For those of you who are complaining about Jedi Luke Skywalker being added to the game...

You can't just jump to Jedi Luke! There has to be a progression. Let's see...we already have Emo Tat Luke. Next up would have to be Lightsaber still kind of emo Luke. Mos Eisley Luke. Stormtrooper Luke (yes please). Trash compacter Luke. I got my tat outfit back, but I'm still a little emo Luke. Rebel Pilot Luke. I got a medal for blowing up the Death Star Luke. Hoth Luke. I almost died on Hoth Luke. Bacta tank Luke. Hoth rebel pilot Luke with a lightsaber. I'm going to Dagobah Luke. I'm training on Dagobah with a tank top on and a lightsaber Luke. I have to go save my friends, but I have to change back into my rebel pilot outfit Luke. Cloud City back into my Dagobah outfit which is surprisingly clean considering where I just came from Luke with a blaster. One hand Luke (yep). And then finally medical outfit at the end of ESB Luke. Geez, have a little patience! These will all be released in August!


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