The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


    2761 posts Member
    Just saying, this is probably the last straw for a lot of people. EA would be wise not to make us mad considering we make up a very large portion of their player base.

    And more importantly a much larger spend per person.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    They won't release an iOS event anytime soon. Otherwise, Google (the company) will be paying for a service that competitors would be getting for free. This is strictly business and honestly, I have no problem with it.
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    isnt this really apples fault? Google must kick back something to EA to offer this deal. Apple doesnt feel the need to offer these kind of perks to use their phone.
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    Maegor wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    Maegor wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    Nastynas91 wrote: »
    Nastynas91 wrote: »
    Darax_ren wrote: »
    Why is it Apples job to pay EA to give half its players base free stuff? And how would that be good for the game?
    No, it's EA's job to not divide it's player base by giving half of them a big advantage over the others.

    If a company was offered $$$$ to give only it's male customers a freebie, or only it's blue eyed customers, then any half decent company would refuse because of the long term damage to their customer base.

    That would be discrimination which is completely different. Your argument is invalid

    How is this NOT discrimination? It's not like you can choose to switch devices halfway through.

    You obviously don't know what discrimination is. Google paid for Android users to recieve this promotion and all Android users recieved that promotion. If someone was left out of that promotion because of their race, religion, country of origin, etc, that would be discrimination

    Discriminate: "to make a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the basis of the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs rather than according to actual merit; show partiality"

    Doesn't say anything about race, etc. per se. In the context of freemium games, your device/platform defines your group.

    You choose what device you want to support/use

    You don't choose your race, country of origin, etc.

    I think the discrimination argument is ****, but the only counter I would have to your statement is that this game doesn't allow you to platform swap, so once you are in, you're locked in. And that's playing devil's advocate more than anything.

    I do agree.

    I was fortunate to be on android for this fiasco, but if ios gets something better soon or even if ios got this event and we didn't then I'd have to just be cool with it.

    "It is what it is" ya know.

    I'm sure you ios guys will get something to make up for it though!

    I'm really surprised nobody brought up Wedge vs Biggs in this argument, lol.

    Oh its been brought up (by myself and others) just in a different post lol
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    Besides, you will be getting k's counterpart soon enough
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    the PR department needs a bit of work. Poor timing as the "IOS vs ANDROID" discussion has completely overshadowed some exciting things: 1) new movie 2) Jyn Erso the character 3) new tournament 4) game update/fixes 4) new droid. What should have been a day dominated by exciting chatter is now flooded with bitterness to varying degrees. :(
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    Plokoon187 wrote: »
    Keep in mind not everyone is a hardcore phone gamer. My son is 7 and very happy with his wedge. Perhaps if you all weren't jaded communists who believe that we should all get an equal share, you might be happy like him.

    Yes, because the 7 year old who likes to push buttons is a reliable source for a player base that has been around since November 2015.
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    Or maybe Apple was just, like, "Nah. We don't want to do an event. Thanks, though!"

    God, not everything is a conspiracy....
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Aus_Newbie wrote: »
    Synfreak wrote: »
    To make it up to IOS, the Palpatine event from 23rd Dec should be IOS exclusive. After 6 months have passed, Android can get in too! That would be fair!

    It really wouldn't. Two wrongs don't make a right.

    Rather than having to balance promotions on top of balancing chanracters and their abilities, just make everything open to everyone.

    Of course that will be best what you said!

    The reason i am so mean is that i see there are a lot of Android players that call IOS salty...think about them, do you see how hard they worked on rebels? How bad they want Palp event? BAM! IOS only! Now tell me that wouldn't be...beautiful!!
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    Darax_ren wrote: »
    Nastynas91 wrote: »
    I'm sure EA reached out to Apple to get them to part with some of their money, but they refused. Go write to Apple
    Another smug Android player. Why don't you show some solidarity for your fellow gamers and admit that this is unfair and down to CG / EA to sort out if the game is going to continue. soon as all the iOS users give back all the crystals from dominating arena for months with superfast free Poe that was handed to them just after launch. Some of you either have a very short memory, haven't been around very long or just complaining to hear yourself whine. It cuts both ways - iOS was also supposed to have gotten Lando, until someone decided to exploit.

    Do I like it? No. But to act like it is all just one side or the other is simply incorrect. If in Match K droid is helping Android users dominate arena, maybe you'd have a point. Now? Not even close.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I don't understand all of the EA/CG hate in this. If Boba's daddy buys him a bright shiny new toy at Droids R Us, I don't curse the store for selling it. I cry to my apple daddy that I want one too. I am an iOS user, so I understand your frustration, but it seems focused on the wrong business.

    It's not a comparison at all. This is nothing to do with envy. A better comparison would be the toy store only allowing some customers to get a certain promotion based on what kind of shoes they were wearing. But you're not allowed to get the promotion shoes and come back.
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    five2zero wrote: »
    Google needs to pay for players? What does this say about android?

    That we got a free toon and v you didn't lmao
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    Plokoon187 wrote: »
    Besides, you will be getting k's counterpart soon enough

    That's where you are wrong. The datamined info says absolutely nothing about an IOS exclusive event or anything. EA are corrupt and will take bribes without any moral code. Awful business ethics.
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    There's no respect for all the players. That's the problem.
    You can keep saying whatever you want, but I found unbelievable how EA can't understand how this kind of behave will kill this game, disappointing too many people.
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    When android users got the free shoretrooper pack they said they were committed to making the same content available to everyone. Android just sponsored their users getting 1 for free. Well, just another **** statement because iOS users don't have access at all to K2SO
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    I don't understand all of the EA/CG hate in this. If Boba's daddy buys him a bright shiny new toy at Droids R Us, I don't curse the store for selling it. I cry to my apple daddy that I want one too. I am an iOS user, so I understand your frustration, but it seems focused on the wrong business.

    Yes exactly. This isn't bad on CG/EA but just good marketing from Google. It's on Apple to keep up, not EA.
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    Had a rage quit from someone in my guild over this last night.
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    Mcpout wrote: »
    Lol you want to see an effect... Wait till the refunds from iOS start flooding in, they have already started an it's never been more easier to get one since the change to their terms and conditions

    You do realise that google and ea signed a contract, right? A contract that most likely states they cant hand the same thing to ios users for free...
    For devs its $$ and free advertising on mainpage of play store, why would they turn that down?

    Down the road, they can go to apple and show them numbers and say "hey apple, look, google handed this out and we made a huge bunch of cash from android since/increased playerbase (which results in more in-app purchases)... How about you do the same now?"
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    Hmnn. So is it fair then that people with better teams then you get more in the galactic war, in the tournaments and in the pvp? We should all have everything exactly the same at the same moment and we should all draw on every battle. GO STALIN!
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Darax_ren wrote: »
    Nastynas91 wrote: »
    I'm sure EA reached out to Apple to get them to part with some of their money, but they refused. Go write to Apple
    Another smug Android player. Why don't you show some solidarity for your fellow gamers and admit that this is unfair and down to CG / EA to sort out if the game is going to continue. soon as all the iOS users give back all the crystals from dominating arena for months with superfast free Poe that was handed to them just after launch. Some of you either have a very short memory, haven't been around very long or just complaining to hear yourself whine. It cuts both ways - iOS was also supposed to have gotten Lando, until someone decided to exploit.

    Do I like it? No. But to act like it is all just one side or the other is simply incorrect. If in Match K droid is helping Android users dominate arena, maybe you'd have a point. Now? Not even close.

    Did IOS get a 7* Poe or a 3*? Was Poe not available in Cantina? How long will you keep clinging to this nonsense huh? What they did isn't justifiable by any means!
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    Yeah let's all cease to be decent rational people as soon as we're online.
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    Just saying, this is probably the last straw for a lot of people. EA would be wise not to make us mad considering we make up a very large portion of their player base.

    What is WRONG with you people? Don't you ever think about ANYTHING before you grab your torch and pitchfork?

    Apple users make up the majority of the market here.

    Android wants to increase its market share.

    Android pays for a giveaway to entice its users to the game and help retain its users already in the game.

    That's it. That's the end of the conspiracy. That's as deep as it goes. A company wanted a thing so they paid for it. Another company didn't want a thing so they didn't pay for it. God, grow the hell up...
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    PurePower wrote: »
    It must be tough as an iOS user. The elitist, smug stereotype you all fit into, and the tantrums when you feel slighted against. Please, keeo advising EA on their business decisions. I'm sure they will listen and care.


  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Zooey wrote: »
    They won't release an iOS event anytime soon. Otherwise, Google (the company) will be paying for a service that competitors would be getting for free. This is strictly business and honestly, I have no problem with it.

    is this comming from an iOS or an android user?
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    DrNocard wrote: »
    the PR department needs a bit of work. Poor timing as the "IOS vs ANDROID" discussion has completely overshadowed some exciting things: 1) new movie 2) Jyn Erso the character 3) new tournament 4) game update/fixes 4) new droid. What should have been a day dominated by exciting chatter is now flooded with bitterness to varying degrees. :(

    You must have been absent yesterday right when the update dropped lol.

    Like 95% of posts were outrage

    - on how we have another op rebel "jyn"
    - how everyone hates tournaments
    - how there was no raid balancing
    - etc etc.

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    I refuse solidarity on this because you're all a bunch of ****.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    There is a difference between defending and telling people to stop massively overreacting.

    Ill promise you that I will also be here making jokes on entitled millenial Android players when the opposite situation occurs :)

    But go on, forums are fun today - Lets unity in solidarity and fix this outrageous act of discriminating! The sky is falling!
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    Plokoon187 wrote: »
    Hmnn. So is it fair then that people with better teams then you get more in the galactic war, in the tournaments and in the pvp? We should all have everything exactly the same at the same moment and we should all draw on every battle. GO STALIN!

    Somebody seems oddly political. Maybe because they never learned how to argue like a logical adult. Is this the 7 year old on his daddies phone? Yes when EA simply give out a toon for absolutely nothing from the player, they are bound ethically to release that same character to everybody. Accepting bribes from Google is morally and ethically wrong.
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    I have an Iphone myself and i start feeling embarassed for you crybabies. Yes i also want freebies. But do you know how to not get them?? By insulting Devs and everybody with your embarrassing "thats not fair" whining, after they introduced awesome content for everyone. I bet it was designated to run a similar thing for IOS. But if i was a Dev right now, i wouldnt give you anything for that behaviour.

    think a little, before you regress to a envious toddler again..
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    I didn't get a free Poe, must have been before my time.

    I *did* get the Wedge shards, and I was farming him at the time, but I'd rather have those shards taken away if it meant the game treated all players on different operating systems the same.
This discussion has been closed.