More Sith in game

15 posts Member
edited December 2016
Darth Malak, Darth Revan, Darth Malgus, Darth Bane, Darth Zannah, and make Asajj Ventress a Sith because she was the secret apprentice of Darth Tyrannus before Sidious ordered him to kill her. Potential ideas for more Sith. Try to draw more characters from Legends, you've already taken a character from KOTOR that being HK-47.


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    1000000% agreed
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    Who doesn't want Revan? He could be both Sith and Jedi.
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    Ragnir wrote: »
    Who doesn't want Revan? He could be both Sith and Jedi.
    I would think they would make him one or the other. Other characters were light and dark side at different times and they only have one affiliation.

    Anakin/Vader, Dooku, Offee, Wedge, Kylo Ren

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    Deffo Revan 100% bring out Darth Revan and Revan saviour of the republic @ same time
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    Also being both light and dark is kinda Revan's whole thing. Maybe Jedi Revan and Sith Revan could be separate, but you can't have them both on one team?
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    Also being both light and dark is kinda Revan's whole thing. Maybe Jedi Revan and Sith Revan could be separate, but you can't have them both on one team?

    He is saying wedge used to be an imperial pilot.
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    +1 to revan, mother taizans demise event. deathtrooper evan if hes a starter character with little synergy, instead of kylo ren rework we could maybe snoke could be added? That fo stormtrooper is bearly a tank. Plz plz director kreenic
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    Han also used to be an Imperial, does that mean he should go both ways too?
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    phatphil3 wrote: »
    Han also used to be an Imperial, does that mean he should go both ways too?

    is anybody even asking a question in regards to this?
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    Tigzie wrote: »
    Deffo Revan 100% bring out Darth Revan and Revan saviour of the republic @ same time

    That would be amazing. People would have to choose which one they want and are never able to get both!

    I would choose dark side
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    Yeah and you guys really think EA and all their rebel minded thinking would ever bring Revan to us. Look at the facts. Rebels have like 20 toons all pretty useful a bunch OP. Empire has like 13 and only 6 are good. Outside empire you have Fett and droids but not enough to combat the new meta of rebels. Ships are on the lightsides favor. Darkside brothers!!! This is unacceptable. Hell if they did bring Revan he would prolly be a Jedi only.
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    Darth Malak, Darth Revan, Darth Malgus, Darth Bane, Darth Zannah, and make Asajj Ventress a Sith because she was the secret apprentice of Darth Tyrannus before Sidious ordered him to kill her. Potential ideas for more Sith. Try to draw more characters from Legends, you've already taken a character from KOTOR that being HK-47.

    Only Darth-something are sith. Ventress is no sith.
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    Darth Bane and Darth Plaguies please. Wouldnt mind Revan at this point. HK is recannonized only a matter of time before Revan follows. But, I doubt we'd see him before that happens.
  • WhiskeyPug
    338 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    There needs to be more with without a doubt, and if no plans are in place to do so then the current sith need some reworking.

    Why is there no synergy with maul and his brother? Why is there no synergy with empire and Vader. The current synergies are generic and not great, I'd like to see some wiggs like synergy going on.
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    Yeah and you guys really think EA and all their rebel minded thinking would ever bring Revan to us. Look at the facts. Rebels have like 20 toons all pretty useful a bunch OP. Empire has like 13 and only 6 are good. Outside empire you have Fett and droids but not enough to combat the new meta of rebels. Ships are on the lightsides favor. Darkside brothers!!! This is unacceptable. Hell if they did bring Revan he would prolly be a Jedi only.

    Hummm your lack of imagination stuns me. There's plenty of really good ds toon.
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    vector6000 wrote: »
    Darth Malak, Darth Revan, Darth Malgus, Darth Bane, Darth Zannah, and make Asajj Ventress a Sith because she was the secret apprentice of Darth Tyrannus before Sidious ordered him to kill her. Potential ideas for more Sith. Try to draw more characters from Legends, you've already taken a character from KOTOR that being HK-47.

    Only Darth-something are sith. Ventress is no sith.

    Oh really? Explain Savage being sith in game.

    And old canon wise is was Darth Bane that brought back the Darth title
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    The Triumvirate (Traya, Nihilus, Sion) from KOTOR2! They are possibly the best candidates for a three-character synergy.
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    Nauros wrote: »
    The Triumvirate (Traya, Nihilus, Sion) from KOTOR2! They are possibly the best candidates for a three-character synergy.

    Yeah other than updating Han, Leia, Luke
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    This was my post suggesting Darth Revan as a character in the character feedback forums. For any of you that want to see him in game I would like hearing your feedback on my suggestion.

    Darth Revan Suggestion
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