Droid or dooku bundle for new guy?

Hey all, I'm a new player that started 4 days ago and I'm looking to try to boost my dark side a bit. I'm just wondering what pack would be the better choice for a guy like me to purchase? I don't plan to spend much more than $30/month generally so I feel like from my research that one of these packs would be a good option. Any advise?



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    I'd go Dooku with the recent updates
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    With the recent update to sith I'd personally go for the dooku bundle, but the droids will be easier to farm at lower levels to star them up.
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    Yeah I have a bunch or shards I haven't activated yet for ig86 because I wasn't sure if I was going to buy the pack or not. I was leaning towards the dooku pack because of the ability mats that come with the pack to use on other guys on top of dooku being so strong. My issue is that I have no other characters that will be end game capable to waste those ability mats on yet so I hesitate
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    Dooku zeta doesn't work if your target has debuff. Would avoid
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    Tacotruck wrote: »
    Dooku zeta doesn't work if your target has debuff. Would avoid

    The OP hasn't unlocked Zeta abilities yet.
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    Not even close to zeta abilities haha. With all the reading I've been doing on this topic, almost everyone that didn't buy the Droid pack is stating that they regret not getting it. Sure makes me unsure which pack to purchase tonight haha. Still really don't know which will help me more right now. I'm at lvl 4 dark and light missions and just got lvl 2 cantina missions unlocked...
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    Id go droids, they are an all around strong squad and while they won't take too arena spot as your shard begins to mature but they will give good returns in GW, Arena, DS battles and raids for a long time

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    Roadburn12 wrote: »
    Id go droids, they are an all around strong squad and while they won't take too arena spot as your shard begins to mature but they will give good returns in GW, Arena, DS battles and raids for a long time

    Yeah ^^ this guy I agree with. Droids are good for all areas, so I'd recommend getting the Droid pack as well
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    Droids are definitely going to help you start off faster and better in most aspects of the game, while Dooku is nice to have, he's not going to be as good because he's more anti-jedi and most of the other sith (to boost your teams synergy) are a harder farm than he is, other than Sidious and Sidious and Dooku don't really have much indirect synergy like Dooku and EP do.
  • War
    932 posts Member
    Droids a great team to start with. They're useful in all areas of the game, and will let you climb up the arena ladder early on.
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    Droids are a solid B+ in every aspect of the game. Dooku is a flaming pile of doo-doo...
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    I'd do neither. Just farm up and start the grind. You won't need to worry about metas til much later.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    Thanks guys. Just bought the Droid pack a few minutes ago!
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    This early on Dooku without zeta will still help you out, and you can't go wrong with either purchase.

    Farming anything takes forever in this game so it's good to focus on a few heroes at a time.

    Just get both packs if you can, but I say get Dooku first since droids are really easy to farm.

    Good luck.
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    neesmo wrote: »
    Not even close to zeta abilities haha. With all the reading I've been doing on this topic, almost everyone that didn't buy the Droid pack is stating that they regret not getting it. Sure makes me unsure which pack to purchase tonight haha. Still really don't know which will help me more right now. I'm at lvl 4 dark and light missions and just got lvl 2 cantina missions unlocked...

    I can borrow my maxed maul of u want 261-345-574
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