Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Completely agree!
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    Hey is insta death GW bug fixed yet? Don't want to waste a run if it can be helped
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    Disappointed that GW has not been altered (minus the really terrible dead squad bug that is)

    Still encountering teams that decimate my teams making it impossible to complete because there are several such nodes per GW.

    I think you guys have definitely missed the mark on this one. GW is a bigger chore than ever.
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    My gw didn't reset. I just can't finish it .
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    Waiting to see how they're going to fix GW... I changed my characters on arena - now I'm rank 386 (I was btw 100-80) to see if it could change. Nothing :neutral:

    Now, I understand that yesterday was a mess, but this thread must still be active until the issue is addressed

  • Check_It
    376 posts Member
    Keep preachin man. That was a slap to the face followed by a back hand
  • CapnnRex
    184 posts Member
    Is it working ? I do not want to try unless it is
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    I'm not sure what is supposedly wrong, but I ran the first 2 nodes without an issue.
  • ukdfink
    148 posts Member
    Followed by a non lube surprise
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    Not much of an issue the first day it was a surprise as I tried to auto through and nearly lost. i can't auto the entire thing but still make it through with out much difficulty. I also haven't leveled up anyone in my arena team in about a month expecting that something like this woudl happen. I don't feel sorry for anyone that pushed up their arena team after the last nerf and now is suffering you get your rewards in the Arena I get mien in GW.
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    @EA_Jesse, GW loads but still didn't reset our glitch-killed squads. If our teams are not going to be revived so we can actually finish this GW, can we get an extra refresh at least so we can start over with full teams?

    The crystal drop seeks compensation perhaps for the trouble, for those who missed more than one GW, and the guild currency and rank we missed out on. It is in no way compensation for the lost rewards of 9 GW nodes, particularly those last 5 nodes. I think giving an extra GW refresh would even things out.
  • Jakkal
    66 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm afraid to start my GW. I bet "it’s meant to be that way". :s
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    It does appear many other threads on this squad-killed-off topic have disappeared. While EA does probably have the right to regulate their own forums, I feel like that erodes trust in EA and SWGOH forums when issue reports are removed when they contain many reports of the issue not being resolved yet.

    Overall, quickly losing a lot of faith in this game lately due to many things and have switched to telling friends not to bother trying it. Maybe EA is sunsetting it and it's time to move to another game? :-( I hope there is some discussion on this at the Celebration EA booth or panel next weekend.
  • R13D13
    34 posts Member
    What good is getting to use your whole roster, if the opponent's turn meter is full, and you start empty ?
    4 Teams in a row got blown away, before I could even move. It should save the AI team turn meter too !
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    Dead! Dead, dead, they're all dead. And after only one node. How am I supposed to finish GW now?

    Oh you'll give me 350 crystals? That's awesome, but how does that help me complete GW? When they're all dead!?!? Dead. DEAD. They're dead.
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
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    On Node 6 last night I got the meta team. Dooku, GS, Rey, RG, QGJ On NODE 6.
    Rey was Gear 10.
    I restarted and tried for an HOUR. I was not able to defeat this team with any combination of my team, using suicide squads or anything due to G10 Rey 1 shotting 2 players before I got to take a turn. She always goes first, and QGJ always calls assist. Bang dead. Even if I did manage to survive because she attacked Ben, I wasn't able to survive long.

    Finally I had to waste 5 of my best toons just to get it down to RG and GS only. I beat them with my next squad but I now have less than 10 chars to finish GW.

    I lost a few more people on 9, 10, 11 and when I got to Node 12 I was on my last few guys and I got a G11 Anakin team(IT WAS THE EXACT SAME TEAM I GOT NODE 12 YESTERDAY!) and I threw my phone across the room. Thank God I have a good case...

    So then I get a client restart and a message that 2 days of cantina battles 2x(I already played all my cantina refreshes by 9pm so FML). ANd they want me to buy raid gear packs.

    I am not buying anything until the FIX the GW.

    NOTE: I Do NOT want to face 5-6 Meta Teams in GW. I already have to do that 5-10 times a day in the Arena and I want to throw my phone during that too. GW is supposed to be a break from the Whale Meta Teams. AND STOP GIVING THEM 3* Node 12.
  • clhs
    195 posts Member
    I tried it today thinking that it might have been fixed now that the developers have had a few days back in the office to assess the situation and have seen that most people would rather sit naked on the Piccadilly line in rush hour whilst being punched in the face by a fat man with sores on his hands than deal with Galactic War. Alas I fear this new Certain Death iteration is here to stay.

    Devs, I love you, please prove me wrong on this point.
    Kind regards,
    The Entire World.
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    Beat the first battle of GW yesterday evening & went to load the next battle & it is stuck "loading".
    Everytime I go into GW now it is still stuck "loading" & I have to reboot the game entirely.......
  • Lithalan
    153 posts Member
    One of my guild mates ran it a couple hours ago with no issues
  • DarthPurgatory
    626 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    It's fine again. I lost every toon trying 2 nodes last night, woke up today and threw a 3rd squad at loss. Continued running, finished. Certainly wasn't easy since I was down to my backup backups, but I *was* able to complete it after much gnashing of teeth. Instadeath on completion seems to be gone.
    Porgatory demands fresh souls.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    New day, no response... sad really..
  • Glarus
    68 posts Member
    Hey, but at least we are getting "mods"! Now we can face fully geared and fully "modded" teams in GW! Whee!

    I don't get what CG is thinking...
  • Kipper
    8 posts Member
    The "Details" in Galactic War still note "all unit health is persistent across battles, so strategize accordingly". Makes me think/hope being unable to reuse characters that survived is a glitch and not by design. The whole idea of GW is to keep your characters as healthy as possible for the next node. So if this change is by design, it completely goes against the whole idea of GW and is an obvious ploy to get people to spend money. How many people on here have enough high level characters to get through GW using a new team every node? I'm guessing an extremely low amount of people.

    If it isn't fixed in a couple days I'm done with this game.
  • Galdin_Wan
    589 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I don't know what people expect them to say, other than what they already have. That they're monitoring it. It's only been a week, they're probably seeing what percentage of people are finishing GW everyday compared to the percentage they expected to finish everyday with the new difficulty.

    Obviously the do not feel the rate has to be 100%.

    People who have issues finishing it are more likely to come and post in the forum than those who are finishing it. So we have no idea what the actual numbers are, or what the devs target completion rate is.
  • Divona
    117 posts Member
    I think it is pretty clear by now. @EA_Jesse or any other CG dev wont reply here. They pushed this change and keeping it that way. They have no desire to communicate any further about this change and to give explanation why they did it in long run. They have plans to adjust rewards and keeping this change as it is.

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    Well right now the Rewards are unfair.

    If you have high enough Arena Power you get rewards from Nodes 11 and 12 without effort, while the rest of us can't even complete it more than 20%. More rewards for the top teams that are already rewarded in the Arena for that.

    It's actually quite ridiculous that they haven't addressed this, and are pushing out more things to "BUY".
  • Kipper
    8 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    I don't know what people expect them to say, other than what they already have. That they're monitoring it. It's only been a week, they're probably seeing what percentage of people are finishing GW everyday compared to the percentage they expected to finish everyday with the new difficulty.

    Obviously the do not feel the rate has to be 100%.

    People who have issues finishing it are more likely to come and post in the forum than those who are finishing it. So we have no idea what the actual numbers are, or what the devs target completion rate is.

    I wasn't mad about the increased difficulty. I was able to get to node 11 or 12 and sometimes complete it as well. It was a lot harder to get there though and I understand that it is not designed to be beaten every day. My problem is with the inability to reuse characters that did not die. That's the entire point of GW. If it's a mistake, fine, fix it. If it's not, they completely ruined GW and made it impossible for the vast majority of people to have any chance of completing a GW.

    Changing the difficulty is a separate issue that I honestly don't care that much about. I am complaining about the fundamental changes to the game mode.
  • Xyon
    38 posts Member
    Don't forget just because you fixed the horrible bug you released last night that everyone is still upset about how much more time consuming and frustrating you made Galactic War. We're now up to 50+ pages of people upset over the changes you've made to it.
  • Kipper
    8 posts Member
    Xyon wrote: »
    Don't forget just because you fixed the horrible bug you released last night that everyone is still upset about how much more time consuming and frustrating you made Galactic War. We're now up to 50+ pages of people upset over the changes you've made to it.

    What bug did they fix last night?
  • JoseIrimia
    446 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    1 more day, no feedback, no acknowledgement, no apology, no fix.
    24 hours of more accumulated of negativeness, despise towards costumers and losing more and more credit.
    Congratulations, this behavior will serve as an example of how not to manage a company and how to ruin a successful game.
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