Game Update 11/21/2016 Comments and Questions ***MEGATHREAD***


  • Cardiff0
    516 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm a little curious why i haven't seen this been talked about already

    So far I've heard

    Sun fac
  • Vertigo
    4497 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    I started a topic about the shipments already:

    Everyone's just too busy complaining about how they missed the payout for the first day.

    But to add to your list:

    Echo, GSpy, Pathfinder, Resistance Pilot, Mace, Poe, Tusken Shaman and Bistan.
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    What about gear rotation in shipments
  • neitsabeseb
    5 posts Member
    edited November 2016

    For the fleet megapacks, the description states that we can get 10-100 blueprints per ship roll, but the minimum that you actually get is 5.
    Post edited by neitsabeseb on
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    What are you getting?!
    I need to know if I should buY a MEGAPACk
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    This is ridiculous?? By releasing a day early on Monday anyone in US timezones is able to play all 3 ship challenges as its Monday. Anyone in EU and AS is already on Tuesday and only gets the Ackbar challenge. Instantly giving those players an advantage?? How can that be called fair??
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    Has anyone bought the fleet mega pack? I really wanna know how pulls are looking
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    Thanks for posting. Lots of stuff to choose from. I'd say maybe too much lol. Not sure what I'd choose..
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    I'm digging them so far
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    I'm not feeling it....
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    gobears21 wrote: »
    I'm not feeling it....

    They're trying to turn a mini game into a complex game with subsets of mini games
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    gobears21 wrote: »
    I'm not feeling it....

    They're trying to turn a mini game into a complex game with subsets of mini games

    Well as a retired coder.... I see the world through a different lens than most... this seems completely lazy as all they did was replicate the entire game within the game... reskin, re-label then made game 1 feed game 2.... my issue with the entire thing (and don't get me wrong I like code re-use... it's just I already have swgoh and didn't need swgoh 2) is that I didn't really have time for the first game....

    Now there is money to be spent on the copy of the game AND the first version... I'm gonna sleep on it but I think I'm done.... just no time for this.
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    Has anyone bought the fleet mega pack? I really wanna know how pulls are looking

    4 ships BP and some shards for corresponding characters. It's underwhelming as a lot of those ships need 15+ BP to unlock and you're likely to get 10 (or rather 5 unlike the description states).
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    I feel like theres a little bit too much going on with ships right now. I like how theres lots of new abilities and stuff, but it seems a bit overwhelming, however I am glad that theres something else to do.

    Just wish there was easier way to get blueprints for ships of characters that you already have 7starred or something, seems wrong that I can get ship blueprints for Geo Spy's ship at the same rate I can get it for Plo Koon when I have Plo at 7 stars and gear 10, but don't even have Geo Spy unlocked.
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    Has anyone bought the fleet mega pack? I really wanna know how pulls are looking
    If you already have the characters stick to the small pack. The big one gives half ships, have characters
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    I do need many characters but i was hoping it would be more, a few crystals wont get you too far....
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    What would you say the average blueprint payout for the 499 crystal Fleet Data Card is?
    Probably would only be able to buy one for now so wondering if i'd actually be able to get a ship out of it or nah.
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    Vertigo wrote: »
    What would you say the average blueprint payout for the 499 crystal Fleet Data Card is?
    Probably would only be able to buy one for now so wondering if i'd actually be able to get a ship out of it or nah.
    Team skunk did a bunch it looks like 10 is by far the most common, occasionally 12 and 25 a couple of times
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    Vertigo wrote: »
    What would you say the average blueprint payout for the 499 crystal Fleet Data Card is?
    Probably would only be able to buy one for now so wondering if i'd actually be able to get a ship out of it or nah.
    About 10-25 range is typical I think. I bought two. First unlocked FOTP's ship. The second let me upgrade GS's ship to 2*
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    So what's the deal with west coast getting a day's worth of rewards? Pretty kuch puts the rest of us at a HUGE disadvantage
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    Anyone else having trouble getting it to run in bluestacks since the update?
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    I have Rex in mine. Guess it's just anyone who's a pilot will show up. That's nice.
  • Lmoon74
    84 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Oh please. 1 day of get simple rewards is nothing compared to whale ship arena. Already money talks. First place team is at 93k power compared to the starting power around 50k. If you don't use serious cash. you are already a month behind the whales and all it took was a few hours to do it
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    It's glorious!!!!
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    The zeta materials can only be obtain through ships...if I'm reading this correctly, zeta is a step up from omega, right? So I have to work at ships to collect these zeta for my reg gameplay. Really don't have time for ships, seems too involved, if I'm forced to get zeta and can only acquire them through ship progression, the game might finally have pushed me away
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    So the Millennium Falcon has the (Ep VII) tag at the end of its name. Is this indicative of another version later on or are they just trying to tell us we don't need Han Solo for it? Or is it like how we got Clone Wars Chewbacca instead of the original Chewbacca so we can't get a good synergy between him and Han...?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    They had to tie it to something to make it "necessary "

    There was also a line in the data mine that was about guild vs guild so they get you there too.
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    I believe the Zeta materials are used to upgrade ship abilities, whereas Omega is still the highest possible upgrade for character abilities.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Vertigo wrote: »
    I believe the Zeta materials are used to upgrade ship abilities, whereas Omega is still the highest possible upgrade for character abilities.

    I thought they said in the update that it was toon abilities and they had a list of toons that use them.
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    Vertigo wrote: »
    So the Millennium Falcon has the (Ep VII) tag at the end of its name. Is this indicative of another version later on or are they just trying to tell us we don't need Han Solo for it? Or is it like how we got Clone Wars Chewbacca instead of the original Chewbacca so we can't get a good synergy between him and Han...?
    It takes Rey and Finn. They announced this a while back
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