Do you like new prices of crystals on Android

14 posts Member
edited June 2016

Do you like new prices of crystals on Android 67 votes

No, at now I dont want to buy
32% 22 votes
No, I will buy it less
4% 3 votes
Yes, it is not too big price to me
2% 2 votes
I dont buy crystals
17% 12 votes
Prices are no changes
41% 28 votes


  • EroucT
    14 posts Member
    Sory for my English ) and grammatic
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    Was this on android or just something in some country other than the US like Mexico / Brazil?
  • Options
    Lots of countries have a local pricing more appropriate to its conditions - it varies from place to place but it happens everywhere - steam, origin, uplay, you name it. Might not be fair, but otherwise people would simply not spend at all and there wouldnt be any sales on these places, and we all now that's what they want, not fairness.

    A few days ago the price on crystals went up by 333% on all these countries. That's the issue being raised here.

  • Striker
    198 posts Member
    gobears21 wrote: »
    Was this on android or just something in some country other than the US like Mexico / Brazil?
    can't say about all countries, but Ukrain, Russia, and some others also in the list.
  • Drexnaw
    152 posts Member
    What was the price? and what price is it now? I use iPhone and live in the US so idk what's happening :p
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Currency exchange rate fluctuations have caused pricing outside the US to change in some countries. If you are in the US, nothing changed.
  • Lasserini
    274 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    A 333% increase is not currency exhange related.

    I'm guessing too many people we're figuring out how to break the geo-lock and was using the low price countries instead of their own.
  • IvoB1987
    495 posts Member
    probably not Android vs iOS related but country related
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    Lasserini wrote: »
    A 333% increase is not currency exhange related.

    I'm guessing too many people we're figuring out how to break the geo-lock and was using the low price countries instead of their own.

    I'd guess that was happening too.... probably explains some of the "whales" too. Also, I have been on plenty of vacation and see people from Brazil spending wayyyy more cash than I do; not saying that is the vast majority but that definitely gave people a competitive advantage. Not sure how u deal with that except to ban offenders though I guess (or raise the price by 333%)
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    So prices have more than tripled for some people and the poll is asking if they like this or not? Are you expecting people to vote that they are in favour of this?
  • Options
    gobears21 wrote: »
    Lasserini wrote: »
    A 333% increase is not currency exhange related.

    I'm guessing too many people we're figuring out how to break the geo-lock and was using the low price countries instead of their own.

    I'd guess that was happening too.... probably explains some of the "whales" too. Also, I have been on plenty of vacation and see people from Brazil spending wayyyy more cash than I do; not saying that is the vast majority but that definitely gave people a competitive advantage. Not sure how u deal with that except to ban offenders though I guess (or raise the price by 333%)

    they should ban people violating this. Its against the terms of agreement of both google store and the game.
  • EroucT
    14 posts Member
    kello_511 wrote: »
    So prices have more than tripled for some people and the poll is asking if they like this or not? Are you expecting people to vote that they are in favour of this?

    The poll create to show how many people doesnt like this. And to show this to EA and developers i think
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    What are your prices?
  • Options
    Just when my alt(er ego) account was about to be born by Android and get a Ukranian citizenship, alt farming became an exploit and vault prices went up!
  • EroucT
    14 posts Member
    In my currency price for biggest pack is 7490, price before 2990. In Exchange rate at now is about 119 dollars. But most intetest thing is that is about 23% of my montly salary. And I have average salary in my town
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Well, that's probably the answer. The big pack (Vault) in the US is and always has been 100 dollars. You were getting it significantly underpriced before, so players from the US were likely creating accounts in other countries to abuse the cheaper crystal prices.
  • Options
    medetec wrote: »
    Well, that's probably the answer. The big pack (Vault) in the US is and always has been 100 dollars. You were getting it significantly underpriced before, so players from the US were likely creating accounts in other countries to abuse the cheaper crystal prices.

    No, why would they? The same way as no one would create alt factory ;)
  • EroucT
    14 posts Member
    I think they lost Russua as buyers of crystals. It is very sad
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    You have NOTHING to complain about.

    There are several countries - mine included - paying more, or at the very least, the USD equivalent for crystals. A lot of places have had it way too good for too long.
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    I'm pretty sure that Google sets the prices and not CH/EA that's would explain why it was always the same in the Apple store compared to Google play
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    To be brutality honest, the lost profits from American buyers setting their locale to other countries for cheaper crystals probably far eclipses anything other countries were actually generating outside of their "whales". The big spenders from those countries wont be effected by the changes, and mobile games don't care about little spenders anyways. It's all about finding and keeping the players who spend $1000 USD or more, often $1000 a month.

    Play the game slow, take it easy, and enjoy a relaxing collection based game without being tempted into spending money.
  • EroucT
    14 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Powda wrote: »
    You have NOTHING to complain about.

    There are several countries - mine included - paying more, or at the very least, the USD equivalent for crystals. A lot of places have had it way too good for too long.

    Oh, yeah. It is greate for me. At now I will not spend my money for game. It is not a problem. But you hear anithing about different standards of life? What is for you 115 dollars?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Yes. At 2990, crystals in Russia would have been half the cost in the US (we oay $100 + tax, so about $110). 7490 Rub brings it ti 117 - much closer to what we pay.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • EroucT
    14 posts Member
    Ok, my example for 115 dollars:

    I can by food for 2 peoples for 2 weaks
  • EroucT
    14 posts Member
    medetec wrote: »
    To be brutality honest, the lost profits from American buyers setting their locale to other countries for cheaper crystals probably far eclipses anything other countries were actually generating outside of their "whales". The big spenders from those countries wont be effected by the changes, and mobile games don't care about little spenders anyways. It's all about finding and keeping the players who spend $1000 USD or more, often $1000 a month.

    Play the game slow, take it easy, and enjoy a relaxing collection based game without being tempted into spending money.

    Greate message. Thanks. It is realy best way to play ; )
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    EroucT wrote: »
    Ok, my example for 115 dollars:

    I can by food for 2 peoples for 2 weaks

    And in some places it can buy food for one person for one day (or less), but that is sadly irrelevant. The pricing is about EA's bottom line, not about being fair. It doesn't matter that $30 is a lot for you, it's nothing for them and they were losing a lot of potential profit from US players purchasing at RU prices.
  • Options
    The big truth is that people from other countries (like me) won't be buying crystals until prices go back to normal. The explanation about people creating non-US accounts makes perfect sense, but it is so unfair with us. I know lots of p2ps that said they will stop buying for now.
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    EroucT wrote: »
    Ok, my example for 115 dollars:

    I can by food for 2 peoples for 2 weaks

    We know and we all agree on that. The pricing is stupid for everybody else BUT you guys, Mexico and Brazil.
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    arttorres0 wrote: »
    The big truth is that people from other countries (like me) won't be buying crystals until prices go back to normal. The explanation about people creating non-US accounts makes perfect sense, but it is so unfair with us. I know lots of p2ps that said they will stop buying for now.

    Now imagine for a moment if you had to *ALWAYS* pay that... You guys have had it pretty great up until now. I'm surprised this didn't explode a long time with people complaining about unfair raid / arena advantage simply because someone lives in a particular country.
  • Options
    Powda wrote: »
    arttorres0 wrote: »
    The big truth is that people from other countries (like me) won't be buying crystals until prices go back to normal. The explanation about people creating non-US accounts makes perfect sense, but it is so unfair with us. I know lots of p2ps that said they will stop buying for now.

    Now imagine for a moment if you had to *ALWAYS* pay that... You guys have had it pretty great up until now. I'm surprised this didn't explode a long time with people complaining about unfair raid / arena advantage simply because someone lives in a particular country.

    Fairness is really irrelevant for EA. People in Europe pay more for the same amount of crystals than those in US. Do you think they should increase pricing in the US to match those in Europe as well?

    The only important matter here is revenue, and they will lose it this way. Take steam store as an example: there is a reason pricesare set differently per region, and the same thing applies to other stores as well. For EA, the publisher, It isn't about fairness, it's about profit, and I don't think CG has too much control over how it is handled.
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