Credit Heist?!



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    I've had a lot of luck with credit heist. Today for the first time I got 2.5 then on the 2nd try I got 1.5.

    It's definitely RNG based, which is ok with me. Currently I'm sitting on over 100million credits.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    And please don't blame drop rates on bad rng, it's a setting that can be easily fixed

    who is blaming RNG?
    5mil total seems to be the most common reward by far, wich most of us are gratefull for.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    I've had a lot of luck with credit heist. Today for the first time I got 2.5 then on the 2nd try I got 1.5.

    It's definitely RNG based, which is ok with me. Currently I'm sitting on over 100million credits.

    My goodness dude! 100 million credits??? If i wouldnt have seen that picture i wouldnt have believed it.
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    I've had a lot of luck with credit heist. Today for the first time I got 2.5 then on the 2nd try I got 1.5.

    It's definitely RNG based, which is ok with me. Currently I'm sitting on over 100million credits.

    Is there a credit cap on this game?
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    Mr_Sausage wrote: »
    Let's not pretend that these heists were a gift for the players.

    Exactly. They don't do these things out of the kindness of their hearts. I do appreciate their lazy workarounds for poor design though.
  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    WTB Credit Heist in space!
  • Boofpoof
    348 posts Member
    To the players saying stop whining about the credits: It's not just about the credits, it's about a lot more than that! It's about the bare minimum drop rates, it's about the cost to get a decent character, and the ridiculous events that they come up with. A couple of the events are fine but most are garbage. If anyone has played the jawa shard event you know exactly what I mean. EA fix these issues! And trollers go pick fights somewhere else

    You've got some serious issues. First your rant/brag about spending over $5000-$6000 in real money on this game in a now closed thread. And then the above quote. If the game is that frustrating for you then maybe it's time to step away, spend another $5000 on another game, and look at it as the glass is half full versus half empty. And for the record, I'm not trolling you; just bringing to your attention what appears to be a very frustrated person. Have a great day!

    To the original OP. Today was the first day I was able to beat the Tier IV credit heist. I've been playing since September 2016 and I made a slew of mistakes in the beginning (Going after useless characters like Jedi Knight Guardian, not doing daily Galactic wars because I didn't think it was that important, etc.). And for my triumph I got 2.5 million twice. Initially I got miffed. I was used to a usual 1.25 million drop in Tier III. Never once did I hit anything above that nor did I ever get the minimum 750K for that tier. So when I got another just above bare minimum drop I was ticked off. Maybe in the back of my mind and in my heart I wanted a 5 or a 10 million drop just as a big reward for how long it took me to be able to beat it considering the other priorities I had set (Rebel arena squad, Turn reduction team for Rancor raids, etc...). But then I thought about something. I just got 5 million for maybe 5 minutes worth of my time. So for a pay rate of 1 million per minute I had to say okay that's not bad. The point is I realized I just made in 5 minutes what would take me weeks in grinding out battles, Galactic Wars, etc. And when you look at it like that it should bring a smile to your face versus what I was also guilty of: being the spoiled kid who got what he wanted for Christmas but then has the audacity to say I want more presents.

    If you want to be frustrated then I would suggest you pick a topic like "The MkV Furnace grind is REAL!". But that's a different topic all together. :smiley:
    SWGOH Guild: Peace is a Lie SWGOH Profile: Boofpoof Discord: Buffpuff#3065
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    TorukMakto wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    It's free credits stop whining.

    they are not free credits, if they would be free then they would be delivered to your inbox

    No, they're free...
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member

    I've had a lot of luck with credit heist. Today for the first time I got 2.5 then on the 2nd try I got 1.5.

    It's definitely RNG based, which is ok with me. Currently I'm sitting on over 100million credits.

    What's the purpose of hoarding that many credits? Level some guys up hoss.
  • Noval749
    117 posts Member
    Boofpoof wrote: »
    To the players saying stop whining about the credits: It's not just about the credits, it's about a lot more than that! It's about the bare minimum drop rates, it's about the cost to get a decent character, and the ridiculous events that they come up with. A couple of the events are fine but most are garbage. If anyone has played the jawa shard event you know exactly what I mean. EA fix these issues! And trollers go pick fights somewhere else

    You've got some serious issues. First your rant/brag about spending over $5000-$6000 in real money on this game in a now closed thread. And then the above quote. If the game is that frustrating for you then maybe it's time to step away, spend another $5000 on another game, and look at it as the glass is half full versus half empty. And for the record, I'm not trolling you; just bringing to your attention what appears to be a very frustrated person. Have a great day!

    Don't feed him, dude. That guy is looking for validation for the insane amount t of money he has blown on what is supposed to be an entertaining past time, and anyone who calls him out on it is apparently a troll.

    Look at his screenname and what he was ranting about. He's obviously a micromanaging control freak who gets all bent out of shape when the world isn't handed to him on a silver platter.
  • JediMindTricks
    1077 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    BrtStlnd wrote: »

    I've had a lot of luck with credit heist. Today for the first time I got 2.5 then on the 2nd try I got 1.5.

    It's definitely RNG based, which is ok with me. Currently I'm sitting on over 100million credits.

    What's the purpose of hoarding that many credits? Level some guys up hoss.

    A while back EA allowed us to level up mods and there was a bonus in which sometimes the mod would be leveled up without spending the full amount of credits. In other words instead of spending like 600k to level up a mod it would maybe cost 200k. I've been waiting for that to come back around. What I normally do now is I don't level up a toon unless I intend to use them because it's really just a waste of credits and resources. As long as I can compete in arena and do any events that come around with my current roster I just save credits for when I really will need to use them.

    I've been poor on the game before when I would spend my GW credits as soon as I get them. I never wanna go back to that again.

    To the guy above me that asked if there is a credit cap on this game? Honestly bro I have no idea.
  • TFDRP2
    1 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    I don't think I have had anything other than the 2.5mil drop since I have been able to 3* the top tear... I do have lots of toons and mods at higher levels due to the 5mil in heists, so i'm all good with that. It would be nice to get a 10 at sometime, but like anything else, it will happen, I'll be happy, and then realize that it will all get spent far to quick and I'm back in the grind.
  • Ddot
    22 posts Member
    Jewcifer wrote: »
    I got a 10mil last week. But usually get 5mil total

    How many enemies were in each battle?
  • Ddot
    22 posts Member
    What is the maximum number of enemies in each battle?
  • Noval749
    117 posts Member
    I don't generally pay much attention, just kite the crap out of them, but I think it's 3,4,5 for each encounter.

    Max out the levels on whatever toons you want to use, get them all up to at least G7, better at G8 or higher, at least 5*, then save your specials for the last encounter. Make sure you stun the boss with Cad's glove, and use Boba lead, Greedo's grenades, and Chewie's taunt and heal. IG-88's area helps too.

    That's how I typically do it, RNG is the rest of it.
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