
Still can't figure out why wedge was the daily login shards. Unless you already have him unlocked which I would guess around 90 percent don't, they are completely useless, why not ackbar or hoth scout/soldier or even lobot? Thanks for 30 shards for a character you need 80 to unlock.


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    I expect they will release him to f2p after the month is over.
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    Foxxphyre wrote: »
    I expect they will release him to f2p after the month is over.

    Well, either F2P or the chromium cards. I hope its F2P though
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    Right after the rebel event? It still just seems a bit pointless...when any other rebel would have been more useful
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    Right after the rebel event? It still just seems a bit pointless...when any other rebel would have been more useful

    Of course they'd do that. Release him as FTP right after you needed him most? Classic CG move right there.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    I feel like he should either be given a 16 energy cantina node or several hard nodes. And by hard nodes I mean the 3 or 4 that randomly give no shards.
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    Helpful for those who might of been just short of unlocking him.
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    Thank you someone that understands, completely bassackwards, especially considering 30 ackbar shards and I'd have a 7 star Palpatine, or at least a shot at it
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    I know they gave us Cad shards as a monthly login with no way to get besides chromium, then added him to GW later. Didn't they do that with Magma also? Or was he released in GW at the same time he was a login?

    I am hoping Wedge gets added to GW shipments next month. We really need some new toons in there.
    It's a hard life pickin stones and pullin teats, but sure as gods got sandals, it beats fighting dudes with treasure trails....
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