Guild Merger Requests



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    Teague wrote: »

    I fight a "Kyle Katarn" in arena a lot. Wonder if that's you?

    Yeah that's my in game name, so probably.
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    Current guild name (optional): Rae of Hope
    Number of members: 46
    Current Raid Tier: T7
    Current Raid Timezone: Raids are 1PM EST (guild reset is 9:30 PM EST)
    Chat Application Used: Line
    What are you looking for in a merge: Looking to add a smaller but active group - around 10-12ish guild page (if possible): (many members not listed)

    Have a very dedicated core of people but carrying several folks who are doing less than half 600 daily. Strength of teams is not nearly as important as daily dedication, being willing to help/communicate, and just not being a ****.

    PM/Reply or respond to LINE id: alex007smith
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    Current guild name (optional): Damage Control Inc
    Number of members: 31/50
    Current Raid Tier: T6 w/1 refresh
    Current Raid Timezone: EST
    Chat Application Used: LINE
    What are you looking for in a merge: We are looking to add either a smaller guild/group or individual players who are looking to have fun in a laid back atmosphere. guild page (if possible): (not everyone is on here yet)

    We started our guild about a month ago with a core of 12 players that have been playing various mobile games together for about 3 years. Great, friendly group of people that values everyone having fun, first and foremost. No real requirements, other than being active. Currently have 19-20 spaces to fill. Groups, small guilds, or individual players are all welcome, regardless of player level (it is encouraged that you have at least 1 7* character so that you can benefit from the rewards, no matter what tier of raid is run). We will never nag you about 600 coins, as all players are aware of what it takes to run raids and no one likes to be micromanaged.

    Send PM in forum or respond to LINE ID: mooneyc

    Thank you!
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    What's good? You fill your ranks already?
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    guild name : Durnian

    Number of members: 25

    Current Raid Tier: 5/6

    Current Raid Timezone: UK

    Chat Application Used: None

    What are you looking for in a merge: Fill up the rest of our guild with active members so we can attempt tier 7 raids and attempt the Tank raid and eventually push on to being a top team. We have a couple very strong guys who drag us through the raids guild page (if possible):
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    Current guild name (optional): 501st Combat Studies Group
    Number of members: 30 without alts
    Current Raid Tier: T4
    Current Raid Timezone: CST
    Chat Application Used: Discord
    What are you looking for in a merge: I want to fill my roster and am only looking for patient people willing to grow who are active daily.

    219-553-862 guild page (if possible): Only two members registered on site.
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    guild name : Durnian

    Number of members: 25

    Current Raid Tier: 5/6

    Current Raid Timezone: UK

    Chat Application Used: None

    What are you looking for in a merge: Fill up the rest of our guild with active members so we can attempt tier 7 raids and attempt the Tank raid and eventually push on to being a top team. We have a couple very strong guys who drag us through the raids guild page (if possible):

    I think you would be a good fit to merge with my guild. I could make room for about 20 players.

    Here's a little about us.

    1. We are an international guild in US est. Our raids start as soon as the last one is done, so timezone really isn't important.
    2. We are currently doing T6 Rancor raids and normal level AAT. I hope to be moving up to T7 soon.
    3. We do not currently use an outside chat, like line. But, I am open to that possibility.
    4. We are laid back. No high pressure. No harsh rules. Most of us are level 75+. But, we do have some lower level players too.
    5. We are very good with our gear exchange. This makes building up characters much easier.
    6. The only thing I ask of our new members is to do 500-600 raid tickets each day. Our p2p players usually do 600 every day and f2p players is a little harder to hit 600 every day.

    Let me know if you are interested in joining us or if you want any more info. I have just become leader of this guild and am planning to build it up to a T7 quickly. Thanks.

  • Ghobis
    60 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Current guild name: Cantina Lords

    Number of members: 38 (can make room for more)

    Current Raid Tier: T7 Rancor / Normal AAT

    Current Raid Timezone: MST, Raids Launched at 1400UTC

    Chat Application Used: SLACK

    What are you looking for in a merge: Active players. Daily presence preferred but not required. Like-minded folks who want to progress and destroy Normal AAT, grow and eventually destroy Heroic AAT. We're a tight-knit group, easy going and love to share knowledge. guild page:

    Ally Code: 498-869-947
  • ThePixie
    98 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Thought this was something worth bringing back for anyone looking for a merger with another guild.
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    Great idea
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    Anyone looking to join a T5/T6 Rancor guild?
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    @ThePixie I think you just joined our discord then left
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    Current guild name: Nomads
    Number of members: 26
    Current Raid Tier: T7R, Normal Tank
    Current Raid Timezone: NACST, Central Time
    Chat Application Used: Line is optional, but it helps.
    What are you looking for in a merge: Bring in more people that get 600s, raid more often, be more happy. guild page (if possible): , we only have seven members with their roster synced.
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