Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Gej15
    39 posts Member
    GW takes longer then ever with the changes made. Makes the game almost intolerable to play. Change to less nodes or something but two hours to play GW is regretful.
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    First day in months I couldn't finish GW. Faced a stacked team at node 12 that I couldn't even touch with all of my squads. I'm really upset at this and I want my money back if this is how things work.
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    lytt wrote: »
    Petrozza wrote: »
    Is this real life?

    Is this just fantasy

    Caught in a landslide

    No escape from reality

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    Its a trap
    Guild Nederland
    Wij zoeken nog Actieve 70+ spelers
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    I now can't get through GW node 9. Thanks for ruining it without even telling us. This is the second time I've had this game and felt like I almost want to quit playing it in protest. When you spend a lot and have 28 7 star characters and can't beat node 9, something is very wrong.
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    When you have done 150+ GW, and have a decent roster, then it's just boredom, no matter if it's hard or easy, it's just the length of boredom and no feel of accomplishment when it's done, and the rewards are a joke when your level 80, and yes I skipped it a couple off times, but a essential gamemode should be fun not just a copy/paste of arena, I call the last few tweaks lazy tries too avoid doing a makeover of GW
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
  • MaxiPriest
    619 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I am not liking this "newly reverted" GW.

    My arena power is 34113.

    At node 6, I got lvl 80, gear 10/11 toons, that took the life of GS (KIA).

    I then met lvl 80, gear 10/11 whale teams at nodes 9, 10, 11, 12, which basically killed off my A, B teams of:
    1) Dooku, 7*, gear 10, lvl 80
    2) Lumi, 7*, gear 8, lvl 80
    3) QGJ, 7*, gear 9, lvl 80
    4) RG, 6*, lvl 76, gear 8
    5) ST Han, 7*, gear 10, lvl 80
    6) Bariss, 7*, gear 8, lvl 80
    7) Daka, 6*, gear 8, lvl 76
    8) Teebo, 6*, gear 9, lvl 72
    9) Phasma, 7*, gear 9, lvl 80
    10) Rey, 7*, lvl 80, gear 9
    11) Yoda, 7*, lvl 70, gear 9
    12) NS Initiate, lvl 65, gear 8, 6*
    12) IG-86, 6*, gear 9, lvl 73
    13) Sidious, lvl 70, gear 8, 7*
    14) Poggle, lvl 65, 6*, gear 8
    15) HK-47 , gear 8, lvl65, 6*
    16) Kylo, 6*, gear 8, lvl 65

    * End of killed in Action list by node 12 and still not completed it!! *

    I still have these in Node 12, after more than 1.5 hours of play!! Managed to kill whale Leia and weakened ST Han in Node 12, but at the cost of the dead toons listed above!


    Only have weak 7* JC, Mace, Ahsoka and even weaker (undergeared) IG-88, Finn, Assajj, Poe, Anakin, Darth Vader left, among the even weaker toons (gear 4 or less)... Can I complete it??!!

    Please put back the previous relatively easy, but alot less time consuming GW!! Or put in better rewards, credits for having to do this hard GW almost everyday!
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    So I didn’t knew about upgrades or anything. I’m just a regular gal playing at my own pace -usually with my kids- and throwing in some money when the salary comes, but I felt that all in a sudden something was wrong, really wrong and started searching around. Found also similar threads in other places but where I wanted to register to write a complain is, of course, here.

    So first of all, please excuse me for my english, it is not my mother language. I’ll try to talk as polite as I can because right now I am raging, infuriated, and frustrated. I am feeling cheated.

    *Level 68 Dooku 7* taking down a 7* lvl 78 Ashoka Tano7* with 2 Omega inserted in ONE TURN with endless “bonus attacks”.
    *Level 71 Poggle + Level 70 Geo Soldier killing a lvl 80 Luminara 7*with 3 Omega materials in gear in ONE TURN
    *Level 74 Rey one shooting a Lvl 79 7* Ima-Gun Di with two Omegas at full health…
    * Endless dodges!! sometimes two entire turns with just one hit, or none at all. Never saw this before.
    * And more like the ones I just told.. Not to mention the lvl 80 teams. Not to mention that I’ve found those strange overpowered teams in node 6 or 7 of GW. At first I said “such bad luck”… But after the latest days impressive beatings I’ve got, and not finishing GW any single day I just knew that something was broken.

    So cool. It is not broken! It is “working as intended”. So when I just read this, the rage came. Naive me! Its not a kind of bug, it is done on purpose! I can’t believe it!

    Are these teams real? Because I can expect and understand a mild difficulty increase with some better rewards, a special hard optional epic mode, you name it…but not something that looks like a cheat.

    Opinion of a customer (Yes, I say “customer” because I threw money every month – after reading everything about? not a single cent more I swear): All of a sudden the game (or EA) looks untrusty, shady and cheater, and it is not fun anymore.

    You did wrong . You made it almost unbeatable on purpose. There is no challenge in this because there is no strategy to apply.

    …“Working as intended”? This is a slap on the face.
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    Last battle today was ST Han, Rey, RG, QGJ, and Daka all X geared. I have one X geared in my whole roster. Give me a break!!!
  • Dashea
    19 posts Member
    So at first, EA makes the GW easier to just make it impossible a few weeks after?

    I can't even get to node 12, because 11 is almost all of the time geared 9-10-11 with Teebo as leader, giving 85% of the attacks invisibility, so I can't even try to hit the ones I wanna take out first.

    I don't know why or what exactly you guys at EA did, but how do you expect us to beat these squads, while we're all battle damaged from previous battles
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    lytt wrote: »
    Petrozza wrote: »
    Is this real life?

    Is this just fantasy

    Caught in a landslide

    No escape from reality

    Open your eyes
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    Long time player; first time poster: hadn't registered on the forums before because I never had a problem before now that needed me to post.
    Nothing that the devs of this game have done before has annoyed me or made me want to leave. The farce over pre-crafting? Not that bothered. Guild-hopping? Couldn't care less.
    But this? This broken Galactic War thing? I am uninstalling the game. I cannot believe that they intend people with 30 or 40 high powered, geared up toons should have their entire rosters wiped out on nodes 6, 9 and 10 by teams who are gear 11 and with a cumulative power total around 4,800 higher than any combination I could possibly make. Ridic.
    Deleting this game and have already downgraded my rating to 1.
  • ukdfink
    148 posts Member
    You are all doing their testing for them. They are making it harder and are collating the data to see how much extra coin they will dish out. I expect node 6 will be 93k. The increments will then be upped for the other nodes....but you will be doing this for 2 hours with endless retreats to get the dosh.

    They get a full bank holiday of gw testing metrics. I wonder if they can see the amount of uninstalls though?

    This isnt changing....
  • Jakkal
    66 posts Member
    EA Jesse wrote this-
    "Galactic War – still one of the most discussed topics in the community, the team has been doing a lot of internal testing to find a way to make Galactic War more enjoyable. The first step is making it not take near as long, and the development team has a solution for this. Starting next week an update will be rolled out that makes some adjustments to Galactic War’s difficulty, which should in turn lower the amount of time it takes for players to complete. We’ll continue to monitor how players are interacting with Galactic War and make additional tuning changes as needed."

    Two weeks later John Salera write this-
    "Provide a real challenge to players. In other words: it’s meant to be hard!"

    Does that make sense to anyone? Not to me. Unless they've screwed up like everything else and trying to cover it. Just LAMAO :D
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    Node 12 ate my entire roster. Some matches I never even got a hit in. I am not a whale and I don't do t7 everyday like some, so I cannot improve my toons quickly. GW is my main source of income. If this happens tomorrow I will fall behind further. Gradually I will fall so far behind that it will be pointless to play.

    Thank you. You have finally succeeded in creating the perfect paywall...
  • Jakkal
    66 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    You are not the only one. From my guild people are constantly leaving this game. If they want to kill this game, I can tell they are succeeding.

    Edit: ToS violation quoted
    Post edited by J0K3R on
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    Some time ago, when I got frustrated that I'm not achieving anything in the game, I decided to spend a little money.
    I bought some crystals and the pack with Anakin and QGJ.

    After doing so, I achieved... still nothing. These two toons had no impact in then game at all.

    I'm lvl 80, my A-Team is all 7*. some omega'd, all gear VIII.

    At Arena, I still finish between 200 and 300 on my server, and I still couldn't finish GWs.

    Until two weeks ago, concerning GW. I could finish them. Now, I can't any more. Run out of toons at the last node.
    OK, I could perhaps spend another little money on some toons, to have the same experience again, that the money wouldn't help. Or I could spend big money, hoping that this would help.

    Big money is a no go for me on a mobile game. Small money is a useless effort, it leads to nothing.
    So, it's no more money at all for you, EA.

    And if you improve your game further, with ridiculous events which I cannot take part in or cannot win, because I lack the toons, I'm out. OK, this will not hurt you, because I'm not spending any more money on the game. EA, I once loved you because of Madden NFL, NHL and NBA Live. Now I think different.
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    First day since January that I can not finish a GW
    I broke a chain streak of 100 consecutive wins

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    2 strong guild member left the game, one of them a really tough player.
    Thank you EA/CG!

  • Otiss
    6 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    This is a joke. I am lvl 77 and last combat is against 5 lvl 80 with 10 - 11 gear. Ea please, let me know how i fight against this ---?

    Edit: removed language
    Post edited by J0K3R on
  • Divona
    117 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    ukdfink wrote: »
    You are all doing their testing for them. They are making it harder and are collating the data to see how much extra coin they will dish out. I expect node 6 will be 93k. The increments will then be upped for the other nodes....but you will be doing this for 2 hours with endless retreats to get the dosh.

    They get a full bank holiday of gw testing metrics. I wonder if they can see the amount of uninstalls though?

    This isnt changing....

    Yup. We are currently test samples. Question is when they up the rewards. IF they hand out node 11-12 rewards at node 6 then yeah this can work out. Anything beyond node 6 is just bonus if you get futher.
    What amazes me is that they changed this without any information and last reply was that they change rewards but when? we could wait another week or more... thats what is most shameful.
  • Salty01
    105 posts Member
    It's beyond stupid now. Don't spend until they make adjustments.
  • Apoc
    172 posts Member
    Jakkal wrote: »
    Game uninstalled. Deleting this forum account. See ya suckers :)

    You are not the only one. From my guild people are constantly leaving this game. If they want to kill this game, I can tell they are succeeding.

    A few big time players have quit as well. One was extremely knowledgable and wrote on Reddit quiet a bit about his findings.

  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    On June 29th we made an adjustment to the June 15th tuning to make the last few nodes more challenging.

    Okay @CG_JohnSalera, take a look at the screenshot below. I do believe that's node 6, that's in the bottom half of the draw. I also believe that's a fully maxed team (except for RG).

    And look at the catchy name belonging to the player of this arena team! :smile:


    The funniest thing is that nodes 11 and 12 were 3 star green gear teams I could auto in less than 10 seconds each.

    So ... GW difficulty curve: FAIL.

    Player name profanity filter: FAIL.

    Come on, John, this has gone on long enough. You're haemorrhaging players now. People rely on GW for credits, even though the rewards haven't been increased since level 60.

    I'm fortunate enough to have the roster for it, most players with a strong arena team are getting annihilated before node 7.
  • Oaraug
    39 posts Member
    The squads guarding the purple chests are always more difficult, especially chest 2 and 4
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    Oaraug wrote: »
    The squads guarding the purple chests are always more difficult, especially chest 2 and 4

    That powerful?! 1 gear 11 and 3 gear 10. At node 6.
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    I have finished GW every day except a couple of times while I was levelling. Today I failed because I was against an unbeatable team with lvl 11 Gear. I arrived to node 12 with all the roster alive, then the top squad killed one toon, second squad nearly killed a second, then it was a massacre.
    It's not enjoyable.
    Irony: i liked the first version I played. I started a while after the game release and didn't play the version in which you could reset the battle and keep the buff, so I don't know how it was. The second one was nice. It was well balanced throughtout. The challenge for middle nodes was to keep your roster alive, to face the last nodes being able to afford a few losses. It had strategy involved, it was fun. Now it's extremely boring until node 10, then 11 is though, 12 is overtuned.
    I enjoy a challenge, but I want to be able to stand a chance.
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    I also had around 100 in a row. Haven't finished past two days
  • ZAKK
    35 posts Member
    My feelings its that they not going to reduced the difficulty but perhaps increasing the rewards would be their best option.
  • Igor08
    221 posts Member
    I'm about 37k arena. Nodes 6, 9, 10 and 11 all ridiculously hard. No idea on node 12 as I haven't got there, and never will.
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