Do you think the game is heading in the right direction?


  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    No, not at all!
    They've taken a great game and made it terrible.
    It wasn't that great to begin with. Only 10-15% of characters were ever any good. They ignore known bugs for months. Also have you ever gotten the option to upgrade a toon you just unlocked? $15 to get them to a green gear level 40 something. I wonder how many people they tricked into spending $15 on an upgrade that's worth about 18 cents.

    It could be kind of fun if you learned to avoid money pits, and broken toons, and how to live with bugs that will be ignored until the end of time. But in the future, instead of them fixing toons, we'll pay for the privilege of fixing them ourselves with mods. Even though currently overpowered meta toons will be modable too. Bull! And the GW that gives you the bare minimum necessary credits needed to function in this game? You may have put money into the game, and spent months building up your roster so you can beat it daily, but we decided that we don't want you to do that anymore. Screw you! And oh by the way, here's a bug filled update with unfinished content in it that will break half of the game modes for days. Deal with that while we ignore 55 pages of people rage quitting over GW.

    That took a mediocre game and made it worse.

  • Options
    All you have to do is spend 30 seconds browsing the topics on these forums to know how the player base feels about the direction of the game. Lol
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    Hell, no. This game has gotten progressively worse. I understand the P2W concept and how those people will hold an advantage. That's fine if they're paying. Don't really have anything against that. But you don't need to skew other mechanics to make the game more difficult for the F2P crowd. That makes it frustrating and plain takes the fun out of it when you miss 10 times in a row against that PoS Old Ben (Yes, I've counted. No, not exaggerating) or when the AI takes two turns in a row whenever it's had enough of you. Or when the rancor decides cooldowns don't matter and Phasma looks tasty or whatever.

    TL;DR **** dodge. P2W supposedly anti dodge characters aren't the answer. Fix this **** already.
  • ubn87
    314 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    Mp44 wrote: »
    I know we're not supposed to link devs, but I would really like to know what you think about this @EA_Jesse .

    This is your player base telling you what they think, please listen.

    Sadly I don't even think this poll represent even one percent of playerbase.
  • Azgadil
    226 posts Member
    Is the question is the game heading in the right direction it am I satisfied?

    Their have been a number of bugs and I'm watching to see how they settle then. So far EA is responding quickly.

    In all honesty there hasn't been much to give me a negative experience here. I pretty much play to collect gear and toons. I like to be competitive but with my work schedule I can't always be number one so the game sort of fits my niche.

    I am a bit skeptical on spending any more money. I would like to see some stability before doing so. A bug free update or three might help.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    Palanthian wrote: »
    No, it's heading for quick cash grab followed by oblivion.

    The implementation of another grind (mods) on top of the lot we have now that limits our rosters further shows this.....
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    The whole reason why this game is fun to me is to collect characters, so that I can try out different combinations as my roster grows. All that requires is two things:

    1. The ability to progress at a constant and reasonable pace.
    2. Balance such that any one combination of characters is not drastically better or worse than any other combination. The variance should come only from level/gear, not inherent character strengths or flaws.

    Objective #1 is headed in the wrong direction because:
    A. GW is excessively difficult
    B. It is ridiculously hard to gear up your characters beyond g8.
    C. Credit and T-Droid cruch: These requirements have risen exponentially past level 70, but rewards for GW and energy missions were increased at a far slower rate.

    Objective #2 is not as bad, but also needs work:
    A. Same Arena and GW teams because individual toon ability is far more powerful than team synergy.
    B. Events such as Omega, Assault, Credit Heist that encourage us to use different factions is a welcome incentive to diversify our rosters, but additional uses do not make underpowered toons fun to farm. So it just feels like you are being forced to farm weak toons at the expense of improving your strong ones. That cognitive dissonance leads to resentment, not thankfulness.
    C. I fear new mods feature will exacerbate, not solve these imbalances.

  • Slots
    72 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    Gear modding is another cash grab. They need to prolong this game by more content in guild raids.

    And before you say the gear mods will add diversity and complexity to this game. It won't. There will still be the right way to mod your meta team to compete in arena. Many games have tried this kind of system with hopes of diversity. They have never worked.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    SWGH WAS a good game, well balanced, then some updates came and the game became a money machine "Do you like the character with high damage and stealth? (Rey/Leia) Sorry, but you gotta pay for that :/" Then, they became as a free characters, the party begins... The events as it is now are becoming just for 7* characters, low level players will NEVER have a chance with the recent events... Gear is just for who pays a lot of cash for this game beacuse some gears are just for who does have a guild, like furnace mk5, this is not how the game should work you know... The game became a not balanced one, and rpg games MUST be balanced to be able to play Vs and as we are seeing now, the "mods update" will be terrible, just some thing to expend more crystals/cash and not be balanced at all.
  • EscapeArtist51
    1675 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    No, not at all!
    535231 wrote:
    This game is total garbage. Lets waste money to get parts of a character rather than unlocking one. Tbh im sick of it i dont even play it, im bored the game got stale real fast with the lack of any new characters. I know for a fact i would never spend money on this poor excuse for a game.
    You have some good points there, however I can't even take them seriously because of your username. Why did I get a warning for saying "holy sheep balls" if names like these are allowed? :|... yes I'm still salty about that.

    -name removed for language
    Post edited by Vampire_X on
  • irvvri
    152 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    I really hope that the devs take the result of this poll to heart and open their dang eyes. The player base is so unsatisfied
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    I feel like the level of damage being done to the game is making it unplayable. I've gone from an hour or more every day to most days I don't even finish my dailies. Sad thing is I'm not alone.
    I just hope the devs decide to roll back some of their unpopular decisions, as this once was a great game and could be again.
  • RidleyGiggity
    238 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    No, not at all!
    It's headed down the toilet if you ask me, i am on the brink of quitting unless the errors, bugs gets fix (they will eventually pop up but they should fix it right away and not wait before the entire threads here blow up like 4th of July) and they should definitely hire a decent programmer for yoda's sake!
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    The only reason why i keep playing even though i have a love/hate relationship with this game is because it's Star Wars!
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    No one would be playing this game if it wasn't Star Wars.
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    If there's any doubt about where the game is going look at the number of closed threads lately.

    Historically groups who try to curtail criticism haven't faired well.
  • shampoo
    442 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    Considering the amount of people I know who have left the game, no. These people spent money on the 5 figures range and they quit. That's how sick they were of the direction of this game lol.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    How do I vote again?
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    20 to 80 i hope the developer team see this number and rethink of a new idea instead of this..
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    20 to 80 i hope the developer team see this number and rethink of a new idea instead of this..

    They'll close it eventually. Seems, despite following ToS, they're shutting down negative threads left, right, and center.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    20 to 80 i hope the developer team see this number and rethink of a new idea instead of this..

    They'll close it eventually. Seems, despite following ToS, they're shutting down negative threads left, right, and center.

    I saw that they closed your post last night. I wanted to say, it was well written. It might have been deemed negative but it's the truth.

    I really do enjoy playing the game. My biggest problem is I've been lurking in the forums for about the last month or so and I see communication is severely lacking. This last update/bug addition has me incredibly frustrated, as well as many others obviously. I'm usually easy going, I'm ftp so I don't expect too much. I usually hate changes but suck it up and keep going because I realize ultimately I don't get much say having not spent a dime.

    This time though? I can't. The way it's being handled absolutely disgusts me. The lack of communication is going to break the game, people are already leaving. I'm considering taking a break from the game as well but ultimately don't know what to tell my guildmates and am having a difficult time stepping away from what I have spent time building.
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    20 to 80 i hope the developer team see this number and rethink of a new idea instead of this..

    They'll close it eventually. Seems, despite following ToS, they're shutting down negative threads left, right, and center.

    I saw that they closed your post last night. I wanted to say, it was well written. It might have been deemed negative but it's the truth.

    I just read that thread myself. There were no TOS breaches as far as I can see, it sends a truly negative message when even constructive criticism gets shut down.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    20 to 80 i hope the developer team see this number and rethink of a new idea instead of this..

    They'll close it eventually. Seems, despite following ToS, they're shutting down negative threads left, right, and center.

    I saw that they closed your post last night. I wanted to say, it was well written. It might have been deemed negative but it's the truth.

    I really do enjoy playing the game. My biggest problem is I've been lurking in the forums for about the last month or so and I see communication is severely lacking. This last update/bug addition has me incredibly frustrated, as well as many others obviously. I'm usually easy going, I'm ftp so I don't expect too much. I usually hate changes but suck it up and keep going because I realize ultimately I don't get much say having not spent a dime.

    This time though? I can't. The way it's being handled absolutely disgusts me. The lack of communication is going to break the game, people are already leaving. I'm considering taking a break from the game as well but ultimately don't know what to tell my guildmates and am having a difficult time stepping away from what I have spent time building.

    I don't even know why they closed it. I also had a poll that was removed - a poll that was up for almost the entire day. Neither violated ToS. I moved my post to reddit.

    The only thing keeping me in the game is my guild - otherwise I'd leave. I have fun with them. The game itself is dumpster material now.
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    20 to 80 i hope the developer team see this number and rethink of a new idea instead of this..

    They'll close it eventually. Seems, despite following ToS, they're shutting down negative threads left, right, and center.

    I saw that they closed your post last night. I wanted to say, it was well written. It might have been deemed negative but it's the truth.

    I really do enjoy playing the game. My biggest problem is I've been lurking in the forums for about the last month or so and I see communication is severely lacking. This last update/bug addition has me incredibly frustrated, as well as many others obviously. I'm usually easy going, I'm ftp so I don't expect too much. I usually hate changes but suck it up and keep going because I realize ultimately I don't get much say having not spent a dime.

    This time though? I can't. The way it's being handled absolutely disgusts me. The lack of communication is going to break the game, people are already leaving. I'm considering taking a break from the game as well but ultimately don't know what to tell my guildmates and am having a difficult time stepping away from what I have spent time building.

    I don't even know why they closed it. I also had a poll that was removed - a poll that was up for almost the entire day. Neither violated ToS. I moved my post to reddit.

    The only thing keeping me in the game is my guild - otherwise I'd leave. I have fun with them. The game itself is dumpster material now.

    Once again I find myself in agreement with you. The censors on here have ratcheted up their activities. Whether this is due to a power trip or being asked to curtail criticism is beyond me. However, it doesn't matter as the outcome is the same: further alienation of an already angry customer base.

    I sincerely hope "they" get it together and return the game to its fun roots before it dies. Too many people have too much time, money, and emotion invested in this game to allow it to be killed by mismanagement, greed, and hurt pride.

  • Options
    No, not at all!
    20 to 80 i hope the developer team see this number and rethink of a new idea instead of this..

    They'll close it eventually. Seems, despite following ToS, they're shutting down negative threads left, right, and center.

    I saw that they closed your post last night. I wanted to say, it was well written. It might have been deemed negative but it's the truth.

    I really do enjoy playing the game. My biggest problem is I've been lurking in the forums for about the last month or so and I see communication is severely lacking. This last update/bug addition has me incredibly frustrated, as well as many others obviously. I'm usually easy going, I'm ftp so I don't expect too much. I usually hate changes but suck it up and keep going because I realize ultimately I don't get much say having not spent a dime.

    This time though? I can't. The way it's being handled absolutely disgusts me. The lack of communication is going to break the game, people are already leaving. I'm considering taking a break from the game as well but ultimately don't know what to tell my guildmates and am having a difficult time stepping away from what I have spent time building.

    I feel you man.. If its implemented and show sign that it is what we think it is (money grab scheme).. I'll quit for sure.. They are targeting big spender by introducing that kind of speciality.. While people like us will always gonna be pushed to the bottom.. I loved how this game bring me closer to starwars.. But right now it's doing the opposite..
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    I absolutely refuse to allow this game destroy my love for star wars. I say that as I'm cuddled up under a big fluffy Kylo Ren blanket being overlooked by my painting of Darth Vader. Haha
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    Yes, mostly!
    I don't know, Mods looks really promising. From what I can tell we from the notes ( we will finally be able to customize our characters to fit the role we wish for them to have. It looks like it will also give a more in-depth view on their stats and the ability to manipulate one or two of them, I also noticed in the first picture, somewhat visible at the bottom right of it, there was a stat named "physical accuracy" at 0%, maybe we will be able to increase it and finally have a proper counter to dodge leaders.
  • Bon_El
    435 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    I'm absolutely stunned that 20% voted "yes"... Either masochists or fake accounts created by devs?
    Instead of trying to curtail negativity by closing threads left & right, why don't you just fix the game?
    Yeah that would help yeah...
    Time to hire a rock-star coder or everybody gets a "transfer"
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
  • SMan
    49 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    It might be ok if we could earn enough credits to level/star-up a variety of toons?
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