Thank You Developers

Amidst a sea of negativity these past few weeks, I would just like to post my appreciation for all the hard work and dedication countless people have put into making this game.
Without people like you, the majority of the forum would have nothing to complain about.
I, for one, look forward to any and all new content you guys roll out in the future. Don't let the trolls in the forums distract you guys from your vision of what the game could be.

May the force be with you.


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    Just having a look at the forums today for a first time in a while, and I realised why I left in the first place. Your post is absolutely spot on, the complaining never stops.

    This game is fantastic, and I know that I will continue to play this game for a long while to come. It's sad to see the amount of negativity present, but I feel this forum does not speak for the majority of players who also love and appreciate this game.

    So thank you devs, and +1 op for a positive post.
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    I play this game because it is still one of the best mobile games out there, and 'cause it Star Wars to boot.
    If they ever released a GO version of this game
    ... never mind people hunting silly beasts in the middle of a highway...
    We'd ALL be hunting
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    Except all the obvious and blatant money grabs and the quick devaluation of your purchased gear overnight with the introduction of mods.
    Artificial gaps being created and 3 precraft issues already set.

    Ye the forum is just whining with no legit reason. Easy for people to say when they haven't spend a penny most likely.
    I don't mind you being a fanboy but there have been many dodgy moves already which made a lot of players quit.
    My guild leader quit and so did 10 others so far so clearly something is not going well and clearly most people are fed up with these shenanigans.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Talk about **** on a fire to put it out, tellin' it like it is. The hole mod gong show seemed like a cash grab because how could they not see that coming, like really HQ, come on. But that was like getting paid to shoot your self in the foot.

    At the end of the day, they do alright. I didn't get bent all outa shape about it.
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    Those who do not adapt to changes are left behind.
    I've been playing this game since February, and have adapted my play style to suit each and every new update.
    I understand that there are bugs in the game, I've learned to work around them.
    Isn't that the whole point of gaming?
    Challenge presented... now overcome it.
  • Hosko
    43 posts Member
    Sparhawk66 wrote: »
    Amidst a sea of negativity these past few weeks, I would just like to post my appreciation for all the hard work and dedication countless people have put into making this game.
    Without people like you, the majority of the forum would have nothing to complain about.
    I, for one, look forward to any and all new content you guys roll out in the future. Don't let the trolls in the forums distract you guys from your vision of what the game could be.

    May the force be with you.

  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    The future of gaming:

    - Deliver half **** content filled with bugs and glitches (be it intended or not, I believe it is/was intended)
    - make people pay for more content they haven't asked for and frankly didn't want.
    - Make balance and bug fixes not a priority, in fact let the players make the balance with mods.

    Future doesn't look bright if gaming is heading this way.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Here here!

    I might be one of the folks that complain. Not so much these days than before but I too would like to say thanks for the hard work dev team, I know I might not say it often enough but your work is greatly appreciated!

    Thanks once again!
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    To fix every single bug, or everyone's complaints, amounts to Sisyphus rolling a rock uphill.
    It just not possible.
    Keep on what you're doing devs. Us hardcore fans will appreciate it
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    Thanks for the mods that nobody asked for.

    Thanks for nerfing the mod drop rate into oblivion, which nobody asked for.

    Thanks for doubling the mod levelling cost, which nobody asked for.

    Thanks for locking mod challenges behind teams that nobody wants to level up.

    Thanks for putting in additional paywalls and for the credit crunch.

    Thanks for ignoring weeks of unanimous GW feedback, worsening the credit crunch.

    Thanks for forging ahead and just doing what makes you money, leaving bugs untouched, to the detriment of everyone who plays the game.

    Cheers! :smile:
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    Thanks for being a Neanderthal and not being able to adapt.
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    Sparhawk66 wrote: »
    Thanks for being a Neanderthal and not being able to adapt.

    I did adapt, with my wallet, as they intended. So if I pay for it, I have a right to complain about it.

    And "neanderthal" - hehe... Okay.
  • Mofojokers1992
    1975 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I believe that if you look at the forums as a bile of hatred then you are definitely off base. I see it as dedicated fans of Star Wars speaking out when something isn't correct.

    Some just take it too far...

    Myself and others

    Do give alot of good feedback and ideas. But we don't like having our chain yanked as well.

    See my series as well [Small Life Changes]
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    Everyone and their brother wants crap for free these days. No one wants to earn it.
    Yes, it takes months to earn credits to max a character. As well it should.
    If everyone had all characters maxed, we'd all be screaming at the devs for new content.
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    I believe that if you look at the forums as a bile of hatred then you are definitely off base. I see it as dedicated fans of Star Wars speaking out when something isn't correct.

    Some just take it too far...

    Myself and others do give alot of good feedback and ideas. But we don't like having our chain yanked as well.

    See my series as well [Small Life Changes]

    You're not wrong. I didn't start out this way, all sore and bitter, I've been forged this way after realising the stark reality of how EA/CG run the game.

    I can point to many well thought out feedback threads I wrote on various issues. For a time I felt such features were so obviously unbalanced that they would definitely get addressed once pointed out and with enough community support. How naive I was.

    I've recently begun to realise that this forum is nothing more than an intentional punching bag, they keep this here for frustrated players to voice their angst and feel that they're not alone. Anger shared is anger halved, there's more chance to keep players hooked in this way.

    Nothing raised on these forums actually gets fixed unless it benefits EA/CG monetarily. That's just a cold, hard fact that took me way too long to figure out. Every change they make to the game makes them more money. The game is designed to generate frustration resulting in a purchase to solve the latest problem.

    Why do I still play it? I like the underlying game, I like the mechanics and I like Star Wars. I've given up campaigning and hoping for change, however, as it's not coming.

    Maybe one day I'll decide enough is enough, I'm not there yet.
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    Sparhawk66 wrote: »
    Everyone and their brother wants **** for free these days. No one wants to earn it.
    Yes, it takes months to earn credits to max a character. As well it should.
    If everyone had all characters maxed, we'd all be screaming at the devs for new content.

    You totally don't get me at all. If we're speaking plainly now, seriously, then all I want is "value for money". This game used to offer that, lately they got greedy.
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    Sparhawk66 wrote: »
    Thanks for being a Neanderthal and not being able to adapt.

    Neanderthals were quite well adapted for their habitat. Adaptation in the evolutionary sense is quite different from its lay use. Ewoks not having reproductive organs or excretory there's an example of poor adaptation
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    It's surprising to see how people, like the OP in this case, miss the implications of certain actions.

    While these particular forums are not the 'elegant weapons of a more civilized age', the content of the responses to development choices lately have primarily been based in reasoned analysis.

    Anyone who has been playing SWGOH since Day 1-ish, recognizes that there have been a number of design choices and implementations that have been 'off', but the way that mods were introduced and its follow up has been a 'next level' debacle.

    Just because someone might lack the language skill set to eloquently make their point, does not mean that their point is off base. Gameplay changes that dismantle the previously existing paradigm in every way IS NOT power creep, it is the nuclear option. That's what happened and that is why the response was appropriately proportional.

    Some of the biggest hitters and spenders in the game realized this and what it would have meant for the future. Not just a change, but a complete dismantling of the game. So here's to them for providing a counterpoint and actually influencing any kind of response.

    TL; DR - The dev 'vision' of the game involves extracting the maximum amount of money out of the player base. Good on the peeps who stood in the way of the heist.
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    It's the nature of games to evolve. If you feel that you're not "getting your money's worth", then clearly you have failed to adapt to new game mechanics.
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    Yes TY. I had been top in my arena for months. Now I can't compete with the speed mods people put on teams that were top 200 a week ago. So they literally payed to win
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    Sparhawk66 wrote: »
    It's the nature of games to evolve. If you feel that you're not "getting your money's worth", then clearly you have failed to adapt to new game mechanics.

    I can't stress enough how much you've missed the point, but you seem keen to continue repeating that same mantra endlessly. So, due to a shortage of crayons, I'll have to abandon any further attempts.
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    ...and the trolls come out.
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    Palanthian wrote: »
    I believe that if you look at the forums as a bile of hatred then you are definitely off base. I see it as dedicated fans of Star Wars speaking out when something isn't correct.

    Some just take it too far...

    Myself and others do give alot of good feedback and ideas. But we don't like having our chain yanked as well.

    See my series as well [Small Life Changes]

    You're not wrong. I didn't start out this way, all sore and bitter, I've been forged this way after realising the stark reality of how EA/CG run the game.

    I can point to many well thought out feedback threads I wrote on various issues. For a time I felt such features were so obviously unbalanced that they would definitely get addressed once pointed out and with enough community support. How naive I was.

    I've recently begun to realise that this forum is nothing more than an intentional punching bag, they keep this here for frustrated players to voice their angst and feel that they're not alone. Anger shared is anger halved, there's more chance to keep players hooked in this way.

    Nothing raised on these forums actually gets fixed unless it benefits EA/CG monetarily. That's just a cold, hard fact that took me way too long to figure out. Every change they make to the game makes them more money. The game is designed to generate frustration resulting in a purchase to solve the latest problem.

    Why do I still play it? I like the underlying game, I like the mechanics and I like Star Wars. I've given up campaigning and hoping for change, however, as it's not coming.

    Maybe one day I'll decide enough is enough, I'm not there yet.


    Keep up the good fight, i really enjoy your threads and your always spot on. Don't give up man you do have alot of people on here that agree with you.

    At the moment i do everything i can to draw them to my thread series.
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    What started off as a thank you to the developers has rapidly devolved. Thank you Palanthian for your eloquent statement. You have firmly established in my mind that most of the posters in this forum do not understand the nature of the recent changes to the game, nor do they understand how to adapt to said changes.
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    I'm all for positive thinking as much as the next guy, but to reduce all critical feedback to simple "trolling" is, frankly, doing yourself and the entire player base a serious disservice.

    Without providing any sort of feedback, there's no hope of poorly implemented ideas from ever seeing proper refinement. Maybe you're fine with whatever "curve ball" the devs decide to throw at you, and you'll just continue swinging away at everything. But some of us are going to take our time at the plate and wait for that quality pitch before swinging or EA/CG will let us walk.
  • Mofojokers1992
    1975 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Sparhawk66 wrote: »
    ...and the trolls come out.

    After you see my post half way up.
    Remember you created a thread to thank the development team and you should expect that not everyone will be willing to share your opinion.

    Also threads like these are actually very bad to make because it brings up alot of anger from people.

    If you want to help and show your support of the game. I recommend doing a pro and con list and then asking what others feel their pro and con list is.

    But don't reply back and fan any flames.
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    I appreciate all responses here. And just like you, I visit the forum daily. I just wanted to create a thread where the devs could see some positive feedback, instead of the negative vitriol of the past few weeks.
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    Sparhawk66 wrote: »
    What started off as a thank you to the developers has rapidly devolved. Thank you Palanthian for your eloquent statement. You have firmly established in my mind that most of the posters in this forum do not understand the nature of the recent changes to the game, nor do they understand how to adapt to said changes.

    So let's use this little spat to better understand the player-base, this could be great feedback for the developers.

    I'm clearly feeling hard done by, you're seeing nothing but positivity. You're thanking the developers and feel that they've done you a favour by creating this game.

    Are you free to play?
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    Palanthian wrote: »
    Sparhawk66 wrote: »
    It's the nature of games to evolve. If you feel that you're not "getting your money's worth", then clearly you have failed to adapt to new game mechanics.
    ...So, due to a shortage of crayons, I'll have to abandon any further attempts.

    Omg, that part made me release a sound of laughter that scared my wife.

    OP is clearly trolling though.
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    Sparhawk66 wrote: »
    I appreciate all responses here. And just like you, I visit the forum daily. I just wanted to create a thread where the devs could see some positive feedback, instead of the negative vitriol of the past few weeks.

    The problem is when you use phrases like "Don't let the trolls in the forums distract you guys from your vision of what the game could be." you're directly attacking anyone and everyone who has ever provided critical feedback in an attempt to improve the game (in addition to all the people who really are just complaining because they can). And then you go on to directly attack several individuals with differing opinions.

    We're complaining in an attempt to improve the game. You're complaining because we don't agree with your opinion.
This discussion has been closed.