#26 Small life Changes: My Version Of Mods (Not My Normal Thread Style)

1975 posts Member
edited August 2016
Not My Normal Thread Style

First off this isn't like my other threads and I'm sure it's too late but i still wish to do this. If only for my own reasons and what i would of expected for a mod system.

The first release of the mods did not go over well because it made the past grinds not as useful and it sent people into a frenzy. The current mod system is nothing more than a changing gear set level with a very heavy RNG in RNG in RNG system.

My Version

1. 100% drop rate (like it was before) because they have enough in the way of RNG.

2. Set it back so only tier 5 drops from rank 3 challenges and the same for the other challenges.

3. Each challenge has two factions that can be used per mod challenge type i.e Droids and Jawas for Offense challenge , Empire and First Order for Tatical challenge etc etc.

4. level 15 tier 5 mod stats

Passive percentage level:
White - 2.5%
Green - 3.5 %
Blue - 6.5%
Purple 8.5%
Yellow - 10%

Tiers 1-7 mods :
Tied to my champion idea % bonus to main stat of hero (Agi,Int,Str)

Champion thread
Tier 1 - 2%
Tier 2 - 2.5%
Tier 3 - 3%
Tier 4 - 3.5%
Tier 5 - 4%
Tier 6 - 4.5%
Tier 7 - 5%

5. Price cost average area per mod. difference of tier 1-5.

White - 40 - 60 k
Green - 80 - 120 k
Blue - 125 - 190 k
Purple - 200 - 275 k
Yellow - 295 - 450 k

Plain stats on mods is just so *yawn*. Although i dont like mods full stop but having them add passives would of been better and very interesting. Also a simple system should of been done because you have players as young as 7-12 playing as well. I still believe alot of heroes need reworking first and others just a good buff.

Example of my version:

Defense Set - 4 items
Offense set - 2 items

Each set type has a 2 set bonus and a 4 set bonus. With the 4 set alot stronger than a 2 set. No mod can be used more than once per hero and each set like defense has 15+ options.

First Order Stormtrooper maxed
(All tier 5 yellow level 15 maxed mods)

Mod 1. Defense : 10% counter chance on hit /4% main stat.
Mod 2. Defense : 10% to gain defense up on hit /4% main stat.
mod 3. Defense : 10% to redirect damage from an ally to this hero at 75% damage /4% main stat.
Mod 4. Defense : 10% health / 4% main stat.

Mod 5. Offense : Each attack has a 10% chance to place taunt on the target for 1 turn / 4% main stat.
Mod 6. Offense : 10% offense / 4% main stat.

Set Bonuses

Defense 4 set bonus : 15% protection
offense 2 set bonus : 5% offense

2 set = 1 third of a 4 set

Also always use % over flat as to not invalidate gear levels and stars making them still 100% crucial to the hero.

Could also have certain passives tied to different tiers of mods.

PS Developers
Crystal prices for these mods in the shop are insanely high and i couldn't justify 3600 crystals for 1 mod.


Post edited by Mofojokers1992 on

#26 Small life Changes: My Version Of Mods (Not My Normal Thread Style) 11 votes

I would of preferred this style
Aneil915joelightyearMofojokers1992TemperTantrumRenlyttBoyceyTankzzxQuixoticMoe_BettaBasti0nCoReTeX 11 votes
I would NOT have liked this or i enjoy the current state


  • lytt
    26 posts Member
    I would of preferred this style
    I agree - I would like to see the rng removed from getting and upgrading mods and the whole system simplified.

    Also I would prefer to use something other than cantina credits. As a newer player there are still so many toons I need to farm from cantina before I can move on to mods.
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