Jedi Buff Ideas? + Mace Windu rant (EA you screwed up big on him)

48 posts Member
edited January 2016

So I just reached rank 10 on my server today and couldn't help but think...

The game is new. Obviously needs some work. Whether it be the Tank role, or simply needing more releases in order to fulfill a 5 man clone team, or a 5 man jawa team specific to taking down droids.

What I noticed however is how outclassed some iconic Jedi are by the Sith characters.

Now what I mean specifically is that I feel like the Sith characters in games are diverse, have tons of moves, are viable end game, were definitely well thought out and really feel POWERFUL.

The Jedi however don't seem to come close to matching their caliber, with only a couple exceptions.

As for the Sith, I feel as if they are all very powerful and optimal at all stages in the game, bar Savage Opress. My ONLY reasoning for this is due to the fact that he fills the 'Tank' role which I think is not flushed out nor viable right now aside from Chewbacca. Mainly because tanks are supposed to absorb damage, but being the target outside of taunt is 100% rng, or if against players, tanks can be completely ignored as they are no immediate threats and can be left for last.


I strongly believe a healthy state of the game is to have all if not most characters in the game, viable, at least in their own way or composition. I think all characters should have their place depending on the game mode, but hate to see investments, even on weaker/1star/less popular characters, to go to waste.

It means that every "weak" character we come across we should just forget about because it's not worth the investment, nor do we have the resources to commit to an idea like that.

Anywho, below are some ideas that I think help promote lore, but more importantly power for certain Jedi characters in the game that I hope aren't overlooked or forgotten about PVP wise. Perhaps these Jedi are simply outdated, as some characters have fully loaded complex kits while older ones done. My ideas are only for the ones that I think are lackluster.

Jedi Knight Anakin


Now for the first Jedi, i hate to compare characters since each is unique and perhaps even EA's goal is to have some iconic leaders CLEARLY stronger than others in every way. Again, I think every character should be unique and viable in their own way.

I think Jedi Knight Anakin is a great character to have in game. Not yet turned towards the dark side, yet still having an offensive play style, it really fits his theme. I think he could use a few tiny buffs, perhaps up the max chance on his Basic from 40% to 50% would be a good start.

Now my only problem with Anakin, is that his leader ability is very, if not too, similar to Mace Windus. Anakin's is: Jedi allies gain 26% Offense. Mace Windu's is: Jedi Allies gain 20% Offense and 9% Critical Chance.

9% is a funny number, and I think that Anakin should adopt Mace Windu's leader ability. I will talk about this more with Mace Windu being next on my list, but the short version is that Mace Windu's ability is Vaapad, which is a lightsaber fighting style that he himself has mastered. It doesn't make sense that he gives his allies some bonuses too, let alone have it so similar to Anakins.

Thus, I think Anakin's passive should be changed to: Jedi Allies gain 20% Offense and 10% Critical Chance. In comparison to Darth Sidious's, 20% offense bonus is non-reliant on a critical hit, where as Sidious's is. This is why Sidious's bonus crit chance should be higher to balance things out.

Mace Windu


EA did not do him justice in this game. Just to start off, really quick, this is the lightsaber style Mace Windu uses, and has mastered. It is almost exclusive to him:

"The form focuses on offense, and has no defensive qualities. However, this is compensated by the speed of the wielder or their blade being double-sided."

So why the heck is Mace Windu slow, a tank, and has Defense Up in this game?!?!

Anyways, Mace Windu. #2 in the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars. For those of you who don't know he is pretty much the guy who is 2nd to only Yoda, and technically the only one in the Star Wars universe who beat Darth Sidious in a 1 v 1 for realz. People might debate against this, but they duked it out in the film and Mace Windu DID win. I don't think the other Jedi did much against Darth Sidious so I wouldn't consider them an advantage, and Mace Windu was ready to deliver the killing blow if Anakin didn't stop him.

Mace Windu is not only powerful in the force, but he is actually renown as one of, if not the very best Lightsaber Duelist in the entire Star Wars universe. It is said that of the top 3 lightsaber dueslists of the Jedi Order at the time, he, Count Dooku, and Yoda are the very very best.

EA did not do him justice in this game.

First of all, Mace Windu in the game is currently in the 'Tank' Role. While I'm sure he is tough as a nail and can hold his own, he is not known as a defensive fighter at all. All of his unique capabilities and mastered fighting style revolve around risky, and highly aggressive and offensive sword play. Defense ups have nothing to do with this.

The reason being he is technically the only Jedi to have mastered the 7th form of lightsaber combat renamed Vaapad. This is a lightsaber style that was initially banned from teachings in the Jedi Order due to the dangers of it bringing Jedi closer to the dark side. They had to "enjoy" the fight and stir and channel emotions on the inside, without showing them on the out. They say that the style was like dancing on the edge of the dark side, as well as being able to use an opponent's dark side against them.

The Vaapad style was named after and based on a species with many tentacles due to the nature of the attacks to be lightning fast, offensive, too many to count, and unpredictable. The downside is, the character was as much at risk to injure himself, then he was to the opponent.

"Six there were for generations of Jedi. The seventh, is not well-known. Powerful form it is. Deadliest of all. But dangerous it is, for its master as well as its opponent. Few have studied. One student alone, to mastery has risen."


I think Mace Windu in the game was not served proper justice. Vaapad is his almost personal lightsaber combat style and should not be a leader skill. He should not be a tank he should be an attacker as shown in every piece of canon and non-canon text of him.

There is no Heroic Sacrifice that he made in his stories, none that even inspired since when he died he was betrayed, the last man standing, and the only jedi with him turned to the dark side 10 seconds later. Heroic Sacrifice doesn't make sense.

"Vaapad was explained as being a state of mind rather than just a fighting style, allowing the wielder to channel his own inner darkness into the duel, and accept the fury of the opponent."

"It should be noted that while the sequences and maneuvers of Form VII could be practiced and drilled, a duelist would not be truly executing the style unless they allowed the excitement and passion of battle to color their actions"

I think the ideas behind some of his moves can be moved to other characters but I feel like the designers just threw random crap into his kit and sold him for 40 bucks. Now people will argue he has bonus damage on his basic ability and his hero trait is what gives him his offense, but he's still labeled as a tank due to that defense up and his base stats.


Here is my idea for a much needed Mace Windu overhaul:

1. Tempered Aggression Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to attack again. If the target is a Sith, this chance is increased to 100% and each attack has 50% increased critical chance and 50% increased critical damage.

Explanation: This is pretty much a damage variant of Count Dooku's basic attack. Although Mace Windu has no innate counter mechanics, this move sacrifices the utility comparison for pure raw damage, thematic with the 7th form. It also builds upon him being able to use an opponent's darkness against them, by channeling their own.

2. Swift Flank CD: (3/2 per upgrades) Deal Physical damage to target enemy and remove all positive status effects. If the target is a Sith, all of Mace Windu's cooldowns are lowered by 1 and he gains 50% turn meter.

Explanation: Another move dubbed "canon". I really like the Smite Mace Windu has, it's almost unique and useful for stopping taunts. It unfortunately doesn't work properly as it can't remove offense up, defense up, and a couple other things which is unfortunate. Whether this is a bug or intended, I've found that it pretty much is only used to dispel Chewbacca's taunt. Since it's a quick move, I decided to add a turn meter gain but also some lower cd to match.

3. Leader: Leading the Jedi Assault Team Jedi allies gain a 20% chance to assist other Jedi attacks, and a 20% chance to counter when an allied Jedi is attacked. When a Jedi lands a killing blow, 30% turn meter is restored to all Jedi.

Explanation: This here is what shows why Windu is on the high council, and a true leader of the Clone Wars. He led the largest scale assault team the Jedi Order had conducted while slaying Jango Fett in the process. This leader ability combines team work for damage and momentum.

4. Vaapad No cooldown. Gain 100% turn meter. Mace Windu gains 20% health whenever a unit is defeated. If Mace Windu does not have Offense Up, he gains Offense Up. If Mace Windu has Offense Up, remove Offense Up. When Mace Windu has Offense Up, he also has 25% increased Offense, 25% Increased Critical Chance, 25% Increased Critical Damage, but takes 25% more damage from all sources.

Explanation: This is kind of like a toggle. You can choose to have the Offense Up bonuses or not, turning it on and off at will since it grants you 100% turn meter with no cooldown. This is a version of Darth Sidious's ability with the health regen, but instead of increased turn meter on defeat and high evasion, Mace Windu gains massive offensive capabilities in place of being susceptible to a lot more damage. This is the power, and the risk, of Vaapad.

Conclusion: Mace Windu is known and unique for his redevelopment of the Form VII lightsaber style. The original was abandoned and not taught since it brought the user closer to the dark side. It is purely an offensive style that put the user at risk both physically, and towards the darker side of the force. One had to enjoy the thrill and could turn the darkness and fury of the opponent back against themselves. A high risk, high reward style that only Mace Windu mastered per Yoda's words.

EA made Mace Windu a Tank, with a Heroic Sacrifice passive that makes 0 sense on the character thematically and should go to a Jedi who fell valiantly and as a sacrifice, not one in Windu's situation.

My idea changes him almost completely, making him a true attacker and leader, not a contradiction to his theme and lore.

Ima-Gun Di

This Jedi actually looks pretty powerful on paper. He gives his entire team a 35% chance to counter which is amazing when at max rank. He also has innate healing when taking a critical hit. He suffers from being taken down fast, but also not really being able to dish out that much damage. This is fine since he is technically in the support role, but a +100% chance damage increase to droids is pretty useless in PVP as there are no droids yet.

I believe his leader ability is really good and on par with others. What I think he needs is an up chance in his basic attack. Without ranking it, it does nothing special, just damage and bonus damage to droids. When ranking you gain a 25% chance to inflict defense down. I think we should move the droid specialties to Eeth Koth, as their basic abilities are too similar. Ima-Gun DI in my opinion should have a version of Mace Windu's basic move. Basically, he will have say, a 40% chance to inflict Defense Down to an opponent, but also does bonus damage to characters WITH defense down. This is similar to Mace Windu's in that Mace's works when he himself has Defense Up. But Ime-Gun Di's should have a lower chance since it can happen on a counter.

Eeth Koth

Now I'm guessing that Eeth Koth was given combat bonuses against droids simply due to his lore in which he was captured by Grevious in the clone wars and fought off a bunch of droids. I think this uniqueness is definitely fine for a character in game much like Jawas but him in the form of a Jedi.

What this does is it expands diverse team building, in which someone who wishes to specialize around a more Jedi focused team, might have trouble dealing with a couple droid opponents in the future. Instead of throwing Jawas into the mix they have the option in Eeth Koth.

The only thing I would like changed here is his leader ability. 60 defense is not only boring but doesn't feel thematic. As an anti-droid specialists I think his character should be unique in design where he can fend off the droid's primary source of damage. Their lasers. I think Eeth Koth should grant all allies a high, 50% chance to counter a droids attack, but instead of using their own basic attacks, instead make it so they reflect the lasers of the actual droids attack back at them or at a random foe. This is highly thematic as Jedi constantly deflect and reflect the lasers of droids back at themselves.

Other notes[b/]

Jedi Consular and Jedi Guardian[i/] do not have actual names. They are the "standard" characters like a stormtrooper. The majority of these characters only have 3 abilities. In fact off the top of my head, the only character with a unique and actual name who doesn't have 4 abilities is Biggs. Whereas there are no non-named characters with a 4th ability.

Lumi. Why is she labeled an Attacker while Consular is labeled a healer? They should be in the same boat. She was a Consular, same lightsaber color, similar clothes, and similar healing.

Kylo and Ventress[i/]. These two lack the Sith AND Jedi tags because technically, they are neither. Both are force wielders, both use lightsabers proficiently, but weren't actually labeled. Kylo is new, he used to be a Jedi but is now part of the Knights of Ren and the Dark side under Snoke, but not technically a Jedi nor a Sith. Perhaps when his "training is complete" he will be dubbed Darth Kyle Ren or something and get the tag. As for Ventress, she was a Night Sister, part time Jedi Padawan, Part time Sith Apprentice but lacks the tags. Should these two perhaps be called Dark Jedi? "Other Force Wielders" ? what do you think?

Anyways folks who read this ridiculously long post.

What are your thoughts on Jedi in the meta, I see lumi, dooku, and sidious is 90% of my matches up here.

What are your thoughts on Mace Windu?



  • pay2win
    624 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Edited my previous comment because it was rude. You spent a lot of time making this post and shouldn't be dismissed in the first few paragraphs.
    Post edited by pay2win on
  • Forizen
    48 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    pay2win wrote: »
    "My ONLY reasoning for this is due to the fact that he fills the 'Tank' role which I think is not flushed out nor viable right now aside from Chewbacca."

    Stopped reading after this.

    Why's that. You can't even use "Brute" since you can just choose not to attack Savage.

    What tanks do people use in PVP?

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    Storm Trooper Han, Fives, Poe, Obi Wan, Finn, Boba Fett.
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    Mace Windu has a very pretty violet light sword thingy... that one thing make him OP.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    To address your very first point made "that sith characters feel essentially superior to jedi chatacters"

    If thats the case (im not sold i agree) but IF thats the case, it'd be acurate to the lore. Remember that sidious was just screwing around with yoda/mace an voulda killed then any time he wished. Like it or not, the sith are hands fown far mire powerful then the jedi.
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    Yup anyone who bought the jedi starter bundle got ripped off. If you just bought crystals for the same price you could farm windu, gaurdian and JC from Cantina battles at 200/refresh, although I don't know why you'd want to anyway.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Oh I'm all for revamping Mace. Not that I'm looking for a new power house but it does feel weird that when I take out my Jedi team, I find the Padawan Ahsoka infinitely more useful than legendary Jedi Master Mace Windu.

    At the same time, devs would do well to look over Plo Koon's skills as his ATK down skill presently only connects about 1/10 times. There's no real point in using it.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Mace Window and Anakin both need to be looked at.
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    Quite a lengthy post as you stated, but I agree most Jedi are weak especially against Sith.
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    Sidious Stalemated with Yoda. So if Yoda comes out & sid is far superior & any sith im gonna be infuriated.
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    Yoda should be on Par with Sid.
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    Windu absolutely needs a rework.
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    I accept mace needs a rework, but hell no about more than 50% of your ideas on Mace. You pretty much took the things that makes several other characters good and adjusted them to suit Mace. If Ea does half of the buffs you want they may as well re-release the starter pack back to everyone because they will make hundreds of millions.
    Im truly sorry you spent your money on those characters, but one you should have done some research before investing and two if you want something to be buffed, dont propose such an overwhelming buff because it will not happen.
  • Options
    pay2win wrote: »
    Storm Trooper Han, Fives, Poe, Obi Wan, Finn, Boba Fett.

    Han has horrible stats. Just abysmal. Fives has no taunt, you can ignore him in a fight and save him for last so he will only counter when the last man standing. Obiwan is also left for last, he has the highest tank stats in the game and an amazing ability when struck down. Both of which are useless when left for last. Same goes for Finn, tanky but can be ignored.

    As for Poe, to be honest I haven't faced him at all in PVP. On paper he looks like a viable tank.

    My point about Savage Opress is that he suffers like many other "tanks" in which he can be absolutely ignored in a fight and saved for last, while posing next to no threat.
    Abyss wrote: »
    To address your very first point made "that sith characters feel essentially superior to jedi chatacters"

    If thats the case (im not sold i agree) but IF thats the case, it'd be acurate to the lore. Remember that sidious was just screwing around with yoda/mace an voulda killed then any time he wished. Like it or not, the sith are hands down far mire powerful then the jedi.

    As far as I know, Mace Windu beat Sidious in a lightsaber dual, and Yoda was stalemated with Sidious. We don't know if he was actually more powerful.

    He could have been toying with them for other means but we will never know for sure.

    Also I don't know if the game IS going for lore, or for actual gameplay viability. I'm pretty sure one slash from a lightsaber will kill just about any character in the game, so in my eyes I think they are at least somewhat trying to make everyone even and viable, even outside the lore.

    Sidious Stalemated with Yoda. So if Yoda comes out & sid is far superior & any sith im gonna be infuriated.

    I think Sid is just a bunch of power packed into one character. Some of it is sensible but what makes him ridiculous is that he actually IS ridiculous in that he has so many things going on in one character. More stuff=more power.

    I also think Sid is strong due to his crit and dodge/heal ability, but also the healing debuff. It counters the supposed meta of high damage and healing, but he also prevents healing. So he has high damage, healing, AND debuff against healing.

    I'm not sure the game's approach is to make the most powerful/iconic in power characters, actually the most powerful. Rey for example has the highest potential damage output in the game if I'm not mistaken, but she doesn't have the force and is just using a staff in this incarnation.
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    Windu user here, planning on leveling him up. He desperately needs a buff because let´s face it, he cannot take real damage, he doesn´t hit hard at all, and his unique ability is kinda useless because people usually leave him till the end of the battle, so the only "useful" thing about him is the special that removes taunt on, Chewbacca? (seriously tho)...

    Makes absolutely no justice to the legendary lightsaber dueler and master that he is. Honestly I don´t care if he is not an anti-sith, a defensive toon or a tank, I just want him to be an overall much better character.

    I think the majority of the community playing this game would agree he is one of the most (if not the most) underpowered big characters in the game, alongside Anakin (the chosen one, remember?) and maybe Plo Koon and others
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    I accept mace needs a rework, but hell no about more than 50% of your ideas on Mace. You pretty much took the things that makes several other characters good and adjusted them to suit Mace. If Ea does half of the buffs you want they may as well re-release the starter pack back to everyone because they will make hundreds of millions.
    Im truly sorry you spent your money on those characters, but one you should have done some research before investing and two if you want something to be buffed, dont propose such an overwhelming buff because it will not happen.

    I didn't spend any money on the Jedi Pack. I actually only bought the Dooku one so that's not where my complaints are stemming from.

    That's fine to share your opinion on my idea of a rework, but side by side with Dooku or Sidious he actually doesn't look MORE powerful.

    To be honest though, now that I think about it, you are right I did pack a bunch of features, but it's just an idea.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Really enjoyed the lore read there, nice writeup. Agree that Mace is both underpowered and not true to lore; unsure I agree with all the suggestions as they would make him a major force to be reckoned with. Some good ideas for sure.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    Windu user here, planning on leveling him up. He desperately needs a buff because let´s face it, he cannot take real damage, he doesn´t hit hard at all, and his unique ability is kinda useless because people usually leave him till the end of the battle, so the only "useful" thing about him is the special that removes taunt on, Chewbacca? (seriously tho)...

    Makes absolutely no justice to the legendary lightsaber dueler and master that he is. Honestly I don´t care if he is not an anti-sith, a defensive toon or a tank, I just want him to be an overall much better character.

    I think the majority of the community playing this game would agree he is one of the most (if not the most) underpowered big characters in the game, alongside Anakin (the chosen one, remember?) and maybe Plo Koon and others

    I totally agree my friend. I really hope Windu is changed.

    On Plo Koon, i think this iteration is strictly from the Clone Wars series. The Plo Koon i know which is no longer canon had a yellow/orange lightsaber.

    I'm hoping for a movie variant where he looks more.. jedi mastery.

    I think when/if starship battles come out, Plo Koon will be reworked since he is one of , if not the best jedi starfighter pilots out there.
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    You all are missing the point.. Mace drank the purple.
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    I really like your ideas on Mace. I'm actually grinding for him now, hoping that when I get him he'll be buffed almost immediately.
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    The way the different class categories works in this game is based on what ability a character has by default, at least from what I have seen. Depending on what the nature of that ability is gives a character their 'class', which may contradict what is said in their description.

    Let's take the OP's mention of Luminara as an example. In her description, it says that she is a "Versatile attacker with ability block and powerful party heal.", with the tags of Attacker and Jedi. While it is true that she arguably has the best heal in the game, the fact remains that in order to unlock it, one must reach gear 4 (?) first. In the meantime, Luminara has access to her Force Nuke by default, hence the Attacker class tag.

    In a similar vein, Jedi Consular is labeled as a Healer (Support), Jedi due to the fact that by default he has a party wide heal, even if he can also access a Force Nuke.

    Now let's look at example where the description and the tags do not match. The humble Stormtrooper, in his description is an "Empire attacker with Taunt and Empire synergies.", yet his tags are Tank and Empire. As I mentioned above, this is due to the abilities that he has by default, namely his 2-turn taunt and defence buff, with his passive buff unlocked with additional gear.

    I hope this has helped people understand why some characters are or are not classed as certain roles, but please be aware that these are just my personal observations and they may not be right for every character.
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    Mace absolutely needs a rework his kit at the moment is total garbage. Your thoughts however on what his skills should be would absolutely break the game, so they definitely can't do that. What I would like to see is at 70 have over 143 speed. His first attack currently is garbage. I'd like it to apply a team buff, maybe turn speed. The damage on his basic attack can be bad to decent. His special I would like maybe a single target medium to high damage, also with buff immunity debuff with % chance to have someone else get buff immunity. That is a debuff we don't see enough of. For leader skill I would be really interested in an all allies potency leader, specifically to help counter Poe teams. I'd say like all allies +45% potency at max level. For his unique I'd like to see a counter percentage, and on counters have a chance to remove a buff. This kit has a lot of buff control, is valid in the current meta, and not specifically overpowered. Any thoughts?
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    I always like suggestions like this when you support your ideas with the actual Star Wars lore. Good post Forizen.
    Team Instinct - #1 PvP Powerhouse, dedicated with the strongest compassion to dominate.
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    I very much agree with your thoughts on mace (although your ability ideas seem too strong xD). Being a tank with defense up and slow speed just makes no sense at all why have they put these abities on mace? Completely opposite from everything we know about him.
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    I agree I have mace and he is pretty bad, also my my boba fett needs a buff too :(
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    Isn't it obvious? This is just another marketing strategy. Make the Dark Side OP...and then the hero comes..Yoda! (in chromiums only of course).
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    Very thought out, impressive. Fun to read as well. I agree with most people that he might need an overhaul fitting more to the lore. If that's too difficult he really needs a buff (evasion vs sith anyone?).
    You got some nice idea's but putting all of em in is a bit too much. I also second a Plo Koon buff duh ;)
    Got Mace 4* from a bronzium, never used him other than gear events and sometimes he can die in GW.

    I like the ideas of @EwokRampage a lot actually. Make him a control type of character which we lack a bit.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    I think your Mace Windu rework is too weak. Should have given him 50% damage AOE cleave on his basic attack as well, and raised his Vaapad heal to 100% and proc on hit, even if dodged. :D
    "Mockery: Oh, Master, I love you, but I hate all you stand for! But I think we should go press our slimy, mucus-covered lips together in the cargo hold!"
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    Abyss wrote: »
    To address your very first point made "that sith characters feel essentially superior to jedi chatacters"

    If thats the case (im not sold i agree) but IF thats the case, it'd be acurate to the lore. Remember that sidious was just screwing around with yoda/mace an voulda killed then any time he wished. Like it or not, the sith are hands fown far mire powerful then the jedi.

    Says who? State a valid source before claiming Sid was "just screwing around with yoda/mace an voulda killed then any time he wished." He needed a 'timely' intervention from Anakin to kill Mace and the duel with Yoda resulted in a stalemate. I get that you love the Siths, but so much for this "just screwing around" non-sense.

    Back to the original topic, an excellent post by Forizen with some good ideas. I think most would agree that Mace is underwhelming and deserves some significant re-work. Besides, if CG buffed Sid with a rationale stating they wanted to give a more accurate representation of him as in the Star Wars Universe, then they should apply the same logic to tweak other heroes such as Mace.
  • ErPuente
    8 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    now that's a mace windu id definitely max out. when I got him I tried making utmost use of him. even got vaapad at high level and now he's rotting. I definitely agree that mace needs some major upgrades
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