How many Wiggs are in YOUR top 50?


  • jackstraw
    220 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    3 Wiggers in the top 10, 3 more ranked 11-20, and an additional 12 from 20-50. November 2015 shard.
  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm on a 2015 shard, when the game first came out.
    Top 5: 0
    Top 10: 0
    Top 20: 0
    Top 50: 15
    They are slipping out of the meta a bit... The top 20 was littered with Wiggs teams not all that long ago... But still a viable and very potent combo though... But not on the "meta" level anymore imho...
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    Well I currently have,

    1 in top 10
    4 in top 25
    18 in top 50

    The Empire dominates my shard at the moment. I still run Wiggs, but it's getting harder and harder to maintain top 50. Woke up today and I'm 64. Usually I can battle my way into lower 30's or high 20's, but that's where the Empire has a firm foothold.

    The game is definitely shifting to Empire/Sith and with more toons coming this month it's going full DS. I feel like they'll probably make the R1 toons f2p soon so the rest of us f2p'ers can be somewhat competitive with the coming changes.

    December '15 shard.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Top 50 doesn't matter, it's all about top 10 which is currently dominated by Zader on my shard 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    In top 20 in my shard I see only like 5 wiggs and 4 of them are accompanied by Chaze.........

    Chaze is more abundant then Wiggs in my top 20. How?? I wish I knew I didn't stand a chance in the Imwe tournament
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    don't forget, younger shards will probably have more arena wiggs then older shards.

    older shards have a lot more variety, since we've had time to acquire more toons.
    (december 2015 shard for me)

    Yeah I saw the meta report, but I wanted to find out from individuals what their numbers were like. And I definitely know that younger shards have more Wiggs. I have two accounts. One Dec 2015 (that I barely use) and one Nov 2016 (which is the main account) and the difference in the top 50 is astounding.
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    Jan 2016 Shard. About 20, mostly outside top-10. Currently, the strongest teams are Zaders, and almost always have a Shore to let them curb-stomp Wiggs.

    Auto Taunts are DEFINITELY the bane of Wiggs. If Baze/Shore EVER become F2P, that's the day Wiggs dies.
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    Tavanh wrote: »
    There's a few Wigg teams in top 50 but majority of my shard has Chaze or use Boba, Zaders, GK, Palp.

    Sounds like a typical Dec 2015-Jan 2015 shard. Glad there's some variety.
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    35/50 running wiggs (myself included), 11 of them in top 20, 3 in top 5. (Only 2 of them have chaze added)
    6 empire teams, 4 in top 20, 1 in top 5
    3 droid teams, 2 in top 50, 1 in top 20
    1 vader lead team in top 20
    1 GK full jedi team holding top 1 atm
    1 rex team in top 50

    September 2016 shard, so we're fairly young, tendency I've noticed is top people changing to empire.

    Empire is definitely the way forward. But in order to get one of the KEY parts of Empire (Palp) you need rebels.

    Still, seems like a lot of Wiggs for Sep 16 shard but I guess some shards progress quicker than others.
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    kalidor wrote: »
    Wiggs is fading on my Nov'15 shard. Sith are ruling - 9 of the top 10 are Vader, Emp or Maul (the other is zeta QGJ). Wiggs leads are 15,23,25,29,31,38,42-45, and 48 (11), with another couple running wiggs under lando in the 40s. 19 are led by Emp P, 5 Zaders (4 in top 10) and then a few misc (Maul, Lando, Fett, QGJ, HK, Rex).
    Nice to see a change, even though some of those emp/sith teams are brutally hard.

    Droids in Nov 2015 shard? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS xD Overall though, change is coming. The next EP event will push them back even further.
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    Obs0lete wrote: »
    In my December 2015 ladder, 20 of the top 50 have Wiggs, only 2 of which (including mine) have Chaze as well. There are 10 zeta-Vader teams as well, so there is a noticeable shift for sure.

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    KParks1235 wrote: »
    We only have Wiggs in 11, 20, 21 and 23 right now (of top 25, too lazy to check the rest).

    So zero in T10, two in T20, four in T25.

    Our Top 10 is a mix right now with mostly QGJz and Zader leads. But we have some nice diversity with a droid team, clone team and BH team with BF Lead as well. Probably around 4 GKs (one lead).

    DROIDS in TOP TEN???? That's crazy. On my second account, which is a Nov 2016 shard. Droids can barely break top 20 (that droid being me lol)
  • KParks1235
    20 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    JayNyxx wrote: »
    KParks1235 wrote: »
    We only have Wiggs in 11, 20, 21 and 23 right now (of top 25, too lazy to check the rest).

    So zero in T10, two in T20, four in T25.

    Our Top 10 is a mix right now with mostly QGJz and Zader leads. But we have some nice diversity with a droid team, clone team and BH team with BF Lead as well. Probably around 4 GKs (one lead).

    DROIDS in TOP TEN???? That's crazy. On my second account, which is a Nov 2016 shard. Droids can barely break top 20 (that droid being me lol)

    To be fair, he does drop pretty far overnight and probably spends for at least one refresh to get to top 5 for payout....

    He says that the Empire Zeta meta has actually been better for him. Still gets crushed on defense but with K2 has a decent win rate on offense.Of course YMMV.

    We are a December 15/Jan 16 shard.
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    KParks1235 wrote: »
    JayNyxx wrote: »
    KParks1235 wrote: »
    We only have Wiggs in 11, 20, 21 and 23 right now (of top 25, too lazy to check the rest).

    So zero in T10, two in T20, four in T25.

    Our Top 10 is a mix right now with mostly QGJz and Zader leads. But we have some nice diversity with a droid team, clone team and BH team with BF Lead as well. Probably around 4 GKs (one lead).

    DROIDS in TOP TEN???? That's crazy. On my second account, which is a Nov 2016 shard. Droids can barely break top 20 (that droid being me lol)

    To be fair, he does drop pretty far overnight and probably spends for at least one refresh to get to top 5 for payout....

    He says that the Empire Zeta meta has actually been better for him. Still gets crushed on defense but with K2 has a decent win rate on offense.Of course YMMV.

    We are a December 15/Jan 16 shard.

    I know the feeling lol. On this account, I'm almost guaranteed to drop to 40 overnight xD. Everyone eats up Droids on defense.
  • JayNyxx
    269 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Well I currently have,

    1 in top 10
    4 in top 25
    18 in top 50

    The Empire dominates my shard at the moment. I still run Wiggs, but it's getting harder and harder to maintain top 50. Woke up today and I'm 64. Usually I can battle my way into lower 30's or high 20's, but that's where the Empire has a firm foothold.

    The game is definitely shifting to Empire/Sith and with more toons coming this month it's going full DS. I feel like they'll probably make the R1 toons f2p soon so the rest of us f2p'ers can be somewhat competitive with the coming changes.

    December '15 shard.

    ****, your shard sounds rough lol. No Chaze? If Zetas were more readily available, Wiggs probably would have been out of the meta already. I'm PRAYING for some more F2P empire toons though so we can begin the meta shift HYPE! xD

    EDIT: Just read you were F2P of obviously no Chaze. My bad lol
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    You prob aren't seeing the change yet in the top 50,it will take a min to trickle down the ranks. Top 10, especially top 5, is where you won't find many... at least on most mature shards.
  • Kage
    27 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    my shard i see like 40+ was wigg,and i am not,i hate using wigg...
    i am ftp too,with my weird squad, i manage to get in top 10...2016 dec shard
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    You prob aren't seeing the change yet in the top 50,it will take a min to trickle down the ranks. Top 10, especially top 5, is where you won't find many... at least on most mature shards.

    That's the thing though. On this account my shard IS very young; Nov 16', hence so many Wiggs users. On my Dec 15' account? Not so much lol.
  • ElleMadara
    1017 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    28 and the rest are cheap teams with Rex as a leader
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    I feel having a good Bistan comp would counter Wiggs teams easily. Run AA on top of that with a K2 and you're golden for at least 4-1 attack.
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    25 of 50. Dec 2015 shard
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    Well I think this thread proves that all those claims that Wiggs meta is dead are false. In my opinion the only people that are still claiming that are either old players who think the game is only about and for them and their advanced shards or Wiggs users that are afraid that an eventual nerf is gonna take away their easy, cheap road to "arena domination". They are the same persons claiming that there are plenty of counters for the duo (purposely) ignoring that most of those counters are simply not working at lower levels (for eg. TFP under 78 level) or simply unobtainable at lover levels (EP or ShT). Apparently Wiggs being "easy" to beat at level 85 in shards with zeta toons is reason enough for lower players to just **** about the messiness that Wiggs is in lower shards.
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    JayNyxx wrote: »
    With all the claims that Wiggs is no longer the meta, I thought I'd have a quick look at my top 50 to see just how many squads were running Wiggs. And no, not just Wedge lead I'm talking about running them anywhere within the squad. It turns FORTY out of fifty squads in my top 50 are running Wiggs......

    BUT it might just be me. So how many Wiggs can be found in your top 50?
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    1 in top 10
    5 in top 20
    19 in top 50

    If I looked not close to Eastern time payout it would be 0 in the top 15.
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    6 out of top 10 on my shard. I don't like to count to 50, if I can avoid it.

    Super easy to beat. Not sure why it should be an issue.
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    30 lame combos
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    Don't know about top 50. There are maybe one or two in the top twenty. Everybody went with zeta Vader leading an Empire team or QGJ leading Jedi. Wiggs teams are vanishing.
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