do 2 tanks it should be St Han and RG, I don't think Chewie brings much extra to the table, and with HRS and Leia in the squad you've got two good damage dealers if Phasma calls on them.
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    It's what I've been running, but with QGJ instead of Chewie. Makes the tank AoE problem less of an issue.

    But I'm swapping around heavily lately, with both Ackbar and (surprisingly) Ewok Elder (omega basic) going in and out of the team.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • RJ__Brando
    1500 posts Moderator
    Yes, Lando helps chewy. Ensure you omega his taunt or he's useless!! Use my maxed chewy daily and rank top 3
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    Hell yeah that's what I wanted to hear. Thanks Brando B)
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    What does the rest of your team look like?
  • 9r33d0
    492 posts Member
    Lando pushes a maxed chewie's speed to 121 (5 behind a maxed StHan). Omega his taunt, it's 2 turns. I consider him very viable.
  • 9r33d0
    492 posts Member
    Almost forgot. He taunts/heals every 3 turns.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Chewie becomes decent, but doesn't really shine.
    What I'm planning to do once Dengar is farmable

    Lando (L)
    ST Han

    A good load of TM, 2 powerful AoE's and Leia's crit buff makes wonders.
  • 9r33d0
    492 posts Member
    Looks nice. But, it's too smart for the primitive ai we have to work with lol
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Sikho wrote: »
    Chewie becomes decent, but doesn't really shine.
    What I'm planning to do once Dengar is farmable

    Lando (L)
    ST Han

    A good load of TM, 2 powerful AoE's and Leia's crit buff makes wonders.

    I was just looking at this set up last night! I'm going to try HRS in place of Leia for full time TM shenanigans though. Plus I feel the tenacity down from dengar could help with HRS and Dengar both stunning nonstop. Saving my guild coins now for dengar.

  • Options
    Looks like a fun team! Although for Dengar to shine, I think you may need more debuffs. Phasma is good for that, but his speed down only lasts 2 turns. Dengar also has debuffs on his AE, but his 77% potency is going to hurt him here. It's also on a 4 turn cooldown, debuffs last 3 turns.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I you may need more debuffs to keep Dengar calling assists.
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    I feel like the assist is just "extra" with phasma slow giving him the chance to call assists, but more using dengar for tm down/stuns/second aoe bomb to finish off dps toons behind RG. It's all just on paper now until we get to farm him :/ I think it is worth trying though. He seems like the perfect sidekick to Lando and Phasma.
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    Looks like his mini grenade mayhem aoe adds dots on crits, as well as the tenacity down he applies. Those would proc his assist rate more often yeah?
  • SWHS
    121 posts Member
    This is pretty much what I've been thinking about too, working on Leia, HRS, and Lando all right now and was thinking about Dengar as well once he's available, assuming they don't screw us and make him chromium only.

    One thing I've noticed with scout is if his effects go off he's incredible, if they don't he's pretty average. I kinda think it might be better to replace HRS with Dengar not Leia but then again she's pretty RNG dependent as well with her extra attacks.
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    I feel like the best way to use Leia is as the only rebel in a AA lead squad.

    Like you said when HRS hits his stuns and tm reduction he is incredible. Tenacity down from dengar might allow HRS to shine! I'm still maxing out ST Han so I won't have time for Leia until late game. I'll probably be trying both out at that point.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    RogueHS wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Chewie becomes decent, but doesn't really shine.
    What I'm planning to do once Dengar is farmable

    Lando (L)
    ST Han

    A good load of TM, 2 powerful AoE's and Leia's crit buff makes wonders.

    I was just looking at this set up last night! I'm going to try HRS in place of Leia for full time TM shenanigans though. Plus I feel the tenacity down from dengar could help with HRS and Dengar both stunning nonstop. Saving my guild coins now for dengar.

    HRS isn't bad, but you'd want to use his special first, which means you won't have Phasma's VM to guarantee a crit. With Leia on offense, your first move will grant your team crit up, which is amazing for Lando and Dengar, since they will probably score 4-5 crits.
    She's also faster and outdamages him easily. Thanks to her stealth, she lasts a lot.

    One more thing: With HRS, there's a risk to grant ST Han TM, which means he'll go before enemy QGJ, which means you can't use your taunt.

    Overall, Leia instead of HRS is more reliable on defense, since it won't make Han taunt before QGJ.
  • SWHS
    121 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    RogueHS wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Chewie becomes decent, but doesn't really shine.
    What I'm planning to do once Dengar is farmable

    Lando (L)
    ST Han

    A good load of TM, 2 powerful AoE's and Leia's crit buff makes wonders.

    I was just looking at this set up last night! I'm going to try HRS in place of Leia for full time TM shenanigans though. Plus I feel the tenacity down from dengar could help with HRS and Dengar both stunning nonstop. Saving my guild coins now for dengar.

    HRS isn't bad, but you'd want to use his special first, which means you won't have Phasma's VM to guarantee a crit. With Leia on offense, your first move will grant your team crit up, which is amazing for Lando and Dengar, since they will probably score 4-5 crits.
    She's also faster and outdamages him easily. Thanks to her stealth, she lasts a lot.

    One more thing: With HRS, there's a risk to grant ST Han TM, which means he'll go before enemy QGJ, which means you can't use your taunt.

    Overall, Leia instead of HRS is more reliable on defense, since it won't make Han taunt before QGJ.

    Won't Phasma go after Lando and Dengar too? They will have blown their AoE's already in that case so VM won't be that great right? Well might still be great for Lando if he got enough crits to reset the first time anyways.
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    Yeah I'm noticing turn order problems with Lando and Phasma. Putting him as lead makes him go before phasma. It's fine if you're on offense but I can see the AI royally messing things up as if they don't enough already with Lando.
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    Leia seems to be the answer to at least have crit chance up for the first round of aoes
  • SWHS
    121 posts Member
    RogueHS wrote: »
    Yeah I'm noticing turn order problems with Lando and Phasma. Putting him as lead makes him go before phasma. It's fine if you're on offense but I can see the AI royally messing things up as if they don't enough already with Lando.

    Yea I looked at the stats though and she'd still go before Dengar even with Lando lead, but maybe if you wanna run Lando lead she's not ideal? Maybe you should just go full rebel/scoundrel.

    Some people have had success with Bobba lead + Lando + Phasma, that might be a better team for her.
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    That leaves Dengar soooo slow in arena without the speed up from Lando lead.. We will figure it out eventually lmao

    With Boba lead you can first turn AOE but that leaves Dengar almost completely out of the loop because he is so slow. Manually using Landos basic for the first round then aoe second after VM works well but I can't see that team defending at all. Too much coordination needed, but I guess the same is true of Ackbar lead teams.
  • SWHS
    121 posts Member
    RogueHS wrote: »
    That leaves Dengar soooo slow in arena without the speed up from Lando lead.. We will figure it out eventually lmao

    With Boba lead you can first turn AOE but that leaves Dengar almost completely out of the loop because he is so slow. Manually using Landos basic for the first round then aoe second after VM works well but I can't see that team defending at all. Too much coordination needed, but I guess the same is true of Ackbar lead teams.

    Yea he's really slow. I'm just saying maybe Lando + Dengar + full rebel/scoundrel team works, no Phasma or maybe Bobba + Lando + Dengar + Phasma + some tank, probably Han works.

    With Bobba lead she's faster than most of the team lol.

    Dengar might be too slow to be viable at all but it looks like his health is decent and tenacity down is really good. Maybe you have to put him with RG or maybe a double tank set up to make sure he doesn't die too soon idk.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    SWHS wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    RogueHS wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Chewie becomes decent, but doesn't really shine.
    What I'm planning to do once Dengar is farmable

    Lando (L)
    ST Han

    A good load of TM, 2 powerful AoE's and Leia's crit buff makes wonders.

    I was just looking at this set up last night! I'm going to try HRS in place of Leia for full time TM shenanigans though. Plus I feel the tenacity down from dengar could help with HRS and Dengar both stunning nonstop. Saving my guild coins now for dengar.

    HRS isn't bad, but you'd want to use his special first, which means you won't have Phasma's VM to guarantee a crit. With Leia on offense, your first move will grant your team crit up, which is amazing for Lando and Dengar, since they will probably score 4-5 crits.
    She's also faster and outdamages him easily. Thanks to her stealth, she lasts a lot.

    One more thing: With HRS, there's a risk to grant ST Han TM, which means he'll go before enemy QGJ, which means you can't use your taunt.

    Overall, Leia instead of HRS is more reliable on defense, since it won't make Han taunt before QGJ.

    Won't Phasma go after Lando and Dengar too? They will have blown their AoE's already in that case so VM won't be that great right? Well might still be great for Lando if he got enough crits to reset the first time anyways.

    ST Han will go before them, which will randomize the order.

    The turn order is normally:

    Leia (179)
    ST Han (141)
    Lando (130)
    Phasma (121)
    Dengar (118)

    But after Han taunts, everyone will be at 100% TM, which means Phasma can go either after or before them.

    Both cases are interesting.

    If she does go before them, it's a guaranteed crit for both AoE's.
    If she goes after them, she will grant them TM and will allow Lando do double down a second time with advantage, which hurts.

    Remember than in Offense, you can use Leia's basic before that, so they will have a 25% crit bonus, which is enough to guarantee some nice crits.
    In Defense Phasma will use fusillade first, so it's not that great, but can still hold pretty well.

    This setup is great because Han goes right after QGJ, which means you'll get some nice TM manipulation. With Phasma's VM added to the mix, all the debuffs and AoE damage, the 2 first turns will hit like crazy.
  • Options
    Is it not recommended to have an all Rebel team in arena? I'm on a Dec shard and nobody runs Rebels

    I'm farming Lando now and considering putting together:

    St Han

    I could replace Han for RG or Biggs but I'm not sure what will work best yet. I can't wait to get Lando starred and geared :)
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