Feedback on a Lando lead team



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    I don't have Biggs leveled up, but from videos i've watched and looking at his kit, he really doesn't seem useful. He's not doing the damage himself, is he just a really good assist caller? 2 turn CD is nice.
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    @Gank_Killer I see what you're saying about Biggs but I just checked his abilities again and his unique gives 100% TM on a critical hit. Surely with Leia and/or Phasma he would get plenty of turns.

    What do you think?
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    I have 7* Biggs so could potentially fit him in my Rebel line up
  • Gank_Killer
    1817 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    It is after RECEIVING a critical hit. 100% TM is awesome, no doubt, and that is awesome to trigger another assist, but I don't think people are relying on that 100% TM gain so he can hit with his basic, because it looks pretty weak. As a character labeled "Support", all he does is assist call. GS can perform his function much better. Biggs would do better under a +Crit Damage lead, because he can certainly get the crits, but I don't think Biggs belongs under an Ackbar lead.

    Editing to add more.

    --On a side note, the only way he's going to receive a critical hit, is if opponents use AoE attacks, because they really have no reason to target him until last.
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    @Gank_Killer Ah I didn't realise it was after receiving. Tbf I'm a giver not a receiver as well so makes sense!!!
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    But thanks for your reply :)
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    @Gank_Killer Ah I didn't realise it was after receiving. Tbf I'm a giver not a receiver as well so makes sense!!!

    That is an awkward mental image with your profile pic in mind lmao
  • CWent
    241 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    Chewie becomes decent, but doesn't really shine.
    What I'm planning to do once Dengar is farmable

    Lando (L)
    ST Han

    A good load of TM, 2 powerful AoE's and Leia's crit buff makes wonders.

    Tommy likely... Tommy want wingy

  • SWHS
    121 posts Member
    CWent wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Chewie becomes decent, but doesn't really shine.
    What I'm planning to do once Dengar is farmable

    Lando (L)
    ST Han

    A good load of TM, 2 powerful AoE's and Leia's crit buff makes wonders.

    Tommy likely... Tommy want wingy

    I was thinking about Lando + Dengar before myself but idk how great that actually is. Dengar's unique thing is tenacity down, outside of that he really doesn't seem very special, and this team doesn't really capitalize on that so why even put him on the team? Seems like you'd be better off with one of the generic fast DPS toons or a dispeller.

    I think Old Ben + Dengar and build the team around debuffs will put Dengar to better use.
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    The only reason we use Lando is for awesome AoE crits lol. Dengar just piles on the AoE and has the scoundrel synergy so it's just more awesomeness
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    88 (L)
    New Anakin

    Bring out the pain.
  • RonTom
    268 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Wait, does Chewbackas taunt last for two turns if Omegaed? The Omega description sounds like it's the health up (bonus effect) that lasts another turn, and I figured that was a poor Omega. Maybe I should reconsider.

    Also planning on something like Lando-Leia-Chewie-ST Han-Utility depending on opposition (Cad/HRS/Ackbar/Q etc.)
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    RonTom wrote: »
    Wait, does Chewbackas taunt last for two turns if Omegaed? The Omega description sounds like it's the health up (bonus effect) that lasts another turn, and I figured that was a poor Omega. Maybe I should reconsider.

    Also planning on something like Lando-Leia-Chewie-ST Han-Utility depending on opposition (Cad/HRS/Ackbar/Q etc.)

    Yuuuup. Two turn taunt confirmed by multiple people. Whatever you do, Phasma belongs with Lando. They are soul mates.
  • Smapty
    1260 posts Member
    So slow that you will be 2 characters down before you get a turn... Protection isn't going to provide enough of a buffer to save 88 and Lando before Rey and whoever else have their fun... Throw Rex in there for an early TM boost and you might have a chance against top teams.

    It's a shame and I love these theoretically awesome teams and try them myself quite often but the meta is speed and big early damage... It's hard to put up slower teams when everything is TM boost and big upfront damage and assists...

    It's easy to win with almost any cohesive and decently geared team on offense but it's much more challenging when everyone runs Rey and QGJ and the standard cliche teams
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    I realize the meta is different at lvl 80, I just sniped number one with Lando, Chewie, ST Han, hrs, and Phasma. Me at 12.2k him at 15.8k with a 7 star Leia (my toons are all 3-5 stars each). Arena is mostly offense and sniping at reset time, and Lando is really really good at that.
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