Coming Back After A 6 Months Break

17 posts Member
edited February 2017
Hello Guys,

I played the game for a while and got up to LVL 76 but then stopped playing for about 6 months or so. I re-installed today and saw that I am down to around 1000s in the arena from 50s and the leaders in my shard are around LVL 85. If I decided to play the game again, would it be better to continue from where I am or make a fresh start in a new shard/server ? And finally everything aside, is the game really worth coming back to after such a long break ?

Thanks in advance for all your comments and replies.

EDIT: Thanks for all the advice guys. I really appreciate it.

I think it might be more feasible to continue from where I left off.

So what do you think is the right direction and toons to go for ? What are the most drastic changes that happened so far in the last 6 months ?

This is what I had before I left ;

Thanks in advance once again for all your comments.
Post edited by Giantlife on


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    Starting over may be beneficial if you don't have much money invested. You would have so much catching up to do, even with the people up in the 1000s. If you start over you will be placed on a younger shard and you will have the benefit of knowing which toons to go for in the early game.
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    If you were only level 76 it would tell us that you weren't max level and didn't spend ages on end game gearing and levelling so I'd say definitely start over for a fresh shard you can easily dominate if you know how to play (which you probably do)

    As for whether the game is worth coming back to that depends on you personally I like the events that are being held a lot of the time what I don't like is the cost of things the game is very money oriented if you want to get a head start etc
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    No don't come back too many investment now not about money or crystal but time. You have better things to do
  • Wrathe
    205 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Giantlife wrote: »
    Hello Guys,

    I played the game for a while and got up to LVL 76 but then stopped playing for about 6 months or so. I re-installed today and saw that I am down to around 1000s in the arena from 50s and the leaders in my shard are around LVL 85. If I decided to play the game again, would it be better to continue from where I am or make a fresh start in a new shard/server ? And finally everything aside, is the game really worth coming back to after such a long break ?

    Thanks in advance for all your comments and replies.

    I disagree w/ restarting. I also disagree w/ it coming down to if you invested cash in the past or not. In this game, time is progress. So while yes, you're back down to 1000, that's from neglect, and if you have a decent team you can put together, you'll be back up in no time.

    Why start back w/ an empty collection? Sure, you'll be competitive against others w/ their new empty collections as well, but you're talking about going back to level 1, playing w/ the likes of Talia and such.

    Take the collection you have in place, pick a direction, and go. Regardless of where everyone else is on the track, you're closer to the metaphorical finish line from where you were, compared to starting back over at the beginning.

    Pick a direction, 5 characters, and get to having fun reconnecting w/ all the characters you've invested your time in.
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    Yeah i think you should not restart. Restarting will seriously delay the time it takes to prepare for the Tank Raid. All you need is one good team for arena (and some good mods) and you can easily make it to top 20 at least
  • DarthMol
    23 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    I was in the almost same situation like you. I rejoined the game like 4 weeks ago after a >6 months break. Stopped at level 80. Now 83 and am currently in the same arena rank when I stopped (around 300-350). Needed a lot of time to sort all the new stuff they implemented like ships etc and to check that the only focus is on tanks and AOE chars now.
    The silly thing is that Jedi are now almost useless and you have to farm e.g. Biggs, Wedge, Lando, Teebo and Boba to stand the chance to rank high in Arena, Raids or even complete GW which is still unbalanced and almost impossible to beat, like when I took the break from that game.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Pick a direction and go. Do not restart unless you absolutely want to relive your glory days using Jedi Counselor and all the other loser heroes you already have again.

    You're only in the 1000s now because you been a punching bag for 6 months.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    MissDoll wrote: »
    No don't come back too many investment now not about money or crystal but time. You have better things to do

    No you don't.
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    Make sure you buy the new citadel packs to max out the new heroes
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    IDK... its tough to say but i know some people that just started a couple months ago (i have been playing non stop over a year).
    They had the somewhat advantage of knowing to go for orange bros, etc. and are kicking my butt at PVP and raking in crystals, etc.
    Already doing better than me in raids while i sit here with my jedi's crying...
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    Either way, if you spent money or not you would have a lot of catching up to do plus some events won't be unlocked until later, maybe 3 months or longer.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    It depends on your goals. Personally I would start over. This will give you a chance to be high in arena for a while and help you develop a deep roster with a lot more insight into the best toons for you buck (expression not actual money).

    Arena is not everything but it can help you support your habit. A smart f2p working the long game from the beginning is just as good as any p2p (excluding kraken and heavy whales)
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    MBL_66 wrote: »
    Make sure you buy the new citadel packs to max out the new heroes

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    Welcome back. New characters now cost $1000. Enjoy.
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    It depends on your goals in the game. If you want to contend in high end Arena, start over. If you just want to play casually and collect stuff and don't mind doing it at a slow pace, continue from where you left off.
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    I recently started an alt account for my guild. It's not fun to return to the early part of the game. Everything is locked, and it takes forever to make any progress at all.
    I don't recommend starting over, take what you have and build on it.
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    Thanks for all the advice guys. I really appreciate it.

    I think it might be more feasible to continue from where I left off. So what do you think is the right direction and toons to go for ? What are the most drastic changes that happened so far in the last 6 months ?

    This is what I had before I left ;

    Thanks in advance once again for all your comments.
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    Hmmm... you seem to be a player from when Rey was meta, and GS before her. Now Wiggsdo/TiTO/Zyn Chaze Wiggs/PalpDrennic TFP ST/Zader is meta. pick one and go from where you left.
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    Starting over is bad idea...just grind it out and you'll be back to top 100 in no time.

    I have 3 peeps in my guild who took 3-5 month breaks who were in almost exact same situation...the all back to top 100 in a month or so...

    You know the game, how to grind and farm smart... remember its a game, have fun.
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    If you want top 10 status in arenas start again as you're not going to be able to catch up with your current squad which also means you'll end up hindering the amount of squad purchases per day you can have.

    Your choice but starting fresh will allow #1 rank in arenas and you'll catch up pretty quick as your roster & gear level are pretty low
  • Magulama
    125 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Tigzie wrote: »
    If you want top 10 status in arenas start again as you're not going to be able to catch up with your current squad which also means you'll end up hindering the amount of squad purchases per day you can have.

    Your choice but starting fresh will allow #1 rank in arenas and you'll catch up pretty quick as your roster & gear level are pretty low

    I second that, your restarted account would be further advanced than if you were to continue with your old account in a matter of 4month or so, due to the increased crystal income you'd receive.
    If you intend to be in it for the long haul. Restart.
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    Thanks for all the responses guys.

    After leaving the game for so long, I am trying to grasp the concepts of ships and other things from the past but AOE seems to be the rage all the way now. Every well developed AOE character such as Lando, Wiggs etc. simply ruins the fields at least at my levels. I am a bit lost and getting hopeless at the moment considering I am slightly drunk as well whether I can catch up or not... :(
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    AOE was the rage.. u missed that boat :)
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    J0K3R wrote: »
    AOE was the rage.. u missed that boat :)

    This. In order to catch up, you have to look at the latest meta, not the outgoing. You'll never catch up that way.
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    Giantlife wrote: »
    Thanks for all the advice guys. I really appreciate it.

    I think it might be more feasible to continue from where I left off. So what do you think is the right direction and toons to go for ? What are the most drastic changes that happened so far in the last 6 months ?

    This is what I had before I left ;

    Thanks in advance once again for all your comments.

    My big concern for you if you keep your account is how are you going to keep up your crystal income to develop your roster?

    With an Arena rank of 982 you will be getting 50 crystals a day. That's enough for 1 regular energy refresh. I mean you will need to be buying crystals if you want to get your Arena rank high enough to upgrade your roster.

    I am assuming you will supplement your crystals in the short run with a crystal booster pack at least? Even then, its a steep, uphill battle.

    Personally, if you haven't spent a lot of money on your roster, I'd start over and begin with a level Arena playing field. If you farm toons wisely you can start in the Top 20 in Arena and have more resources to build a roster. Then, as soon as you have a 7-star toon and reach the level requirement (forgot what that is) then join a guild that is doing Heroic Rancor raids. The raid rewards will help you to develop your roster even more.
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    Id go on.. There are borders, others cant cross and u can reach the same borders in about a month.. After that u could possibly be nr1.. Depending on your focus .. But if a new meta pops up, u will fall back again unless u develop the next 5 toons. Other just need to develop the new one.. But u can do it. Go for it
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    You may have already made your decision, but I suggest creating an alt account and play both for a while until you determine what you want to do.
  • hnewton
    492 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    I would go for Zeta Vader, TFP, Palpatine, Baze (unfortunately he is only in shipments, but is viable at 3* and 4* and super important to this team) and Magmatrooper (he will help beat quick teams since I assume your speed mods aren't as good as everyone else's)

    This is my best advice for a team that can compete with all the strong speed mods that most older servers have without needing super good speed mods
    Post edited by hnewton on
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    hnewton wrote: »
    I would go for Zeta Vader, TFP, Palpatine, Boba Fett, Shoretrooper, and maybe even Magmatrooper (he will help beat quick teams since I assume your speed mods aren't as good as everyone else's)

    The issue is how long it will be to get Zetas.

    In order to get Zetas work on Tarkins Ship and 5star Darkside ships
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