Help picking F2P characters for Rancor Raid

27 posts Member
edited November 2016
Hey guys,

I'm currently level 81 and am scoring between 450k and 550k on heroic Rancor raids and am wondering what I can do to improve without over extending my resources. I still mainly focus on Arena and rank between 15-40 there.

I am currently farming Teebo and have Dengar at 5* and am looking for a feasible speed down Toon other than Fives and Phasma because I have yet to unlock them and feel like doing so would over extend my resources seeing how they wouldn't be terribly useful to me outside of the Rancor Raid.

Here are the characters I currently have at 7*:
Han St, QGJ, AA, RG, Rey, Leia, Biggs, Luminara, Lando, Daka, JKA, IG86 and Sidious.

I suppose I could also level Chewbacca quite easily for his turn meter reduction.

I am aiming at running Teebo, QGJ, Dengar, an assist toon (Bigs/IG86?) and possibly another turn meter reducing, DPS or speed down character (Rey, RG or Chewbacca?)

What do you guys think?

Should I invest in Phasma or can I get away with Dengar or RG for speed down? Ideally I'd like for them to hit their speed down on the first turn, but I guess beggars can't be choosers. Maybe running both could help with that... but then I can't see RG being terribly useful for turn meter control or damage past the first round.


  • ylbort
    5 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm soloing p1 with teebo (l) has only 55% potency, qgj, phasma, Rey, gs. P2-3 can do 600k to 1m with this team. Phasma is great with its victory march and must have char with dengar in raid because of advantage
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Chewy with potency is extremely helpful in all rounds of the rancor raid.

    Also, Yoda is definitely a must have, especially since his buff. His basic attack gives him foresight and +40% tm when attacking someone with >50% health, he can grant that foresight and tenacity to his whole team, and his third attack can reduce lots of turn meter and stun the guards.
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    I unfortunately don't have Yoda and never bothered leveling a 5th Jedi to 5*+ to get him.

    Yeah, I know Phasma would be the best fit, but investing 5m and a lot of time to max her out just feels like too much for a toon I'll probably only use in the Rancor Raid.

    Who, if not two characters, other than Fives, do you think would be a good replacement for Phasma?

    How would you build a team with Chewie?
    Teebo, QGJ, Chewie, (anyone in mind for speed down or tenacity down?), and a DPS character as a 5th?
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Royal Guard has pretty reliable speed down.

    Rey is the classic DPS character. She does pretty well against the rancor.

    If you want a fifth jedi just for the yoda event, eeth koth is a quick farm. I know it seems like a waste of time, but yoda really is that good against the rancor.
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    Jawa also has speed down
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    None better than Phasma. 90% proc rate and high natural potency = win. Plus the added bonus of victory march acts as a "panic button" to give Teebo enough TM to jump ahead of Rancor. It also guarantees Dengar will apply tenacity down.
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    I've been free to playing this game from the start and currently doing over 2 million damage with one team on heroic t7 rancor raid. My team consists of tebo, scout, elder, QGJ, and fives. There's footage of me soloing the guards on my YouTube Ryu's G Play.
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    A lot depends on mods really (as always!). If you have enough crit chance (for tenacity down) and potency (for speed down) on Dengar you could do Teebo, Dengar, QGJ, Rey/86/Biggs (any two for pure dps).
    If Dengar isn't landing speed down enough, you could sub in RG for a DPS, but again you'd still need to get potency up and have a little luck that it procs (it's 50% chance).
    If you wanted to go the totally conservative route you could remove both DPS and run RG and Chewie...but it would be pretty slow going and both would need decent potency.
    Last option (or an option while you're still working on Dengar) is running Teebo, QGJ, RG, Chewie, DPS (Rey/Biggs/86). First 4 would need decent potency, but you can clear P1 and then some with a team like that.

    Really to score decently you need to have someone to give speed down, and with your roster that means Dengar and retreat if it doesn't land to start, or run RG.

    Obviously there's other teams which would be better, but I think these are your options given your current roster/farming route. Dengar is great for scoring big, but you don't have to have him to clear P1 (or more).
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    Wow, thanks, this has been really helpful.
    I've heard of people retreating from raids before, is this simply done by switching to airplane mode and a shutting down the program? If so, do you need to carry out the raid in airplane mode to have it try and send the info to the client and then shutdown the program or is this not necessary?
    Also, are raids much like galactic war in that the actions are preset and I'd have to sub a character to get different results, or would I be able to go in with the same team and have a different outcome?
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    You retreat through the "cog" settings menu, same as gw, but unlike gw you'll get new rng regardless if you change your team or can force close your phone if you really had to for the same affect. You can switch to aeroplane mode if you think your team might get wiped and you're not happy with the score...or if you're guild runs a p0 (no damage) phase it can be a good safety net if you want to do some test runs and ensure you don't register a score.
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    Thanks guys, this has been very helpful. Most of all, I can't believe I didn't know you could retreat from raids. I just slugged it out even when things didn't start off my way. I still might for the most part, but it's nice to know I can have another go at it.

    When retreating would the AI gain turn meter or does it just completely reset as though you've never even gone in to begin with?
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    Total reset as if you never started. It's a great way to test different teams as well as redoing a failed/ unsatisfactory attempt.
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    Teebo lead, QGJ, 5s, Tusken, GS. All very easy ftp options, and just mod all but GS with potency. I can easily put up 5.5 mil with this team and Teebo is still g8...
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    I would think that Wedge would fit in just fine. Teebo, QGJ, Wedge, and biggs would solo p1 pretty easily
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    People got the strategy wrong here. You can go with Dengar and mod for crit chance. Then use his mini-mine special first. If it crits, you will get a turn meter reduction from teebo/QGJ and you can easily land his speed down your second turn. Also, Rey is good for DPS generally, but in raids her triple attack just feeds rancor/guard captain turn meter. With your squad, I would go with this for rancor raids:

    Teebo (L); QGJ; Chewie (worth levelling up and investing ability mats, then just mod for potency/speed); Dengar; Assist Char (IG-86 or Biggs based on your line-up). This will absolutely solo phase 1 once built up.
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    Thanks guys, this was helpful, especially the people who answered to my specific needs :)

    I still may be a month or more away for Dengar, but I'll definitely finish up with Teebo and very much consider leveling Chewie and possibly try him with a temporary RG for now.
    Since I'm free to play and I reinvest 90% of my resources back into Arena toons and teams, it leaves me little resources to put into a Rancor team, and one that scores 5M isn't a priority for me, I much prefer competing for a top 20 spot in arena. Getting 500-800k for the Rancor raid usually guarantees me a 5-12 spot finish, rewards that I find to be quite comparable to the 1-5 ranks and are more than enough to cover my minimal investment seeing how I mostly use a slightly tweaked out arena teams.

    Thanks though, this has been helpful nonetheless and I'm looking forward to branching out a little more into raids with Teebo being the hands down no-brainer to get first. I enjoyed Dengar from when I got him for the credit heist, so I'll keep chipping away at him and I'll think about sacrificing some Cantina energy to add a few levels to Chewie. We'll see, that feels like a bit more of a stretch for me.
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