Is it too early to call EP OP



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    Ps I was phasma, RG, Rey, QGJ, Geo

    A typical meta team but not heavy on Jedi or rebels ....

    Agree with RayRay he's a priority target - perhaps the priority target ...
  • Krey
    341 posts Member
    Don't make wrong judgment calls

    Never through yoda etc were OP

    But palpy is. He'll be nerfed in time

    I never claimed you said yoda was OP. The point is that some people did. And they made well reasoned arguments to make their point. The problem is, they were still wrong (badly).

    Whether you are right or wrong about Papa Palpatine (go Robot Chicken!) remains to be seen. But the one thing I am absolutely sure of is that it is far too early to declare him OP.
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