Game Updates 8/30/2016 - Comments\Questions ***MEGATHREAD***

4819 posts Member
edited August 2016
Hiya! Here are the game updates for 8/302016. Cheers!
New Events:

Training Droid Smuggling
This all new-event is replacing Training Droids Hunt [Taps plays on Bugle]. This event uses Scoundrels, and rewards training droids (way, WAY more than the old event) and ability materials (in low quantities) with a chance at an Omega for the level 80 version. There are 4 tiers: 30, 50, 70, & 80. The difficulty tuning is similar to Credit Heist, although the level 80 version is a little more difficult than the others.

Rogue One Event: Scarif Rebel Pathfinder
The monthly login character for September will be the all-new unit “Scarif Rebel Pathfinder” from the upcoming Rogue One movie. In concert with that, there will be an event requiring a Rebel team that players can play once per day to get an additional shard of this character. Completing the event each day for the month (30-day event) and completing all logins will give enough shards to get the character to 3 stars.

Updated Events:

Credit Heist
  • The Heist has been rebalanced and now has two additional tiers at level 30 and 80. In addition, rewards have gone up across the board.
  • Max Plays in Credit Heist and Droid Smuggling is now shared across all tiers. This means you can play a total of 2 times, across all tiers
Assault Battles: Military Might
  • Now has two tiers of difficulty to match Ewok Assault. Tier 2 is very, very hard.
  • Tier 1 now unlocks at level 75 (was 78) but is still tuned for 78-80.
  • Both tiers are balanced to accommodate mods. You'll need approximately 1-star mods at lvl 15 for tier 1, and 4-5-star mods with some degree of levels for Tier 2.
  • Free plays changed to 1. Rewards increased to compensate. Refreshes are now a sliding scale, starting somewhat cheap and escalating.
  • SubBoss Vader damage increased by ~200%, Potency increased to 100/150 in Tier 1/2. The Vader fight now mirrors Palpatine in function to help teach the boss fight mechanic.
  • Boss Palpatine's damage increased 10x. No amount of mods will help you survive the murder lightning.
  • Removed the new "auto deal damage to Rebels" from Palpatine in this event. It turns out 10x damage automatically at the end of his turn would instantly reduce almost anyone to 1hp. Oops.
  • Palpatine won't use his buffs or AoEs in his boss encounter.
  • It is much harder to evade Palpatine’s basic attack in this event now.
  • Credit Heist & Droid Smuggling will now function off of UTC time and run for 24 hours each time they are live. On days when they start, they will start at 11:00 UTC (7AM Eastern).
  • Credit Heist and Droid Smuggling events will be live from the Update time, at 11:00 UTC
  • The number of times a player can complete the credit heist event has a max of 2, but rewards have been increased! [Note: Players should always complete the highest tier available]
  • Galactic Gear Pack is available in store! For a limited time you can get the gear you need, and have a chance to get exclusive Raid Gear.
  • Credits Bundle available in Arena Shipments
  • The B2 Battle Droid is now available in Cantina Battle Stage 6 Mission D
  • Kit Fisto is now available in Cantina Battles Stage 4F
  • The MK 5 Arakyd Droid Caller has been replaced with the MK 7 Nubian Security Scanner in PVE Shipments
  • Wedge is now available in Cantina Stage 6 Mission F
  • Training droid event is being replaced with the limited time Droid Smuggling Event.
      Bug Fixes:
      • Event action caps should no longer refresh during the middle of the event for some users. All action caps should refresh at the same time in UTC as the event ends.
      • Pirate Enforcer and Saboteur (the Rodian Pirate PvE units) have had cooldowns added to their AoE abilities.
      • Emperor Palpatine: "Lightning Strike" will no longer inflict Shock if the attack is Evaded.
      • Emperor Palpatine: "Power of the Dark Side" will no longer inflict Stun if the attack is Evaded
      • Typo for Wedge Antilles in the ability description for Comrade in Arms has been fixed in German
      • Darth Maul: "Dancing Shadows" now correctly grants Evasion to Sith allies
      • Darth Sidious: "Sadistic Glee" now correctly grants Evasion against Jedi attacks at max rank.
      • The offense down debuff applied by Coruscant Underworld Police will now expire at the end of an encounter. (For example, when applied in Credit Heist to a character in the player's squad.)


    • Turbs
      64 posts Member
      I'm hearing on the grape vine that wedge is being introduced as free to play very soon. If this is true this is terrible news. I paid a premium for wedge from aurodium packs, and to make him farmable before older characters like maul, or even Rex who was in aurodium packs before wedge is a kick in the face to paying players. Granted, eventually all premium characters become farmable, however to make wedge f2p now would annoy alot of paying players like me. Please don't let this be true.
    • Options
      Its not. Read the update news for the next patch. Kit is gonna be farmable in some cantina node. Thats all.
    • scuba
      14200 posts Member
      edited August 2016
      There is a post from dev on reddit about wedge going to Cantina node. I will believe it when I see it actually happen in game.
    • Options
      He should at least be put back in aurodiums since he was changed drastically. People who passed cause he was nowhere near as good when available should have the chance to get him. The big reason he should be available is the change they made to him after he became unavailable.
      If I see one more **** attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself!
    • scuba
      14200 posts Member
      edited August 2016
      If this happens it shows me one thing. Wait till last possible second to buy Aud packs. The characters tend to come out broke and may or may not get fixed right away, if they don't then just wait by the time they get fixed it will be time to make it farmable for energy.
    • Options
      CG: Thing will happen
      Players: Whatevs
      *months pass*
      *thing happens*
      Players: OUTRAGE
    • EscapeArtist51
      1675 posts Member
      edited August 2016
      Turbs wrote: »
      I'm hearing on the grape vine that wedge is being introduced as free to play very soon. If this is true this is terrible news. I paid a premium for wedge from aurodium packs, and to make him farmable before older characters like maul, or even Rex who was in aurodium packs before wedge is a kick in the balls to paying players. Granted, eventually all premium characters become farmable, however to make wedge f2p now would annoy alot of paying players like me. Please don't let this be true.
      It's true. And it really does suck. I fixed your quote for you, it just seems more accurate. I dunno why they'd released a 300 dollar toon if they were just gonna make em free 4 months later. Not only that, he was broken for 3 of those months. Im glad I don't own wedge, if I did I'd probably be trying to..... get an r word.
    • ShaolinPunk
      3486 posts Moderator
      edited August 2016
      Careful man, there are people playing here with heroes they got from Chroimium-exclusive days. :)

      Aurodium is a luxury compared to the 'good old days.'
      **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
    • UnderclassHero
      138 posts Member
      edited August 2016
      Post edited by J0K3R on
    • Options
      They most likely made the decision to make him available for 1. Underwhelming, below average sales for wedge. 2. They buffed him into meta. Hes a must have more so than any other p2p or f2p toon.
    • Options
      There was a Reddit post in which there was a Dev comment that said Wedge would be FTP, and there would be details on where he will be in the *Game* Update notes. Not Jesse's post.
    • Big_Boss
      2326 posts Member
      scuba wrote: »
      If this happens it shows me one thing. Wait till last possible second to buy Aud packs. The characters tend to come out broke and may or may not get fixed right away, if they don't then just wait by the time they get fixed it will be time to make it farmable for energy.
      I used Wedge when you first bought him and I alway found him to be very good
    • Turbs
      64 posts Member
      edited August 2016
      @Escape artist, I like your edit however I didn't want to offend any female jedi in the community lol. Regards other comments I've always liked and used wedge since I got him from aurodium packs. He was my star man in p2/p3 with his defence down and paired with other rebels. Also you are correct, his leadership skill and unique was bugged for a while, and since he's been fixed and now buffed it's even more reason while he shouldn't be released f2p yet. Let the people who paid for him get their monies worth.
    • Options
      1) Wedge released f2p?
      2) Too soon?

      1) Probably.
      2) No.
    • Pjay
      283 posts Member
      Anyone who has paid to obtain Wedge has got there monies worth. You have a character you wanted, before the masses. You paid to obtain an advantage, I truly hope you got it. If not, it was only due to a poor decision by you. We all know the nature of these things, if he is released to f2p and your unhappy then think carefully about the next character you put down your cash for.
      Personally I spend a little on the game but only to develop characters I have. Which hopefully will soon include Wedge.
    • Options
      CG: Thing will happen
      Players: Whatevs
      *months pass*
      *thing happens*
      Players: OUTRAGE
      You bought a broken character, that we are knew was broken.... Your lucky he got fixed look at maul. So stop your whining. We all know characters become f2p. If you willing to buy a broken character like wedge you will buy what ever capital games throws at you.
    • scuba
      14200 posts Member
      Big_Boss wrote: »
      scuba wrote: »
      If this happens it shows me one thing. Wait till last possible second to buy Aud packs. The characters tend to come out broke and may or may not get fixed right away, if they don't then just wait by the time they get fixed it will be time to make it farmable for energy.
      I used Wedge when you first bought him and I alway found him to be very good

      He was good but he did not have that strong opening he was supposed to have. Had his unique been working right since release I would have probably used him more.
    • Options
      Turbs wrote: »
      I'm hearing on the grape vine that wedge is being introduced as free to play very soon. If this is true this is terrible news. I paid a premium for wedge from aurodium packs, and to make him farmable before older characters like maul, or even Rex who was in aurodium packs before wedge is a kick in the face to paying players. Granted, eventually all premium characters become farmable, however to make wedge f2p now would annoy alot of paying players like me. Please don't let this be true.

      I don't think any p2p toon should ever be made available to farm for f2p. That's the clear advantage, p2p gets exclusive toons for spending hard-earned cash, while f2p complain that they can't afford it.
    • Pjay
      283 posts Member
      Turbs wrote: »
      I'm hearing on the grape vine that wedge is being introduced as free to play very soon. If this is true this is terrible news. I paid a premium for wedge from aurodium packs, and to make him farmable before older characters like maul, or even Rex who was in aurodium packs before wedge is a kick in the face to paying players. Granted, eventually all premium characters become farmable, however to make wedge f2p now would annoy alot of paying players like me. Please don't let this be true.

      I don't think any p2p toon should ever be made available to farm for f2p. That's the clear advantage, p2p gets exclusive toons for spending hard-earned cash, while f2p complain that they can't afford it.

      No, F2p wait for the character to be F2p farmable. P2w get alot more advantages than characters for their hard-earned cash. It will take F2p months to get Wedge to the same level as P2w currently have him with stars, gear, mods. A clear advantage is still there.
    • Options
      What kind of discussion do some people lead here?
      Turbs argument was that EA/CG sell something for about 150-200€ what become free four month later. He is right with this. An aurodium char shouldn't be farmable for free for at least one year after his release! Anything other seems to be just indecent over the customers who purchased him.
      Blue It's a trap - German guild - It's a trap Black
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      Release the Kraken!
    • Options
      Pjay wrote: »
      Anyone who has paid to obtain Wedge has got there monies worth. You have a character you wanted, before the masses. You paid to obtain an advantage, I truly hope you got it. If not, it was only due to a poor decision by you. We all know the nature of these things, if he is released to f2p and your unhappy then think carefully about the next character you put down your cash for.
      Personally I spend a little on the game but only to develop characters I have. Which hopefully will soon include Wedge.

      That's the business model. Pay for temporary advantage and head start. When that advantage goes and f2p catches up, new chars to pay for, and increase the level and gear, spend again.

      And if the new toons are still rough around the edges and underpowered, or OP and then get nerfed to balance things, that's the risk you take. You know the score.

      Them's your breaks.
      "If you recognise this thumbnail, then you have great taste, and you're really getting old"
    • Pjay
      283 posts Member
      Love your Rogue Trooper pic Fodder.
    • Fodder1978
      172 posts Member
      edited August 2016
      Pjay wrote: »
      Love your Rogue Trooper pic Fodder.

      Thanks ;) It was either gonna be him or Hammerstein.
      "If you recognise this thumbnail, then you have great taste, and you're really getting old"
    • Options
      Turbs wrote: »
      I'm hearing on the grape vine that wedge is being introduced as free to play very soon. If this is true this is terrible news. I paid a premium for wedge from aurodium packs, and to make him farmable before older characters like maul, or even Rex who was in aurodium packs before wedge is a kick in the face to paying players. Granted, eventually all premium characters become farmable, however to make wedge f2p now would annoy alot of paying players like me. Please don't let this be true.

      I don't think any p2p toon should ever be made available to farm for f2p. That's the clear advantage, p2p gets exclusive toons for spending hard-earned cash, while f2p complain that they can't afford it.

      I ptp and I couldn't disagree more.
    • Options
      Turbs wrote: »
      I'm hearing on the grape vine that wedge is being introduced as free to play very soon. If this is true this is terrible news. I paid a premium for wedge from aurodium packs, and to make him farmable before older characters like maul, or even Rex who was in aurodium packs before wedge is a kick in the face to paying players. Granted, eventually all premium characters become farmable, however to make wedge f2p now would annoy alot of paying players like me. Please don't let this be true.

      I'm right there with you. He was released in May and unusable until recently. It is what it is and if he is released so be it. However, IMO, EA is doing a disservice to the people that paid for him.
    • Options
      He should at least be put back in aurodiums since he was changed drastically. People who passed cause he was nowhere near as good when available should have the chance to get him. The big reason he should be available is the change they made to him after he became unavailable.

      I would agree with him being put into aurdiums or even one node on a light/dark side battle. However, the dev said it would be a cantina node. That's too easy to farm. the toon just came out in May.
    • Options
      Turbs wrote: »
      @Escape artist, I like your edit however I didn't want to offend any female jedi in the community lol. Regards other comments I've always liked and used wedge since I got him from aurodium packs. He was my star man in p2/p3 with his defence down and paired with other rebels. Also you are correct, his leadership skill and unique was bugged for a while, and since he's been fixed and now buffed it's even more reason while he shouldn't be released f2p yet. Let the people who paid for him get their monies worth.

    • ArarisValerian
      357 posts Member
      edited August 2016
      Pjay wrote: »
      Turbs wrote: »
      I'm hearing on the grape vine that wedge is being introduced as free to play very soon. If this is true this is terrible news. I paid a premium for wedge from aurodium packs, and to make him farmable before older characters like maul, or even Rex who was in aurodium packs before wedge is a kick in the face to paying players. Granted, eventually all premium characters become farmable, however to make wedge f2p now would annoy alot of paying players like me. Please don't let this be true.

      I don't think any p2p toon should ever be made available to farm for f2p. That's the clear advantage, p2p gets exclusive toons for spending hard-earned cash, while f2p complain that they can't afford it.

      No, F2p wait for the character to be F2p farmable. P2w get alot more advantages than characters for their hard-earned cash. It will take F2p months to get Wedge to the same level as P2w currently have him with stars, gear, mods. A clear advantage is still there.

      Untrue, in a cantina node you could have him in a month if you are smart about it.

      You'll have 30 to start. 80 to 4 star, 65 to five, 85 to 6 star, 100 to 7 star.

      If you refresh twice, which is only 200 total crystals now with update, that's easily 10 shards a day. so 30 X 10 is 300 shards. 50+65+85+100 = 300 shards. There you go a seven star Wedge.

      And yes two cantina refreshes a day is easy for free to play if you manage you crystals wisely.

      If you are doing heroics in you simply save your gear for him. As far as the mods go, I agree they would take longer if you farm new mods, However, I simply removed mods off my old arena team to use on him and Biggs
      Post edited by ArarisValerian on
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