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    623-138-288 lv. 42 played 4days many 6 star heros add me
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    584-148-241. Started 3 days ago. 13 characters so far. lvl 38. 3* Poe & Dooku. Addicted to this game and haven't stopped since downloading the game.
  • Tyler
    92 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm Level 55 I Have 6 star Sid ( 7 star tmmr) and 6 star Lumi (7 star in 2 days) 4 star Maul 4 star Dooku 4 star Genosian Soldier 4 star JC 4 star Poe all basically purple gear looking for allies level 55 plus Please that are active will accept ANYBODY with bariss or Daka as leader will maybe accept everybody else mainly looking for them to help me thank you!!!

    Code: 232-142-839
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    712-694-459...lvl 62 casual player...fairly active free to play. Looking for more allys to play with :wink:
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    ALLY CODE: 761-718-434
    I am looking for higher level characters please i need help with hard mode stages, I am level 53 Sidious 5 star as my leader. I also have Phasma 5 star please help
  • Draktand
    3 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Please add me ;) Still some spots left
    Post edited by Draktand on
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    Add me
    active player.
    Here are my characters that are level 60+

    7 STAR
    Luminara - lvl 66
    Leia - 66
    Kit Fisto - 66
    Coruscant underworld - 64
    Cad Bane - 64

    6 STAR
    Kylo - 66
    JC - 66
    Darth Sidious - 66
    Royal Guard - 65
    Grand Moff Tarkin - 64
    Darth Maul - 63

    5 STAR
    Phasma - 66
    First Order Tie Fighter - 66
    Finn - 64
    Chewie - 64
    Clone Sergeant - 64
    Talia - 63
    Poe - 63
    Boba - 63
    Han - 61
    QGJ - 61
    Dooku - 61

    4 STAR
    Rey - 65
    Vader - 65
    GS - 65
    Obi - 64
    Fives - 64
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    Play on a daily basis, need help from light side heros!!!
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    playing every day since day 1
    currently lvl60 --> 61

    Luminara, Sidious and JC 6* (tomorrow Phasma is getting her 6th star as well)

    got two squads with purple gear, Sidious and JC are gear lvl8

    need active players lvl60+
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    Very active. Lvl 63.

    6 star Palp and Phasma
    5 star lum, jedi guardian
    4 star dooku, kylo ren, first order storm

    and MANY more. almost have 20 characters at least level 55. just do it

    Code: 172-917-448
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    Ill accept everyone for vader shard
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    Very active. Lvl 63.

    6 star Palp and Phasma
    5 star lum, jedi guardian
    4 star dooku, kylo ren, first order storm

    and MANY more. almost have 20 characters at least level 55. just do it

    Code: 172-917-448

    I'd like to add that I am only accepting requests from players level 60-70. All my allies were low level and not benefitting me, hence the purpose of this post
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    Daily player (lvl 57)... seeking allies .... 941-577-618
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    398-398-268 lv.59
  • Sonofnoob
    119 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Player level 68
    Nightsister team level 62 with Sid, Lumi, Phasma, and Ahsoka swap ins
    Post edited by Sonofnoob on
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    5 players in purple gear and 3500-4000+ Power: Old Daka, Luminara, Jedi Counselor, Rey and Biggs. LETHAL group. Vader soon to be my sixth at their level.

    #193 Squad Arena rank.

    Only Add me if you have worthy assets in the 4000+ power range. I reject all others without blinking. Sending me a request without being at same level will be a waste of your time. No chance of me adding lower levels. Thanks.

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    lvl 39
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    Level 39
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    Active, daily player. Found this game about a week ago and looking for all the help I can get. Currently level 41.

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    Level 37 Daily player. Add me please!

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    "I will finish what you started"
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    Could someone please screenshot or type up my stats so I can see what's going on.
    Feel free to add me 100% free player (so far)
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    Haven't missed a single day either. So feel free to add me, very active.
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    New player, started 4 days ago and haven't stopped since! Lvl 35 looking for 30+

  • Dark_Jedi
    169 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi Everyone,
    I am needing help with 5 and beyond in the dark side battles, so if anyone at all has a powerful Daka or Talia this would be greatly appreciated, also needing help with the light side, a powerful Han or Leia or Barris would be sweet.

    my Ally code 791-842-232


    ps. I am level 68 and have these to share if needed.
    Post edited by Dark_Jedi on
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    Requesting allies at least level 60 with a strong Anakin, Luke, Leia, Maul, Obi Wan, Yoda, or Rey.
    I'm level 64 with:

    7 stars:

    Luminara (4116)
    Sidious (4004)

    5 stars:

    Consular (3977)
    Geonosian Soldier (3576)
    Kylo Ren (3347)
    Boba Fett (3170)
    Savage Opress (3063)

    4 stars:

    Qui Gon (3250)
    Vader (3093)
    Dooku (2916)
    Cad Bane (2951)
    IG 86 (2610)
    Poggle (2462)

    And a plethora of 3 stars

    My Poggle is about to be five stars
    Most of my characters are purple gear
    I'm working on unlocking Han, Mace, Rey, and Fives

    Ally Code - 468-542-974

  • Rluner
    7 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Lvl 70 . 913 722 921. Free player, I've spent zero real cash.

    My 5 @ lvl 70 are:-

    7* Darth Sidious 5464,
    6* Luminara 5232,
    5* Kylo Ren 4602,
    5* Dooku 4533

    Im usually in the 50-100 range of Arena with this team on my server.

    I play everything every day and have done for nearly 3 months. I'm very active.

    I'm ready to accept any levels to help you progress. Stay active or get removed.

    It would be nice if a few high lvl players want to add me for rewards and to help me too.
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    Level 62, very active player, feel free to add me! 3 shards away for activating Vader as well! Thanks in advance! 554-535-322

    GL 7 and higher
    60 Sid 6 star
    60 Consular 4 star
    60 Boba Fett 5 star
    59 Phasma 5 star
    59 Ventress 3 star

    GL 6
    59 Chewy 5 star
    59 Ima-Gun Di 4 star
    59 Maul 4 star
    59 Poe 4 star
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    Evening all...after a couple of days going from lvl 1 to 23, I am hooked. Looking for some active allies if anybody has room for another.

    My Ally Code is 883-441-489

    Thanks in Advance!
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    Lvl 60 need high lvl ally's would be very helpful! Ally code- 756-632-868
This discussion has been closed.