Credit Heist?!

Is there any reason when completing the credit heist you never get more than 5 million max per battle!
I keep waiting every week, desperate for the credit heist to promote or level up new characters, then every time all I ever get is 2.5 million per battle, or if I'm lucky a max of 7.5 between the two battles.
I'm doing the hardest level and always 3 star it.

I'm certain it's meant to be between 1.5 mill and 10 mill prizes per battle but not once have I seen a 10 mill drop. I've only ever dropped 7.5 mill once and even then the other battle was only 2.5 mill drop.

Why is it so hard to actually get a decent amount of credits from the credit heists?!
Train Yourself To Let Go Of Everything You Fear To Lose - Yoda.


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    RNG. The higher amounts are rare.

    With that said the most I've gotten is 15 mil. Generally it's 5 mil.

    Today was 7.5 mil.

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    It's free credits stop whining.
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    Best I've gotten is 12.5 once, it's been 5m or less every time since unlocking the last tier. They call it "rng" but several members in my guild report every time and most everyone gets the usual 2.5 per run, or less.
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    I got a 10mil last week. But usually get 5mil total
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    All people get in my guild is 5 mill total
    Off both battles too
    Train Yourself To Let Go Of Everything You Fear To Lose - Yoda.
  • RancorPackGuild
    1363 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Stop complaining about free credits.

    You really don't have it bad.
    Post edited by RancorPackGuild on
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    I had a streak of 6 straight Heists of bare minimum on tier 3/4. Last week I finally got 2.5m and 2.5m for the tries. This week I got 2.5 and 5.0m.

    I know 10m drop is super rare but if you see it as a possible 20M and only getting a FRACTION of that is kind of ridiculous.

    But yeah, 6 straight horrible heists. 5m isn't that good but at least it wasn't minimum.
    CLONE HELMETS!! Now let's get Sabine her epic helmet.
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    I would be happy just to get 10M total.
    CLONE HELMETS!! Now let's get Sabine her epic helmet.
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    I got 4mil this week. So suck it up. I do understand the frustration though. Gear progression is acceptable, though often painful, but it's a standard rpg feature. Credits being a gate for progression is just annoying and doesn't add to gameplay.
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    Tatebomb wrote: »
    It's free credits stop whining.

    they are not free credits, if they would be free then they would be delivered to your inbox

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    Probably an old question here, but does it make a difference if we finish with our team intact or will we still get the same amount if even only one character survives?
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    I got a total of 5mil today. Got 2.5 mil both times. The most I've ever gotten is around 7.5 mill from one day after getting 5mil from the first run. I love the free credits don't get me wrong. But I feel like all I ever get is 2.5 mil. And I just blow through that immediately. I feel like they just need to tweak the drop rates slightly. Make it so 5mil isn't as rare as 7.5 or 10mil
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Noval749 wrote: »
    Probably an old question here, but does it make a difference if we finish with our team intact or will we still get the same amount if even only one character survives?

    doesn't matter
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    DatBoi wrote: »
    Noval749 wrote: »
    Probably an old question here, but does it make a difference if we finish with our team intact or will we still get the same amount if even only one character survives?

    doesn't matter

    Guess that restart this morning was pointless then.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    TorukMakto wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    It's free credits stop whining.

    they are not free credits, if they would be free then they would be delivered to your inbox

    Most ppl dont really "work" for it. I can auto the event with many others. I consider that free credits. Not too long ago we didnt have this event and many reached level 80 without it
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    To the players saying stop whining about the credits: It's not just about the credits, it's about a lot more than that! It's about the bare minimum drop rates, it's about the cost to get a decent character, and the ridiculous events that they come up with. A couple of the events are fine but most are garbage. If anyone has played the jawa shard event you know exactly what I mean. EA fix these issues! And trollers go pick fights somewhere else
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    TorukMakto wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    It's free credits stop whining.

    they are not free credits, if they would be free then they would be delivered to your inbox

    Do you have to pay for the credit heist? No!? Then they're free credits. Sure you have to play/auto a battle but at the end you'll potentially be getting a couple million credits for one battle
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    I got twenty mil once but mostly 2.5 x2. And 1.5 way more than I would like. Personally I hate the rng. Way too mch rng in EVERYTHING in game including arena now. It's not fun even if rng smiles upon you cause all it does is remind you you did nothing but get lucky to get ahead. If your roster is bigger and better than mine I want it to be because you outspent me or play smarter than me not because you got lucky.
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    To the players saying stop whining about the credits: It's not just about the credits, it's about a lot more than that! It's about the bare minimum drop rates, it's about the cost to get a decent character, and the ridiculous events that they come up with. A couple of the events are fine but most are garbage. If anyone has played the jawa shard event you know exactly what I mean. EA fix these issues! And trollers go pick fights somewhere else

    Look on the bright side: you could be like someone in another thread who is whining about the credit heist drop odds after having spent $5000-$6000.

    You're likely already having a better day than him.
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    Before, the threads were
    - "When is the credit heist???", now it is "Why don't I earn more on Credit Heist???".
    - Rey is OP, now Chaze is OP

    And os on ....

    Time is changing ...
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    Noval749 wrote: »
    To the players saying stop whining about the credits: It's not just about the credits, it's about a lot more than that! It's about the bare minimum drop rates, it's about the cost to get a decent character, and the ridiculous events that they come up with. A couple of the events are fine but most are garbage. If anyone has played the jawa shard event you know exactly what I mean. EA fix these issues! And trollers go pick fights somewhere else

    Look on the bright side: you could be like someone in another thread who is whining about the credit heist drop odds after having spent $5000-$6000.

    You're likely already having a better day than him.

    @Noval749 Just commented on that one
  • GA_Phoenix
    368 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Do you remember the time before the heists? oO

    The only way to get credits were GW, challenges and/or real cash. EA has fixed this problem with the heist battles.

    Yes, the payout is based on RNG but RNG rules also the rest of the game. Zetadroprates, Raidpayouts, Arenafights ...

    Someone who wants to finish mutiple toons at once have to pay for it. The others have time and fun. ;)
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    GA_Phoenix wrote: »
    Do you remember the time before the heists? oO

    The only way to get credits were GW, challenges and/or real cash. EA has fixed this problem with the heist battles.

    Yes, the payout is based on RNG but RNG rules also the rest of the game. Zetadroprates, Raidpayouts, Arenafights ...

    Someone who wants to finish mutiple toons at once have to pay for it. The others have time and fun. ;)

    When they first introduced the credit heist it only gave 1mil credits max. It felt like an enormous amount back then.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    First world problems. ..
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    ...because we live in the first world :)
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    Crooklad wrote: »
    Is there any reason when completing the credit heist you never get more than 5 million max per battle!
    I keep waiting every week, desperate for the credit heist to promote or level up new characters, then every time all I ever get is 2.5 million per battle, or if I'm lucky a max of 7.5 between the two battles.
    I'm doing the hardest level and always 3 star it.

    I'm certain it's meant to be between 1.5 mill and 10 mill prizes per battle but not once have I seen a 10 mill drop. I've only ever dropped 7.5 mill once and even then the other battle was only 2.5 mill drop.

    Why is it so hard to actually get a decent amount of credits from the credit heists?!

    Dude. I have been playing since March. Just completed Tier III and I am so greatful for the 1.25m each it gave me. You have no idea what it was like before we had heists if you are complaining.

    They are free dude. Get a grip.

    Tier 2 drops were average half that and often 375k so be thankful.
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    Before the credit heist you actually used to get a decent amount of credits from the credit resource pack, but ever since they screwed with the drop rates it's not even worth buying that resource pack. They say it's random but when you buy those packs isn't it funny how you get 5, lol 5 of this guy, 5 of that guy, and the doubles, wow! If it was random you would see numbers like 7 here 22 there, 14 and so on, not just 5,5,5,5, and a 10 sprinkled in
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    Before the credit heist you actually used to get a decent amount of credits from the credit resource pack, but ever since they screwed with the drop rates it's not even worth buying that resource pack. They say it's random but when you buy those packs isn't it funny how you get 5, lol 5 of this guy, 5 of that guy, and the doubles, wow! If it was random you would see numbers like 7 here 22 there, 14 and so on, not just 5,5,5,5, and a 10 sprinkled in

    Isn't it nice to NOT have to buy the credit pack? Instead, we all can run credit heist for essentially free credits. Wow, ur right, I should be sooooo mad. Who wouldn't prefer to spend??
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    And please don't blame drop rates on bad rng, it's a setting that can be easily fixed
  • Mr_Sausage
    1869 posts Member
    Let's not pretend that these heists were a gift for the players.

    Before the heists started there was a thread almost daily about the credit crunch. People were legitimately getting angry. Then they brought in mods. Then raids. All of these things needed credits that we didn't have. They introduced the heists to quell the masses and keep their players. If there was no way to get more credits, people would of left the game.

    That being said the 5 million I get every week is appreciated and the credit crunch is pretty much gone.
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