Kylo Ren is not right

Kylo Ren has high hp and very low attack and is pretty much an all around weak character. He is *Supposed* to be an attack character, however he tickles the opponents with his basic attack and thumps them with his most powerful third attack. He is made more like a tank than an attacker and this just doesnt make sense to me. He is a 4* natural character and is very disappointing.


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    He's so useless.
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    He was the first toon I actually went for when I started. (Before I realised how important certain toons were)
    I still find myself using him now out of anger of spending so much time on him. Probably why I cannot get bellow rank 80 in arena
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    Did ya watch the movie?! Haha, he is DEFinitely not right. Killed his own dad who loved him.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    lol yeah i watched it.

    and it just sucks to have a 4* useless character who is so **** cool.
    guess it would be better to just 7* geonosian soldier instead :/
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    Well, promote that guy and put some clothes on him. You'll like him more.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    There are only 20 toons that I don't have and he's one of them. The only reason I'll ever get him is if I need him for a First Order-based event/challenge.
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    He just came to my roster like an un-invited guest. I don't like him, but that's purely because of his character from the movies. Not sure if he's useful yet as I haven't geared him..... anyone tested him out?
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Because of him im going for a first order squad. !!!
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    He has synergy with Captain Phasma. He would do ok in a first order squad. Hes just a very weird character. Has a lot of potential, but Im reluctant to level him more. Hes at 53 right now and that was mainly cause hes my favorite character from the new movie.
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    xnullroot wrote: »
    He has synergy with Captain Phasma. He would do ok in a first order squad. Hes just a very weird character. Has a lot of potential, but Im reluctant to level him more. Hes at 53 right now and that was mainly cause hes my favorite character from the new movie.

    Same. He's not terrible.... Just not end game... He would need to hit much harder to be considered viable at end game arena... Maybe 20k hit on his third attack when he's half HP... Mine is maxed and I used to run him in my squad like 6 months ago and he was awesome. I still remember winning a 4v1 and I'm from a November shard. Not anymore though... Needs a rework to be considered viable
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    i farm him 5 starred and lving up to 60 and soon to lv 70 back in late december arena, fun to use in dot team, sid as lead vader (forgot the other 2 probably daka and lumi), aoe skill is real deal(post barris nerf) until.... got nerfed
    kinda remind me of how i finish off dooku/assist call team(counteratk bug), he lost now
    the cake is a lie
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    His best attack is his last ability, the less health, the better the attack. He's not too bad.
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    Kylo Ren is rubbish. Like one of the posters above he was the first toon I went for as i started at the time he was released.

    Mine is G10. Hits a little bit harder than Bariss. No exaggeration. His retribution buff would actually be scary if he hit over 3k on his basic. He's horrendously slow. FOO, Phasma and FOTP are much better than him. FOO hits harder than him too and that's a shame.
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    He was a victim of the Protection update and was never updated after. He is slow and very low damage output to the point where he is unusable
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    My progress towards unlocking Kylo is 0/80, and I haven't seen anything to change my mind.
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    He was OK ish before protection, after protection he can basically never trigger the bonus on outrage, and he does not have enough damage to threaten anyone into attacking him at any point other than the end of the match to trigger his passive.

    He's in a bad place.
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    I'd Love to see him worked on in any capacity, particularly his basic.
    As he stands, he just isn't very...well, he just 'isn't.
    I'm probably one of the few that grew to really like his character.
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    Protection pretty much ruined him. They need to change it so the damage boost occurs when he loses his protection. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    Kylo Ren is the guy who killed his own father to remove any attachments he had towards the Light side, and he also aspires to be as powerful as Vader. Just doesn't make sense for the main villain in the new Star Wars movies to be so pathetic in Galaxy of Heroes. I'm talking to you EA!!

    Rey, who can't even fully use the force much less a light saber and who gets knocked out by Kylo hits Kylo Ren around like a chew toy in Galaxy of Heroes. This is frustrating. A natural 4* character gets out classed by a natural 1* Geo Soldier. Almost makes me want to riot for a fix lol.
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    I sometimes stick him behind an ig88 omega'd lead. Can be pretty effective with the dots stacking up from his aoe and counter.
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    He was good in the early part of the game. He is weak and doesn't do much damage. Almost a place holder at this point. He needs a rework. Sucks that he almost has to do to even do some type of "heavy" damage.
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    He was good in the early part of the game. He is weak and doesn't do much damage. Almost a place holder at this point. He needs a rework. Sucks that he almost has to do to even do some type of "heavy" damage.

    * has to die
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    I am almost certain Kylo will have to get a rework eventually. He's the Vader equivalent of the sequel trilogy that we're in the thick of. No way he stays in this poor shape forever.
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    Maybe in the next movie he will get more attention from EA. I just rewatched the new movie and he is supposed to go back to Snoke and "finish his training", after he got whooped on by Rey at the end.
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    Just like in the movie! XD
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