Rule of two! Please fix!

78 posts Member
There should only be two Sith at a time. The only time there should be a third is when the apprentice is going to kill the master. This is in all of the movies and should be in this game if anyone cares to make it accurate! Please remove Dooku Savage and Maul from the game and make them only event characters since all three are dead and as we saw in the movies they weren't very powerful to begin with


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  • SkyCake
    188 posts Member
    I know you're only joking, but you're really going to lose it when they add Emperor Palpatine! Rule of two with only one (Darth Sidious and Emperor Palpiboo)
  • Jensxn
    173 posts Member
    Vader was pretty whipped, he wouldn't even stand up to palpatine and keeps playing himself, he's only slightly sith cause of padamame and Vader being some whiny slave boi
  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    LOL! As far as "requests" go, this is one of the most ridiculous ones I've come across! If you've played this game long enough then you should know this: THIS GAME CARES VERY LITTLE FOR BEING FAITHFUL TO THE STAR WARS CANON. If they did care for it, then the most powerful toons in the game would be: Yoda, Darth Sidious, Darth Vader and pretty much all the Jedi and Sith... BUT... as it is in this game, the most powerful toons are the Clones (glorified versions of Stormtroopers!), Imperial Guard, Geonosian Soldier (for crying out loud!), etc... You get the picture! It's pretty clear that this game DOES NOT CARE for actual canon and real character powers...
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    Sith is a race, all the rest are wanna-be's. Lol
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    Genosians killed a good bunch of jedi - you got your justification for them being strong in the game
    Jedi respect assassin droids (86/88) - justification right there
    Clones were the backbone of the republic (some more than others) and were bred soldiers that wiped jedi - justification right there
    Yoda was a support char - in game he is too
    RG - main reason for him being used so much: the lousy AI cant mess his taunt up
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    If u have more than 2 Sith on a squad then the extras should randomly die at the start of the encounter tbh
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    Sith is a race, all the rest are wanna-be's. Lol

    Here's to hoping they bring a real force wielding with into the game. And before anyone says there's no way... There's a Jedi consular, geonosian soldier, and other randoms, so it could happen.
  • lastii
    158 posts Member
    Its a cantina Card game not the real sw World LoL
  • Obipan
    78 posts Member
    JPBrunel wrote: »
    If they did care for it, then the most powerful toons in the game would be: Yoda, Darth Sidious, Darth Vader and pretty much all the Jedi and Sith...

    Lol! That's hilarious! Obviously they weren't that powerful since only one Jedi live to the seventh movie! So maybe Luke should be the most powerful but all the other Jedi should die to one shot to the back of the head from any standard issue republic blaster and the Sith should turn on each other halfway through arena and start attacking each other.

    All in all I'm glad they are staying true to the power matching to the movies (I.e. Clones kill everything well geonosians can deal serious damage). I just wish they'd power down the Sith team and quit making like they are anything more than a footnote to the real story, Rey!
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    lastii wrote: »
    Its a cantina Card game not the real sw World LoL

    Where do u get the cards I dont have any yet...
  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Obipan wrote: »
    JPBrunel wrote: »
    If they did care for it, then the most powerful toons in the game would be: Yoda, Darth Sidious, Darth Vader and pretty much all the Jedi and Sith...

    Lol! That's hilarious! Obviously they weren't that powerful since only one Jedi live to the seventh movie! So maybe Luke should be the most powerful but all the other Jedi should die to one shot to the back of the head from any standard issue republic blaster and the Sith should turn on each other halfway through arena and start attacking each other.

    All in all I'm glad they are staying true to the power matching to the movies (I.e. Clones kill everything well geonosians can deal serious damage). I just wish they'd power down the Sith team and quit making like they are anything more than a footnote to the real story, Rey!

    Worst argument ever! I mean, if you're talking 50 Clones killing an unsuspecting Jedi in the back, you'd be right. But one on one, the way it's presented here? Not a chance. I also suspect you're not completely up to date on all the canon. If you did watch The Clone Wars, you'd know that Fives, Rex and the clones in general are very average unless Anakin and/or Ahsoka and/or Obi Wan led them. When did a Geonosian ever kill a Jedi? Because in the Attack of Clones, they pretty much all flee the arena when the battle is happening. You got a few dozen of Jedi against literally hundreds of droids and Geonosians and Jango Fett (who is the ORIGINAL clone and far more powerful than any other clone). Mace made quick work of Jango... So you keep fooling yourself that this game even remotely follows canon. If you think so, then you are not very knowledgeable of the canon at all. BTW Yoda did NOT perish in the purge and should definitely be the most powerful toon in the game... Darth Sidious should definitely be up there as well...
    Post edited by JPBrunel on
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    JPBrunel wrote: »
    Obipan wrote: »
    JPBrunel wrote: »
    If they did care for it, then the most powerful toons in the game would be: Yoda, Darth Sidious, Darth Vader and pretty much all the Jedi and Sith...

    Lol! That's hilarious! Obviously they weren't that powerful since only one Jedi live to the seventh movie! So maybe Luke should be the most powerful but all the other Jedi should die to one shot to the back of the head from any standard issue republic blaster and the Sith should turn on each other halfway through arena and start attacking each other.

    All in all I'm glad they are staying true to the power matching to the movies (I.e. Clones kill everything well geonosians can deal serious damage). I just wish they'd power down the Sith team and quit making like they are anything more than a footnote to the real story, Rey!

    Worst argument ever! I mean, if you're talking 50 Clones killing an unsuspecting Jedi in the back, you'd be right. But one on one, the way it's presented here? Not a chance. I also suspect you're not completely up to date on all the canon. If you did watch The Clone Wars, you'd know that Fives, Rex and the clones in general are very average unless Anakin and/or Ahsoka and/or Obi Wan led them. When did a Geonosian ever kill a Jedi? Because in the Attack of Clones, they pretty much all flee the arena when the battle is happening. You got a few dozen of Jedi against literally hundreds of droids and Geonosians and Jango Fett (who is the ORIGINAL clone and far more powerful than any other clone). Mace made quick work of Jango... So you keep fooling yourself that this game even remotely follows canon. If you think so, then you are not very knowledgeable of the canon at all. BTW Yoda did NOT perish in the purge and should definitely be the most powerful toon in the game... Darth Sidious should definitely be up there as well...
    Pls stay on topic with the thread...the rule of two in principle is very clear and isn't related to who should be more powerful than who. Clearly this should exist in the game **** well.
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    Where do you even get this stuff from? :lol: It's actually laughable, why should a game have the rule of two present when in that exact same game you can have Darth Vader & Anakin on the same team. Having the rule of two in game is literally the **** thing I've seen you post on these forums and I've seen you post a lot of stupid things so congrats on delving to a new low. At first I was just convinced you were a troll being paid by EA to talk up GW on any negative thread but after this I don't think that anymore. Just ****.
  • Obipan
    78 posts Member
    Anakin wasn't Sith until he became Vader so your argument doesn't hold
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    This is a really funny point. "Always two there are...."

    Never even thought about it haha!
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Where do you even get this stuff from? :lol: It's actually laughable, why should a game have the rule of two present when in that exact same game you can have Darth Vader & Anakin on the same team. Having the rule of two in game is literally the **** thing I've seen you post on these forums and I've seen you post a lot of **** things so congrats on delving to a new low. At first I was just convinced you were a troll being paid by EA to talk up GW on any negative thread but after this I don't think that anymore. Just ****.

    Dude. Pls calm down. If you think anakin and Vader or STH and OH shouldn't be on the same team at the same time I totally support that. Make a separate post tho so we can stay on topic thx
  • Mc1
    306 posts Member
    If u have more than 2 Sith on a squad then the extras should randomly die at the start of the encounter tbh

    So is this the reason my Maul lead doesn't work with an all Sith team????
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    I don't understand what needs to be corrected? Could I get some clarification? Lol
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    The siths are not good at all in this game
  • Darthenstein
    1205 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    The siths are not good at all in this game

    Summed up the thread pretty well.

    Darth Maul could use a buff and they want to give us the Gunda dins!


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    Where do you even get this stuff from? :lol: It's actually laughable, why should a game have the rule of two present when in that exact same game you can have Darth Vader & Anakin on the same team. Having the rule of two in game is literally the **** thing I've seen you post on these forums and I've seen you post a lot of **** things so congrats on delving to a new low. At first I was just convinced you were a troll being paid by EA to talk up GW on any negative thread but after this I don't think that anymore. Just ****.

    Dude. Pls calm down. If you think anakin and Vader or STH and OH shouldn't be on the same team at the same time I totally support that. Make a separate post tho so we can stay on topic thx

    @obiwanjabroni When did I say that Vader & Anakin shouldn't be on the same team? I merely pointed out that you can have them on the same team as a counter to the fact you're under the impression that if you have more than 2 sith on a team then the extras should just die randomly because of the rule of two in the films. So why can you have two versions of the same person on a team and that's fine that's completely logical to you, but a team with more than 2 sith is beyond your comprehension and shouldn't happen? Unlike you I don't care how many sith are on a team at one time or if Vader gets teamed with Anakin, so can you not make out like I do when I never even hinted towards feeling that way, it's just a game, it's not even a game following the plot of the films so why should anything that happened in the films have any impact on what happens in game? My post was a counter argument to what you said, I presented a case as to why I think what you said is ridiculous, so I was actually still on topic. Nice try kiddo though, but maybe next time.

    Also @Obipan as much as I appreciate you trying to prove me wrong, not once did I say that Anakin was a sith, you've just fathomed that up out of nowhere to try and discredit me for pointing out what you said is completely ridiculous. My point still stands. You think the rule of two should be implemented in game because that's how it is in the films. I merely pointed out that the game doesn't care about the canon of the films because you can have Anakin and Vader on the same team and they are literally the same person just from different points in time, and you're losing it because you can have more than 2 sith on the same team, those aren't even the only 2 examples of where this game sticks it finger up at the canon. Then you go on to say that Maul, Savage & Dooku should be removed because they died. So going off that lovely bit of logic you provided, no character except for members of the Resistance & First Order should be in the game because they're the only one's still alive at the point in the timeline we are at with the films. Nice try but in future if you're gonna try to invalidate somebody's argument it doesn't work if you fathom something up that they never actually said.
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    Where do you even get this stuff from? :lol: It's actually laughable, why should a game have the rule of two present when in that exact same game you can have Darth Vader & Anakin on the same team. Having the rule of two in game is literally the **** thing I've seen you post on these forums and I've seen you post a lot of **** things so congrats on delving to a new low. At first I was just convinced you were a troll being paid by EA to talk up GW on any negative thread but after this I don't think that anymore. Just ****.

    Dude. Pls calm down. If you think anakin and Vader or STH and OH shouldn't be on the same team at the same time I totally support that. Make a separate post tho so we can stay on topic thx

    @obiwanjabroni When did I say that Vader & Anakin shouldn't be on the same team? I merely pointed out that you can have them on the same team as a counter to the fact you're under the impression that if you have more than 2 sith on a team then the extras should just die randomly because of the rule of two in the films. So why can you have two versions of the same person on a team and that's fine that's completely logical to you, but a team with more than 2 sith is beyond your comprehension and shouldn't happen? Unlike you I don't care how many sith are on a team at one time or if Vader gets teamed with Anakin, so can you not make out like I do when I never even hinted towards feeling that way, it's just a game, it's not even a game following the plot of the films so why should anything that happened in the films have any impact on what happens in game? My post was a counter argument to what you said, I presented a case as to why I think what you said is ridiculous, so I was actually still on topic. Nice try kiddo though, but maybe next time.

    Also @Obipan as much as I appreciate you trying to prove me wrong, not once did I say that Anakin was a sith, you've just fathomed that up out of nowhere to try and discredit me for pointing out what you said is completely ridiculous. My point still stands. You think the rule of two should be implemented in game because that's how it is in the films. I merely pointed out that the game doesn't care about the canon of the films because you can have Anakin and Vader on the same team and they are literally the same person just from different points in time, and you're losing it because you can have more than 2 sith on the same team, those aren't even the only 2 examples of where this game sticks it finger up at the canon. Then you go on to say that Maul, Savage & Dooku should be removed because they died. So going off that lovely bit of logic you provided, no character except for members of the Resistance & First Order should be in the game because they're the only one's still alive at the point in the timeline we are at with the films. Nice try but in future if you're gonna try to invalidate somebody's argument it doesn't work if you fathom something up that they never actually said.

    Settle down.
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    Did the OP really say that because maul, savage, and dooku were killed in a show/movie that they should be removed from the game? That is stupidity on a galactic level. You do realize that Vader and palpatine are technically "dead" now too right? By your logic, 80% or more of all the characters in the game should be removed simply because they have died in a movie or show.

    Now if he merely suggested that only two should be allowed in the same squad together, that wouldn't be quite as stupid (but then what's the point of a sith synergy). And as someone said earlier, why would you care about 5 individual separate characters being on a team, when it is possible for two hans or anakin/Vader combos. OP is either extremely illogical or a troll.
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    Sith is a race, all the rest are wanna-be's. Lol

    Here's to hoping they bring a real force wielding with into the game. And before anyone says there's no way... There's a Jedi consular, geonosian soldier, and other randoms, so it could happen.

    We need a Sith Sorc healer
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    Fine, but only two Sith at a time in an encounter. They'd kill each other down to two in real life.
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    I had oatmeal for breakfast.
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    Did the OP really say that because maul, savage, and dooku were killed in a show/movie that they should be removed from the game? That is **** on a galactic level. You do realize that Vader and palpatine are technically "dead" now too right? By your logic, 80% or more of all the characters in the game should be removed simply because they have died in a movie or show.

    Now if he merely suggested that only two should be allowed in the same squad together, that wouldn't be quite as **** (but then what's the point of a sith synergy). And as someone said earlier, why would you care about 5 individual separate characters being on a team, when it is possible for two hans or anakin/Vader combos. OP is either extremely illogical or a troll.

    The point is that Sith synergy is two and only two - not that ppl are actually alive or dead...long time ago duh
  • O8c8h80
    119 posts Member
    Strongest characterset in the game should be:

    3.Jedi Knight Anakin.
    4. Old Ben
    5. Vader
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    This is like people arguing over which shade of blue is better, navy or royal.
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