GW is perfect as it is right now! Finally not just full "auto-attack" or SIM



  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member

    Those are the last 2 nodes of my most recent GW, my power level currently is 38,601 but my max power was 39,521. As you can see I only lost one character, on node 11 no less. The 12th node has been broken since the supposed GW "fix". 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    OP is obviously a dev on a troll account....
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    pchen3082 wrote: »
    Agreed with OP, Suprisely GW becomes a little easier after the MOD update, now I don't even need to use B team to do the first 6 nodes. Just use my A team to smash 11 nodes and still have the last node benefit.

    I'm level 80 since end of May, arena power 39k
    I've beat it everyday since the mods. It's not overly hard, but retreating starting in node 6 to get the RNG just right takes too long and is boring

    On my case, since protection I don't use B or suicide teams anymore.
    BUT I cannot finish GW SINCE mods. Have my arena roster full modded by just can't cut it. So for me it is "overly hard"
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    Opusone wrote: »
    Speed and crit damage are the strongest by far. As people get those, you will see a meta shift back to first to shoot wins, and one shot kills. It's really too bad...

    Its already there, if i look at my daily gw and arena, speed wins. Arena top 20, team 38 k.

    And i got a wide rooster, if the change of mods would be for free, i would have more or less fun at gw and could change between competetive line ups, trying out things (like it was before protection came in).

    Currently in my guild its about 10 % of the players that face more or less impossible GW nodes starting at node 6, which makes it most times impossible to finish gw. We also got whales that finish #1 in arena having 40 k + teams who do only face 1 or 2 top gear/mod arena teams in their gw.

    So may be just listen to both sides ?
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    Many of these comments are quite valid--it takes too long, rewards don't match the effort, etc. But there is one thing that boggles my mind--

    Why do some feel they are entitled to the loot at the end of node 12? If you clear the first 11 nodes, then good for you. That's a fair amount of credits, training droids, and a mishmash of other stuff. But the game doesn't owe you anything for node 12. You aren't getting cheated out of something that's yours (like other things we have seen in this game recently).

    Node 12 is a reward for the folks that have put in the MONTHS of time building a comprehensive roster that can win the war of attrition. If you don't have a deep bench of strong characters who you've been accumulating / developing at a pace commensurate with your rockstar arena team, then you aren't going to beat node 12. But you do get to win at most of the other nodes. And over time, as you grow / strengthen your bench, you will eventually beat node 12.

    Does everyone expect to come in first in every singe raid? No. Does everyone expect to place first in the arena every day? No. We also shouldn't expect to beat node 12 every day either.

    It takes investment--either money or months of f2p. Haven't we all learned that this game is all about bringing in money? Node 12 is that carrot to get you to dig a little deeper into the wallet if you aren't willing to invest the months of time needed to win GW.

    So should I expect to get past 10 and 11?

    I started in March. I can't come close to finishing which is making it so I cannot make credits to expand my roster. What do you think I can do to earn more credits that I lose because of not finishing my GW?

    Any help about earning credits from you guys who constantly say I should grow my roster would be helpful.


    Since the GW update some time ago, I went from finishing every day to finishing every other day. I'm f2p, and have 20ish 7* characters that I have grinded on for 8 months, since early December. 8 LONG months. And not a penny out of pocket. It just takes time to bring along the non-arena team, brother. I still have characters waiting on the 500k or 1m to go up a star. You just plug away at it steadily.

    The credits will accumulate over time, and you have to allocate them smartly. But if you are expecting to max characters overnight, it won't happen. It takes months to accumulate the credits... Or you can speed it up by flushing money down the toilet to buy the overpriced credit packs.

    So you really can't help. All you wrote is what we already know. We get **** credits and it takes a long time to pay for anything and if you can't finish GW it takes even longer.


    Wow. I guess there is no help for ya. I am sorry the game cannot provide you the instant gratification you feel you are entitled to. Good luck with that in life, bud.

    I feel entitled to instant gratification? Where did you get that? You don't know me. Don't write as if you do.

    What you wrote is for people to not expect to win everytime, which is the outlook of a loser. I coach high school football and I would NEVER tell my guys to not expect to win in EVERYTHING they do. From school work, to relationships to sports. Never. I would never accept that not finishing something is okay.

    But back to your lack of help... Thanks again. Youre are natural Tony Robbins there. It's okay to lose! Don't have such high expectations! Who wants to have fun in a mobile game!?! Lol

    Good times.

    Congrats on being a high school football coach. You are right. I didn't know you. But now we know that you coach HS sports, I am dismayed that you are projecting the "You can't possibly lose, and you should cry foul if you do" mentality to youth.

    I am sure that your career record is a gazillion to zero. Because anytime you would have lost to a superior team, you would have filed a complaint to the high school governing body citing shenanigans and worked to turn the outcome over to something that suited your expectations.

    The other team was too strong. Not fair. The other team was too big. Not fair. The other team was too fast. Not fair. Etc. We can't possibly lose. We are entitled to win, and if we don't, then the system is rigged and we cry foul.

    But no, we know it's not that way. As a coach, you win some, and you lose some. If your team stinks, you lose more than you win until you train your team, get better players, or have a better game plan. Instead of losing gracefully and hitting the weight room you don't complain to the league that the other teams are just too strong, and hope the league will give you a softer schedule.

    As a football coach, I would have expected you to understand this, and be able to apply it to GW.

    But you can go ahead and cry foul. Since losing isn't even a possibility for you, as the word isn't in your vocabulary, the system is definitely rigged. Heck, why don't you just quit instead of lose GW? Take up another sport that's not rigged so you can win every time?
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    From what I've seen, the top 1% of players find it just fine. But for the rest of us who aren't at the very top, we've regressed. I used to be able to get through 11 nodes and constantly wipe on the 12th. Now, I often get completely wiped on the 6th or 9th node. Regression isn't fun or challenging; it's demoralizing.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member

    What you wrote is for people to not expect to win everytime, which is the outlook of a loser. I coach high school football and I would NEVER tell my guys to not expect to win in EVERYTHING they do. From school work, to relationships to sports. Never. I would never accept that not finishing something is okay.

    But back to your lack of help... Thanks again. Youre are natural Tony Robbins there. It's okay to lose! Don't have such high expectations! Who wants to have fun in a mobile game!?! Lol

    Good times.

    You can expect to win in everything you do and be okay with losing from time to time. At some point expecting to win everything is just false hope. There is nothing wrong with managing expectations and setting realistic goals.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Many of these comments are quite valid--it takes too long, rewards don't match the effort, etc. But there is one thing that boggles my mind--

    Why do some feel they are entitled to the loot at the end of node 12? If you clear the first 11 nodes, then good for you. That's a fair amount of credits, training droids, and a mishmash of other stuff. But the game doesn't owe you anything for node 12. You aren't getting cheated out of something that's yours (like other things we have seen in this game recently).

    Node 12 is a reward for the folks that have put in the MONTHS of time building a comprehensive roster that can win the war of attrition. If you don't have a deep bench of strong characters who you've been accumulating / developing at a pace commensurate with your rockstar arena team, then you aren't going to beat node 12. But you do get to win at most of the other nodes. And over time, as you grow / strengthen your bench, you will eventually beat node 12.

    Does everyone expect to come in first in every singe raid? No. Does everyone expect to place first in the arena every day? No. We also shouldn't expect to beat node 12 every day either.

    It takes investment--either money or months of f2p. Haven't we all learned that this game is all about bringing in money? Node 12 is that carrot to get you to dig a little deeper into the wallet if you aren't willing to invest the months of time needed to win GW.

    So Only people that can finish in the top in raids(getting the best rewards) and only people that can finish 1st or so in the arena(getting the best rewards) should be able to get the best rewards from GW? A place where everyone should have a chance because their is no ladder in GW, Oh wait, you are saying there is.

    Pretentious much?
    540 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    DjangoQuik wrote: »
    Well in that case you are one of the lucky ones - most players are still struggling immensely and getting multiple opponents far beyond them.

    Thats just not true if you look at this thread:

    Most players still clear GW every day.

    How many of them are below 30k arena power? Them and major whales don't have the issue. Like always, the middle class takes the brunt.
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
  • Tanuki
    136 posts Member
    I don't think whales should be considered when deciding how hard or easy something is. The game shouldn't be that hard if you spend $400-1000 on it anyway. If you are a 39k arena team probably spent a bunch of money. Ps. Burn through my entire cast o' characters can't get past the last node
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    No that is not correct. July 14th I believe it was as close to perfect as they could have came then the mods update came out and poof crap again.

    Sorry this is the last game on the planet that I would be proud of being a whale.
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    Many of these comments are quite valid--it takes too long, rewards don't match the effort, etc. But there is one thing that boggles my mind--

    Why do some feel they are entitled to the loot at the end of node 12? If you clear the first 11 nodes, then good for you. That's a fair amount of credits, training droids, and a mishmash of other stuff. But the game doesn't owe you anything for node 12. You aren't getting cheated out of something that's yours (like other things we have seen in this game recently).

    Node 12 is a reward for the folks that have put in the MONTHS of time building a comprehensive roster that can win the war of attrition. If you don't have a deep bench of strong characters who you've been accumulating / developing at a pace commensurate with your rockstar arena team, then you aren't going to beat node 12. But you do get to win at most of the other nodes. And over time, as you grow / strengthen your bench, you will eventually beat node 12.

    Does everyone expect to come in first in every singe raid? No. Does everyone expect to place first in the arena every day? No. We also shouldn't expect to beat node 12 every day either.

    It takes investment--either money or months of f2p. Haven't we all learned that this game is all about bringing in money? Node 12 is that carrot to get you to dig a little deeper into the wallet if you aren't willing to invest the months of time needed to win GW.

    So Only people that can finish in the top in raids(getting the best rewards) and only people that can finish 1st or so in the arena(getting the best rewards) should be able to get the best rewards from GW? A place where everyone should have a chance because their is no ladder in GW, Oh wait, you are saying there is.

    Pretentious much?

    Actually, no. I am quite the opposite from a high roller. I cash out between 20 and 35 in arena daily. I run droids and stunners on a December server with a bunch of Bears With Sabres behemoths. They kick my butt. I have never finished higher than 17th. I usually finish in the high 20s during raids. I've spent a total of $50 on this game when I started in December, and haven't spent a penny since. Feel free to check with my guildmate pac0naut if you think I am BSing you.

    I am far from an elite player. I can't beat node 12 in GW about half the time. But the other half I can. It's not because of acing other aspects of the game; it's because I have been working at it for months, and have developed the bench to win it. You can't expect to just show up and beat node 12 overnight.

    So no, not pretentious at all. Sorry to disappoint you. But I do have realistic expectations. That's the point of the post. Change your perspective and expectations. You aren't entitled to win GW every day. You actually have to put in work over a long time to earn it.
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