Debunking Rumors


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    Back on track...

    +1 to fixing grenades

    Seems kind of worthless for a delayed grenade which is unable to deal a killing blow

    I believe one of the most valuable uses of a grenade is to kill an injured character while an enemy taunt is active. Similar to an AOE ability.

    As of now the detonated grenade will bring an opponent to 1 hp, where they can heal/attack or w/e special they have.

    Something also discussed is the chance to apply the grenade at higher lvls.

    Are there any plans to fix or rework grenades? At the most please allow them to deliver a killing blow as they are very underwhelming.

    Thanks love the game :)

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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Hey there Heroes,

    There have been a few rumors going around on the forums that are not true. @CG_JohnSalera and I have replied to a few instances of these rumors, but I figured it would be good to have them all in one place so that they are easier to find.

    1. Suspected advantage given to the AI -- We reviewed the code and data, sought info and video from the community, and after spending quite a bit of time on this, nothing turned out to be wrong. Meaning: the AI-controlled characters aren't given advantage over player-controlled characters.
    2. Suspected mis-awarding of shards from Chromium 4x and 8x packs -- We reviewed the code and data, sought info and video from the community, and spent a huge amount of QA time trying to reproduce this issue. This has also yielded nothing. There *are* visual bugs and those are being addressed in our next major update. Specifically, if you get (for example) more than one drop of the same character from one pack, the progress bar display only counts up only the last drop's worth of shards -- even when showing the first drop's shards. That's complicated, so let me talk through an example. If before you opened a pack you had 20 shards of Cad Bane, and then opened and 8x pack that gave you two drops of 12 Cad Bane shards each, the count up display would show 32 counting up to 44 for the first drop, and then 32 counting up to 44 for the second drop. Looks wrong and isn't clear at all. In the future, this will turn into 20 counting up to 32 for the first drop and 32 counting up to 44 for the second drop. Lots of words there, hope that's clear. :)
    3. Suspected lack of fairness in how shards are dropped in Hard mode -- We reviewed the code and also tried to reproduce the problem. Nothing other than a true randomness is at work here. The team is discussing ways to modify the experience so players don't run into as many hot or cold streaks. (Obviously the cold streaks are the perceived issue.)
    4. Cheaters and exploiters - We have been aware of people who aren't playing by the rules. We've been spending time plugging some exploits and preparing what will happen by those folks. Stay tuned (and try to be patient here if you can).
    5. Suspected merging of Arena Leaderboards - This actually didn't take much time, but I wanted to include it for clarity. There has been an on-going rumor that we are quietly merging certain leaderboards (which people also call shards, servers, or other names). This isn't happening. We haven't done this nor have plans to merge leaderboards.

    What about the people whose accounts youve flagged for exploiting yet have and can provide proof that isnt the case? I don't expect an answer though, i didnt get one the last time. Both support reps were no help either.
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    Cool and good job on updates. Cheaters should be monitored and game correction is only fair for fun game play.
  • Drekulviin
    379 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I saw Boba revive himself 4 times in a row
    I saw Daka revive a single character 3 times in a row with her 10% random chance
    I saw multi-attacks proc 80% of the time in a fight with Phasma 16% chance
    I saw Fives countering 95% of the time in a fight with his 45% chance (or 70%)
    But it didn't happen to my team once ! So don't be surprise if people don't believe that AI is fair
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    @EA_Jesse Bro princess Leila is seriously overpowered in squad arena When she's upgraded. Ridiculously overpowered. She always hits 3 times on her basic attack and does 5-6 thousand worth of damage. BASIC ATTACK!!? On top of that she is super fast and goes stealth and the only way to acquire her spending tons of money. The ability to attack multiple times should be removed. She also grants allies critical chance 25 critical chance -.- what's the point of a Sidious that only grants 13 on max power
  • _Santjago_
    1 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Hey there Heroes,
    1. Suspected advantage given to the AI -- We reviewed the code and data, sought info and video from the community, and after spending quite a bit of time on this, nothing turned out to be wrong. Meaning: the AI-controlled characters aren't given advantage over player-controlled characters.

    With all respects, can't agree with you, Jesse.
    FOTP controlled by AI (113 or 117 SP, depend on level) performed his action earlier than my Sid (152 SP) at the start of battle. According to this great article, it's impossible without some advantages.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    @Zoh31 Leia (not Leila) does not fire thrice all the time.
    (Source: have fought them dozens of times in Arena)

    Her critical buff skill is apparently broken and afaik this is a known issue.
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    @Nonemo Bro her percentage to attack again is low. Yet it feels like it's at a high 80-90. The amount of damage she does is ridiculous. Also, her ability to grant allies critical chance for a few turns is also very low. But once again it feels as if it's at high 80-90 because it always works
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    I'm sure your feelings are valid to you. But don't expect an entire forum to back up your claims based on those feelings alone. Especially not after devs have very clearly stated that AI does not gain any special advantages.

    Regarding Leia's crit up buff, it looks like it procs at 100%, not just 80-90%. Which is clearly not intended. This may be another visual bug. Hard to tell.
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    My claim was intended for jesse, not for you or anyone else, I even mentioned him. I assumed he's a dev but if not then I got the wrong guy. Princess Leia just needs to be downgraded or at least obtainable without spending loads of money.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    @Zoh31 if you don't want public responses, then don't post in public threads. There is a PM function. With that said, I wasn't out to accomplish anything more than just adding some clarity to the points you're raising.
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    Once again, I tagged Jesse. If you feel as if your input was necessary then good for you. The point I was making was that her rate of landing her special ability was too high, which everyone, including yourself can agree on. Something should be done.
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    Whilst new to forums I'm fairly heavily invested both in dollars and game time to date. Per this thread I've submitted a PM to EA_Jesse on Jan 13th and no response yet. This is in addition to the multiple tickets raised with support which had either been closed without response or heavily delayed in responding.

    At a loss at how to escalate this further to have a full audit and review of my account, can you please advise?
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    Hey @Gauss , sorry for the delay, sent you a PM.
    Community Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Follow me on Twitter - Darokaz
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    There's one way to prove (more or less) if the AI isn't getting bonuses or if the drop rates is being tinkered with: post our chances. If a character is highlighted, and a special ability is selected to use against that target, post what the percentage chance of {whatever} has to proc. Chance to stun, ability block or whatever or chance of that character to dodge, etc. Also, when checking out battle rewards, if we click on a shard or gear, we get a percentage chance of that item to drop. If I see a 20% chance to drop, then when I spam that mission using all of my energy and then refill and do it again.. I should get something fairly close to that chance. I don't know why mobile games keep the drop percentages a big secret. If I know a chance of a drop is something like 15% or 20% then I'll prepared when I spend all of my energy and only get 2.
    We should also be able to check out other players profiles and heroes in a little more depth. We might see an enemy of close to the same level and think it should be evenly match. When in reality, they have maxed gear and ability mats and there is a gross disadvantage. That's another reason players get so confused when a seemingly similar team wipes the floor with us.
    But, this is what you get when you design a game that is all random chance. The rewards, the drops, the battles. Some people will have some horrible luck and think something fishy is going on. We can't even buy a hero pack any more. That was the one surefire way to know what you were getting, so what happened to that?

    One question though: if the AI doesn't get an advantage. Why is it in GW I'll see a team exactly like mine, and my team is maxed in level, gear and mats (and this is before the level cap raise) and some of the heroes on the other team have more HPs then me.. and no it's not because Barris is the leader. Stuff like that is what led me to believe the AI was getting bonuses.
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    I've posted this before, and I have sent several emails back and forth with customer support in regards to the character shard drop. I'd just like an explanation on how this is a "graphical issue," and how the shards are actually really there:

    IG-86 is at 19/25 shards. I open two sets of five. End result, he's at 24/25. I cannot promote him. I have to sim another fight to get that extra shard to level him up. He's now at 0/30. I've restarted the app, simmed again to get to 1/30. Explain?
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    MTPrezzy wrote: »
    IG-86 is at 19/25 shards. I open two sets of five. End result, he's at 24/25. I cannot promote him. I have to sim another fight to get that extra shard to level him up. He's now at 0/30. I've restarted the app, simmed again to get to 1/30. Explain?
    I don't get it, where in your story did anything NOT happen like it should have?

    Also, late to the party, but thanks @EA_Jesse for taking the time to explain everything. Whether certain things are really fixed or not will always remain unsure with a game like this, but at least we're getting decent feedback. Thumbs up.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    MTPrezzy wrote: »
    IG-86 is at 19/25 shards. I open two sets of five. End result, he's at 24/25. I cannot promote him. I have to sim another fight to get that extra shard to level him up. He's now at 0/30. I've restarted the app, simmed again to get to 1/30. Explain?
    I don't get it, where in your story did anything NOT happen like it should have?

    Also, late to the party, but thanks @EA_Jesse for taking the time to explain everything. Whether certain things are really fixed or not will always remain unsure with a game like this, but at least we're getting decent feedback. Thumbs up.

    I don't get what you don't get. 19+ 10 doesn't equal 24.
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    Ah to me that seemed like it was a typo, or that there was something wrong with the second part.

    Now then, are you sure the second purchase of 5 shards actually went through? AFAIK, IG-86 5-packs are only obtainable in Galactic War, which is once per 6 hour countdown. Or maybe you ran out of tokens?
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    This is a pretty ugly thread, might as well be closed...
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    Ah to me that seemed like it was a typo, or that there was something wrong with the second part.

    Now then, are you sure the second purchase of 5 shards actually went through? AFAIK, IG-86 5-packs are only obtainable in Galactic War, which is once per 6 hour countdown. Or maybe you ran out of tokens?

    Yeah the drops were from chromium packs.
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    Idk the shard drop thing seems pretty real to me. Trying to lvl up gear lvl for Anakin and today alone I've used 300+ energy and got a whopping 4!!!! 4!!!! Of the gear I need. In two days I've gotten 5 of the gear and that's using 500+ energy. That's a pretty severe cold streak. Not to mention couple weeks trying to lvl up Kylo I've gotten 30 shards. I used to be able to get at least around 5 character shards per day now it's more like 2 3 at the most.
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    I admit I was one of the people who read the forums for a long time thinking that all the claims about the RNG being AI favored was probly just some unlucky streaks which stand out more than unlucky ones. But since then I have been trying to pay attention to my matches more. Obviously there is no way to prove it, but I can honestly say that in MY experience odds favor the AI quite a bit. I decided to pay attention to Phasma assist procs since it is both a low % chance and most of the time we both have her as leader so we both have a chance at the extra attacks. I usually get about 2 assists per enemy 5. This is even when I have the req 62 18% version and use Kylo Ren when the opponent has the 16% version.
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    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    Idk the shard drop thing seems pretty real to me. Trying to lvl up gear lvl for Anakin and today alone I've used 300+ energy and got a whopping 4!!!! 4!!!! Of the gear I need. In two days I've gotten 5 of the gear and that's using 500+ energy. That's a pretty severe cold streak. Not to mention couple weeks trying to lvl up Kylo I've gotten 30 shards. I used to be able to get at least around 5 character shards per day now it's more like 2 3 at the most.

    I'm having similar issues but all I've been told is that it's just bad RNG and to go read Qeltar's post on it, so that's all I can offer you. It does seem odd that so many of us are having similar issues, but @CG_JohnSalera has told me that we are all on a bad streak and these things do happen so sadly, you'll have to just continue on and hope that he's right and that your cold streak ends....
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    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    Idk the shard drop thing seems pretty real to me. Trying to lvl up gear lvl for Anakin and today alone I've used 300+ energy and got a whopping 4!!!! 4!!!! Of the gear I need. In two days I've gotten 5 of the gear and that's using 500+ energy. That's a pretty severe cold streak. Not to mention couple weeks trying to lvl up Kylo I've gotten 30 shards. I used to be able to get at least around 5 character shards per day now it's more like 2 3 at the most.

    I'm having similar issues but all I've been told is that it's just bad RNG and to go read Qeltar's post on it, so that's all I can offer you. It does seem odd that so many of us are having similar issues, but @CG_JohnSalera has told me that we are all on a bad streak and these things do happen so sadly, you'll have to just continue on and hope that he's right and that your cold streak ends....

    Yep. I've read the great post by Qeltar, and realize you may tend to forget the hot streaks. The thing is, I've never had a hot streak with a few characters, primarily Rey.

  • Raven
    113 posts Member
    To be honest, there are hundreds of thousands (or is it millions?) of people playing this game. And logically, people who EXPERIENCED fair and/or advantageous rng towards them wouldnt even bothered to write their experience here in this forum. As a result surely there seems to be a lot of complaints here and there, since they would be equal amount of people at the other end of the rng. (Go on, search your feelings, you know it to be true!)

    That being said, F2P player here with gratitudes for developer and P2P player and respect to other F2P. Pulled Leia (2* only ajkshahshshajhdkj), I-ma Gun di (4* what what!) and captain phasma (3*) in chromium data card, and a purple full gear thingy for darth sid to upgrade gear to lvl 7 from bronzemium (right at level 52, a level before i require the item, sick timing bro sick timing!!).

    Regarding battles, it sucks to see how often my sid heal debuff got resisted but to be fair, my team has proc more crits than their stated % so I am fine with it.

    Just to put it out there, some are lucky, some are not, many experience 'fairness' in the drop rates.

    This is an entertainment in a form of games, lets keep it entertaining and positive guys.

    GLHF heroes! :)
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    @EA_Jesse I was browsing thru the old forums and I saw this. Could you specify what you mean by you've improved defender AI?
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    I feel like you need to merge the servers i dont think its fair that someone my level vompetes in the tip 20 when i am trying to stay in the top 500
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    ZarAzi wrote: »
    @EA_Jesse I was browsing thru the old forums and I saw this. Could you specify what you mean by you've improved defender AI?

    In the game data there was a newsletter about it. I think during beta arena was only available on auto play, then they made it so you can play it the way you want. To compensate for this change the AI was made smarter, e.g. focusing down healers, attacking the person with the weakest health. As far as I know it hasn't changed since the global launch.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    _Santjago_ wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Hey there Heroes,
    1. Suspected advantage given to the AI -- We reviewed the code and data, sought info and video from the community, and after spending quite a bit of time on this, nothing turned out to be wrong. Meaning: the AI-controlled characters aren't given advantage over player-controlled characters.

    With all respects, can't agree with you, Jesse.
    FOTP controlled by AI (113 or 117 SP, depend on level) performed his action earlier than my Sid (152 SP) at the start of battle. According to this great article, it's impossible without some advantages.

    this and much more. The Ai gets such a speed buff. In Arena and GW its really stupid when teams with 3000 power or 3-5 lvl below ur team goes before ur team. sorry @EA_Jesse but i call this a lie
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