GW reverted back to pre-update state? (MERGED THREADS)


  • Dawnofdeadeye
    233 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I think it's obvious something is amiss. Some get their easiest battles ever on final node against teams that should be node 1 or really not at all. I've never faced teams like that since reaching 70+. Others have battles against teams they clearly won't beat with their entire collection. We get comments on a "space battles" thread but nothing on this? Come on. Step up to the plate with something. Maybe you are waiting on the community update but please advise as I'm just sitting on my GW battles until I have to try before a reset takes away an attempt at GW.
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
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    I definitely notice a change in difficulty with this last node. Gear ten dooku rey gs rg and gear 11 qgj.
  • CiavRen
    12 posts Member
    definitely something has changed, i've been winning for a while until this update now can't get past the last one its definitely harder
  • Joby_Wan1
    225 posts Member
    It sounds like a lot of sub-80, not-quite-maxed-in-arena guys are getting fully maxed, meta teams on node 12. I know myself and a couple others who run fully maxed, meta teams faced the weak 3* zero-gear node 12s.

    I'm wondering if there is a cutoff on your arena power where you no longer face meta teams on node 12, but rather the algorithm wraps around to match you with basically the lowest team you could face?
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    SO my nodes 6, 9, and 11 were really hard but I was able to beat them after several tries and a few lost players.

    Now to node 12(I didn't get a green gear 3* **** Team)
    Gear 10 Old Ben Power 8190
    Gear 11 Anakin Power 8220
    Gear 10 RG Power 8191
    Gear 11 QGJ Power 8121
    Gear 10 Fives Power 8116
    TOTAL POWER 40838

    My best arena squad is barely over 35K and I have never been higher than Rank 44, I clearly can't even compete with these guys.

    Now in node 12: I have no protection left on many characters.

    The Sheer HP and Protection of this group is insane, not to mention the dodging that will occur.

    2 Suicide Squads Later: Anakin has 20%, no changes to anyone else.
    B team going in. Anakin at 50%, RG kicked in, squad dead. RG down to 60% Protection.
    A team gonig in.
    5 straight dodges retreat. Change lineup.
    6 straight dodges, Because of gear and power they are dodging at 2x the rate my team is with old ben.
    4 straight dodges, more dodges, better run retreat, Yoda dead, Fives kills everyone else left. retreat
    more mass dodges retreat.
    Anakin dies if I attack with Ben first then 2 others. Nice, dang retreat
    Repeat pattern down to Obi Wan. 4v1. He dodges at least 2/4. never get 3 hits in a row.

    Total Node 12 time: 78 minutes.
    Total Nodes 1-11 time: 57 minutes
    Total time 135 minutes

    They said they were changing it to be able to be done quicker because nobody should be spending and hour to do GW.

    I just spent 2:15.

    Now tell me it's not broken.

  • Broxxor
    595 posts Member
    Joby_Wan1 wrote: »
    It sounds like a lot of sub-80, not-quite-maxed-in-arena guys are getting fully maxed, meta teams on node 12. I know myself and a couple others who run fully maxed, meta teams faced the weak 3* zero-gear node 12s.

    I'm wondering if there is a cutoff on your arena power where you no longer face meta teams on node 12, but rather the algorithm wraps around to match you with basically the lowest team you could face?

    No idea. But something isn't right. I'm a low to mid 70s level (level 75 account) running gear 8-9 toons and I'm getting wiped at node 6 by a maxed out team (couple of the toons are less than level 80 - all gear 10 though)
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    Things a learned from GW Today

    1. It's still broken
    2. Teebo is a god among ewoks
    3. Stealth is awesome.
    4. EE rocks
    5. Without RG, High powered teams are alot easier to beat (not fun, just easier)
    6. Stuart Greenback is a gift that keeps giving. #GodBlessStuart
    7. The AI in GW has to be different from the Arena. My Arena team is 35.9K power and it constantly gets knocked back by teams with 4k less power. Yet in GW, it takes multiple retreats / tons and good RNG to beat teams 2k higher. Doesn't seem right.

    Do or Do not.

    DarthBarron (Kevin, aka KevWalker)
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    Yep, this is fair... not
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    They reverted when they released the new event. Shoddy change control by an inept team of developers or they'd have announced it.
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    One of my guild mate deleted the game because of gw.He said enough what this game does.
    I think more of them will follow.
  • Slaughto
    22 posts Member
    What I find most irritating is that with the old pre-nerf GW, I had stopped developing my top 5 since my GW was getting too difficult. Then came the GW nerf. Then I was easily able to develop my top 5 and still complete GW every day. Now that GW is terrible again, I'm getting many full meta teams with way more than my power on 3-4 nodes. But I can't go back and stop developing my top 5
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    Pallax wrote: »
    GW back to robbing time -.-

    It's suppose to be a challenge, not a perceived "have to have". Either you do, or you don't. Work to get what you want or stop complaining?
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    The thing is this:
    They changed/screwed up/broke/whatever GW again. No word from @EA_Jesse or anyone.

    This seems to be a recurring pattern of breaking or screwing things up. Oops, we charged too much for a part. Oops, we introduced an exploit that let people claim raid rewards over and over. Oops after oops.

    Bugs in software are to be expected. Continuously breaking things is not. What casts a much larger shadow of doubt is that the above mentioned "oops" are all easily identified. What about less obvious things such as how they seed their RNG? I saw repeatedly within my own guild and these forums where some players had numerous opportunities to buy raid gear in the cantina shop. WHereas I also saw a number of players who had a raid gear drop only once in two weeks. Who's to say EA and CG hasn't totally hosed up the algorithm for RNG, but because it's difficult to prove, players keep getting screwed over?
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    ...for them... Never Anger a Dark Wizard.

    Completed my 50 GW wins as well..
    Post edited by Rumpelstilzchen on
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    My biggest complaints are definitely nodes 6 and 9. 6 in particular feels like a huge jump in difficulty, for pretty sad rewards.
  • Broxxor
    595 posts Member
    Pallax wrote: »
    GW back to robbing time -.-

    It's suppose to be a challenge, not a perceived "have to have". Either you do, or you don't. Work to get what you want or stop complaining?

    It's not a challenge though.

    I get how it can be just "more difficult" for some of the higher level teams.

    For me - it's impossible. I have no chance of beating node 6 - let alone the potential harder notes (10, 11, 12). It's obvious that the devs did not intend to have a "mid tier" squad facing someone who has a much higher power level. Going strictly by power numbers - my node 6 is 5,000 higher than my top 5 strongest characters.
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    The thing is this:
    They changed/screwed up/broke/whatever GW again. No word from @EA_Jesse or anyone.

    This seems to be a recurring pattern of breaking or screwing things up. Oops, we charged too much for a part. Oops, we introduced an exploit that let people claim raid rewards over and over. Oops after oops.

    Bugs in software are to be expected. Continuously breaking things is not. What casts a much larger shadow of doubt is that the above mentioned "oops" are all easily identified. What about less obvious things such as how they seed their RNG? I saw repeatedly within my own guild and these forums where some players had numerous opportunities to buy raid gear in the cantina shop. WHereas I also saw a number of players who had a raid gear drop only once in two weeks. Who's to say EA and CG hasn't totally hosed up the algorithm for RNG, but because it's difficult to prove, players keep getting screwed over?

    FWIW @PredsHockey - I have not had any raid gear drop since they released it in shipments, and I check every shipment.... I refuse to spend 50 crystals to refresh for the 2% chance of it appearing....
    Do or Do not.

    DarthBarron (Kevin, aka KevWalker)
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    My last 3 Node 12s were all 40K+ power. I barely won, didn't finish, and barely won.
    It literally took me hours.
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    Nodes 6,9, and 12 appear to be the difficulty "peaks", sometimes node 11. The difficulty has increased, but I welcome that. It was too easy before this last update. Now I have to think and actually strategize.
    The spacing of node difficulty is a good thing, since it allows the player a chance to recharge and heal their injured good toons. If the difficulty increased continually we would probably lose toons in battle at a faster rate.
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    GW is back to being poorly designed. The developers made GW seem like it is rigged again.

    I just can't wrap my head around the stupid decisions ea makes. They have botched everything they possibly can.

    I shouldn't have to fight 5 7* 80 chars when I don't even have one 7* 80 char. The whole system of GW should be looked upon with shame. Shame on the poor design this far into the game. Get your act together developers. Quit being brain dead ****
  • Benr3600
    1098 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    ...There is dark at the end of the tunnel
  • Phlebotomy_Jones
    439 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Next time at work tell the boss you will work two extra hours each day for the same pay that you are currently getting. Do more for the same and not complain about how it is wrong.

    I do, it's called "salary."

    You are a joke. There is thing called labor laws. Overtime is in the law. You still never address the issue. Just admit that you want everyone to spend thousands of dollars on this game so they complete stuff.
    For a philosopher, you are not very thoughtful, insightful or informed.

    Overtime is a part of the US law for wage and hourly employees, not those on salaries.
  • Aley
    94 posts Member
    I have a single G9 toon and others are G7/G8 or lower so how the flip do I get multiple full Level 80 G9/G10 groups in the same GW already and now my node 12 is full G10/G11 level 80. I do not even get a turn before they completely wipe out my teams. I went through my entire roster of active toons and never even got a single one of their shields down 10%.

    You developers are complete **** to make GW impossible.
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    I can't put up with the stupidity of this company much more.
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    Yep. Gw is broken today. Reverted to hard mode.

    Node 6 meta team. Nodes 7-8 78 and 79 decent teams. Than again nodes 9-12 hard after hard after hard teams... Fix this plz.

    If you want hard mode GW at least triple the credits.
  • Daddyl
    46 posts Member
    Absolutely. Lv80 by 5th node and gear 10 opponents for last nodes. Same as before
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    Pallax wrote: »
    GW back to robbing time -.-

    It's suppose to be a challenge, not a perceived "have to have". Either you do, or you don't. Work to get what you want or stop complaining?
    You totally missed the point of this whole thread. Out of no where everyone started getting either teams 8k power stronger than anything they have ever even seen that are totally impossible to beat at their level, or one or two completely worthless squads of 3* gear 1 toons at the end that a single healer could solo thru. Something is glitched. That's what everyone is losing their minds over.

  • Apoc
    172 posts Member
    Still no response from any Dev......? Ouch, our presence as player's means nothing. It is apparently all about the Benjamins.
  • Broxxor
    595 posts Member
    Yeah - I dont mind a challenge. but this is the equivalent to a PeeWee Football team being forced to take on the Patriots. Literally 100 out of 100 times I will lose this fight (as it's being shown in the 100 tries I've tried to beat it)
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    Loving the music... can't tell if it's from an old 8 bit game, or like, Emerson Lake and Palmer lol.

    This was vastly more entertaining and satisfying than any of the raid soloing videos I've seen. And what a reward at the end!
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