About the Character Release Cadence

14 posts Member
edited February 2017
This Thread is about Character Release Cadence by CG_Tophat not the Citadel Pack, just because I reference the store item does not mean it is a part of that discussion. This is feedback for the development team, not a community discussion topic. I will continue to remake this thread until that is understood.

I really and sincerely hope that you stick to the plan that's been set out, though I feel 3 months may be a little long of a wait for a farm for a new character who's likely already shown up in your GW and been utterly destroying you as my fear with Krennic n Friends is currently. 4 week (ie 1-2 months) release tiers would get the characters into players hands quicker where they stay relevant for longer as counters for them aren't as developed or popularized when they release.

The second issue is with the prices of the packs. Currently, the Citadel Pack is a multi-thousand dollar investment to make Krennic and Death Trooper available for Raiding or competitive for Ships. I hope no one made that ludicrous investment personally. If you're hoping to sell packs -- lower prices temp compulsive buyers more than high ones.

Lastly, if that is the plan going forward, an excellent first step in that direction, is to release the Rogue One rebels to the board immediately. Thanks to the situation with Team Tournaments and their structure, many players will never hope to see these characters ever. Some carry immense power in both synergy meta and cross meta like Cassian Andor, Chaze, and Jyn. Half the playerbase doesn't even have realistic access to K2SO. Adding these now 3-4 month old characters to the F2P pool would be an immense showing of sincerity in this release system.

Please consider these thoughts,

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