GW reverted back to pre-update state? (MERGED THREADS)


  • Divona
    117 posts Member
    clhs wrote: »
    This has left a very bitter taste in my mouth. Love the game but the developers' reply (on another thread) that there is no bug makes me a bit despondent. I think I'm about to start having quite a bit more free time and a fair amount of money to do other things with.

    I was about to say and do same thing. Stopped spending and waiting how this unfolds...
  • Talia
    180 posts Member
    Dont worry, guys. Before I could pass only 6-7 fights, then 7-8. Then I started to raise my toons, some immediately, some slowly, I even had to by credits in the store, at the right time to make a breakthrough. Now I can pass 10-11 battles lol.
    You just have to have patience and intention. By the way, I was able to complete GW only 5 times. Lol
  • Mo_liza
    786 posts Member
    Obsid wrote: »
    I saw this on reddit which confirms that the GW is now using arena teams:

    Its been using arena teams since day 1.
  • Options
    I'm pretty sure Teebo's Stealth wasn't the only thing that got fix. Stealth update anyone? i'd like me a toon that could do that though
  • Gian27
    3 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    My arena power= 31231
    Only 2 level 80s Lumi & Barris
    Today's last node
    Thanks CG! you guys are the best
    Post edited by Gian27 on
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    Crank up to AI all you want your never gonna make me fail at a galactic war. I've beaten it everyday for the past 4 months and will continue to do so. The only thing you have accomplished is aggrivating me and discouraging the people who support you. Shame on you for making stealth changes on the gaming community. Shame on you for not having the common curtesy to let the gaming community know what's going on. We are the reason you even have a job. Shame on you for only replying to the gamers when it benefits your pockets.
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    Another player here affected by the much more difficult GW nodes. Same issue the others are reporting, nodes 6, 9, 11 and 12 seem MUCH harder than they used to be. Here's my node 12 from today. It took me 4 teams to beat it:
    So that's a G11 QGJ (L), G10 RG, G10 OB, G11 Anakin, and G10 Ayla. He's in Team Instinct. Kudos on the great team, man, but that's the hardest node I have ever seen in GW!
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    I was behind on GW so yesterday I did 2. I barely, and by barely I mean I was down to my last 2 toons and they were redlined when I finally killed the last guy in Node 12 which featured 3 G11 and 2 G10 toons.
    Then on my second run I hit this team on Node 12(Node 11 was mega hard and I lost 3 good toons to beat it.
    Node 12:
    Gear 11 Anakin
    Gear 11 QGJ
    Gear 10 Fives
    Gear 10 Sun Fac
    Gear 10 Royal Guard
    All Omega'd

    Now even with my BEST areana team with FULL protection and reset cooldowns I can't beat this team. This is clearly a top 5 team, and I have never placed better than 44.

    The difference at Gear 11 and Gear 10 for some of these toons for both damage output, and the required damage to kill them makes them nearly impossible to beat. I even ran over 40 characters out against this squad to try and strip protection before I used my 10 best remaining players to take 2 shots at this team. I managed to kill QGJ and Anakin. But between RG and Sun Fac it was hard to manage as I cant use QGJ for every attempt.

    They changed something because this team is like 200% higher than me.

    So for the first time in almost 2 months I was not able to complete GW, which is obviously a major payout at Node 12, and I barely beat it earlier(which took over an hour for node 12 with resets).

    They said they wanted to shorten the time required for GW. Not only did it take 5x longer than normal, it's now nearly impossible.
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    Had Ben g10 (l), San Fac g11(!), QGJ g11 (!), RG g10, 5s g11.
    Never saw so much health and protection in all my life. There is something here for sure.
    Need 3 teams to kill the bustards. Gladly they had no healer.
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    Hopped on here first thing this morning to see if GW was still screwed up. That answers that. Some in my guild are tempted to just skip it until it's fixed. Still not a word from the devs???
  • Apoc
    172 posts Member
    Divona wrote: »
    Is this first time in this game history where @EA_Jesse dodges most discussed thread purposly?

    I cant find any other reason than his dodge chance has gone up too high lately...

    Jesse hasn't talked about it, but another Dev member posted a comment in a different thread mentioning issues with GW here.

    Pretty much states that 95% of the player base is wrong, and the devs think its all in our heads.:p
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    These all sound like the team i faced on second to last node: Old Ben lead, Teebo, Kit Fisto, QGJ, CT5s all max gear and omega'd. I mean i tried pretty much every team comp i could think of to get past this team, (i previously lost fortitude on a lot of my remaining toons). But the 90% dodge rate made it a tad hard lol. Aside from QGJ who went down like a sack of potatoes, the rest was horrible. So again, no thanks, i don't want to see a buff on Kit Fisto.
  • Darth_Sheckler
    210 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Absolutely broken at this point. Last three nodes were all top 5 arena teams with greater than 38K power (i am currently sitting around 35K with my best team). This is a joke EA/CG... you "fix" one thing and mess up 5 more things while you're at it @EA_Jesse
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    This is a prime example of what a shlt show this developer is. That pic of monkeys as the tech support is too good for them. The lack of communication is typical of hiding the issue and what response we got was just downright insulting.

    These problems won't get better with this company, this has been proven yet again with yet another issue in this game. It seems everyday something is broken and screws over the players. They have had ample time and community outcry to acknowledge the issue and they choose not to do anything. This should tell you what kind of company CG is.

    @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    I understand that these were all actual arena teams, so it also seems the tanky teams meta i was predicting a while ago is here.
  • mrguy
    3 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Yeah could not beat the last node all gear 11 rey phasma rg count dooku qgj it was completely rubish. Needs rework asap @EA_Jesse @CG_Dan @CG_JohnSalera @CG_AaronNemoyten @CG_NotReallyAJedi @CG_RyDiggs
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    This is horrible. Cannot even win despite using four teams. The power is too great of a difference between gear levels. It is not a challenge just a slap in the face that is impossible.
  • HarmakhisVallis
    100 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Node 12 I am facing has 2 5's in it...
    Didn't know it was possible :D

    Post edited by HarmakhisVallis on
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Welp, another day of green gear 3* garbage on node 12 vs my gX-gXI 7* murderbrigade. I don't get it.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    First off, I will say that while GW is certainly harder for me, I still complete it without too much trouble - although it now takes 90 minutes...again.

    The major frsutration I have with this "stealth buff" of GW is fairly simple. Either one of two things is the case:

    1) They didn't test the first "fix" of GW a couple of weeks ago before pushing it all. If thay had, they wouldn't have to "re-fix" GW again so soon. If this one is true, CG/EA are proving to be more incompetent with every passing day (see Teebo, Geo Spy, raid coins, etc. for recent examples) - and are refusing to acknowledge the issue publicly.

    2) This quick change to GW so soon after the first "fix" was completely intentional. That is, they made GW easier, in effect coercing people who realize that GW difficulty is roughly correlated to arena power (not rank) into strengthening the arena teams (with JKA in many cases), then reverted back to a hard GW, making it more difficult for those people who play regularly and understand the game to complete GW now. Nice. Drop GW difficulty so players can strengthen arena teams, then re-buff GW to stick it to them for doing so. Then they have two choices - pay for crystals to buy overpriced gear from shipments or stop completing GW. Well played. If this one is true, they are being intentionally misleading (or were, with the first "fix" to GW).

    I also find it odd that many of the concerns about this situation are being posted/merged here, but none of the devs or @EA_Jesse feel it necessary to actually address the situations being brought forth in this thread. Once again, contributing to the lack of trust this community has for any type of meaningful communication when mistakes, buffs, nerfs, major changes, etc. are made.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Coachk
    5 posts Member
    Like others, I also faced extremely difficult teams in nodes 9, 11, and 12. Earlier in the day some in my guild shared that they had difficult 9 and 11 nodes, but then on 12 they faced a team of terrible toons that were not geared up at all and it was a cakewalk. I got 3 g11 and 2 g10 toons on node 12 that absolutely annihilated my team after facing just slightly weaker teams in 9 and 11. The highest person that I have overall is a g10 qgj. Besides that I have 3 at g9, but most of my 7* toons are at 80 and g8 so I went through my entire roster and had no chance at this, especially after losing 3 from my A team in nodes 9 and 11.

    I don't mind it being a little more difficult because I don't think it should be a something that you can just auto through, but it still needs to be reasonable in my opinion. If I had similar level characters then sure give me that matchup, but my guys are so far below what he had that I wouldn't have had a chance even if it was my first node.
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    This makes 2 days in a row that it was so hard I couldn't beat it...

    I manage to beat 11 and only 3 geared and leveled characters left... I was hoping for a joke squad...

    I got an extremely geared and leveled team...

  • clhs
    195 posts Member
    medetec wrote: »
    Welp, another day of green gear 3* garbage on node 12 vs my gX-gXI 7* murderbrigade. I don't get it.

    I wish I'd had that as my twelfth node; instead I got fully geared up level 80 meta toons. And by then all my A, B, C, D and E teams were long gone. All I had was Nute Gunray and Boba at five stars and Jedi Consular. You can imagine how it went.

    Still no word from a developer?

  • Xyon
    38 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse we're going on 21 pages here... Some response would be customary. It's quite clear through the images, videos, and posts in this thread that something with Galactic War has changed. It would be nice to give some feedback to your customers...
  • Options
    clhs wrote: »
    medetec wrote: »
    Welp, another day of green gear 3* garbage on node 12 vs my gX-gXI 7* murderbrigade. I don't get it.

    I wish I'd had that as my twelfth node; instead I got fully geared up level 80 meta toons. And by then all my A, B, C, D and E teams were long gone. All I had was Nute Gunray and Boba at five stars and Jedi Consular. You can imagine how it went.

    Still no word from a developer?
    Pretty much my situation. I'm a casual ftp so I only have a great a-team a decent B-team, then it all goes downhill from there.
  • Mp44
    157 posts Member
    Last 5 of 6 nodes were all insane gear 10 or 11. It's the first time since January that I haven't been able to finish (Notnot even close).

    No thanks.
    2761 posts Member
    So, other than that dev who denied there was a change, has there been an official word from anyone acknowledging that they changed it? Because anyone denying it is different clearly hasn't played it or may be covering their butts because they messed up. Can we please get a response to at least let us know that the changes in difficulty are in fact working as intended or this was yet another "oops". Some communication from someone who has a clue would go a long way..

    Side note, I can't believe that this company hasn't realized that yet. They can't go changing things without communication. When there is communication, there is overwhelming gratitude for it.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Force_Bee wrote: »
    ...So that's a G11 QGJ (L), G10 RG, G10 OB, G11 Anakin, and G10 Ayla. He's in Team Instinct. Kudos on the great team, man, but that's the hardest node I have ever seen in GW!

    This was almost identical to my node 12 the last two days, except instead of Ben I had a G10 5's and G11 RG, all full omega. I don't know how they generate teams but this, after the previous 3 nodes, was all I could handle. To their credit the fight itself was fun but largely because it was the last one and I knew my resets were to win not just to lead me into another more deadly team.

    If you want to make it challenging instead of annoying just have each consecutive node generate an opponent based on the current state of the players remaining roster, hard or not, at least they'll know they have a chance. And if that's what you are doing, your algorithm needs a little tweaking. 90 min of resets isn't fun, it's frustrating, especially when I suspect had I not done it I'd never have had a chance against this team (or the ones before it for that matter).
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    so will gimping my arena team solve the issue with gw ?
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    Laserbrain wrote: »
    so will gimping my arena team solve the issue with gw ?
    It uses the highest arena rank you have ever won with to calibrate GW difficulty. You can never make it easier. Although at the moment I don't think it matters since everyone's GW seems to be totally screwed up.

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