Best Rex arena team

In your experience what Rex teams work best in arena? It could be Rex as lead or Rex under the lead of others. I haven't unlocked General Kenobi yet, so hopefully not only teams with GK...


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    For a long time I used Rex (L), JKA, Aayla, Sun fac, and boba. Held rank very well until the zaul teams started showing up.
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    My team is Rex (L), Echo, 5's, Royal Guard, and Boba Fett (zeta). Rex is very helpful with all of the Sith and Empire teams right now.
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    Been running Rex(L), Kylo, Boba, Palpatine, and Baze for a couple weeks as a counter to the maul squads that have saturated my arena group.

    It's been very effective against maul/sith teams, zader teams, and everything in between.

    It's been ineffective against a zeta QGJ, zeta yoda, kenobi jedi team.

    But you gotta pick your battles haha. One guy running the jedi team, and 10 running maul so i'm hedging my bets xD
  • BrillO
    320 posts Member
    I've been running a Rex lead since I replace hk with him on my droid team.

    Then I used him as my lead with sf, wiggs, and Lando.

    Then I replaced Lando with Boba permanently.

    Now I've been trying to replace wiggs.

    I was even able to beat zaul/zader teams with Rex, sf, Boba, k2, and fives... which surprised me because Boba was the only real dps(but all three tanks countered with debuffs, so that helps Boba big time).

    So to answer your question... practically every team works under a Rex lead. You can grab your favorite tank and literally any three other toons you want.

    Rex is the man. He'll give you turn meter no matter what species you are. And he won't judge you if you happen to be evil.

    The top fifty of my leaderboard was devoid of Rex leads (except for my team)... until recently. Checking just now, there are FIVE Rex leads in the top ten, two more Rex teams in the top twenty, and none between 21-50... weird.

    I do fight some teams that use him, but not as the leader. He's frequently the first toon I go after regardless.
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    Thanks for your answers guys!
  • Yogi
    907 posts Member
    I run this.
    Rex (L)

    All are g11 except Paply who is one gear from g11

    I stay sub 50 for payouts. Not to bad I'm thinking.
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    I run full A full clone team under a Rex lead, all are fully geared and fives haves a Zeta. I tend to float around 10-20 in my arena, I can push higher but payout happens whilst I am driving home so do not manage to play more than a couple of battles.
  • Xioborg
    405 posts Member
    Rex (L) Chaze GK Other <e.g. Aalya>

  • xdecide
    114 posts Member
    Rex L
    Kylo Zeta
    Boba/ B2 i keep switching
  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    Best Rex team is triple dispell.
    Rex/chaze/gk insert 5th; Kylo, boba, ep, lots of others.
    I ran rex/aayla/sf/5s/jka for along time and it counter attacked the rebel meta very easily. Rex is easily the number 1 leader in this game.
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    I know this configuration is not obtainable by all but as far as effective goes it's 100%

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    does rex lead really work against zaul teams? the daze prevents TM gain and if he gets stunned or ability blocked by the zaul team EP/boba (which tend to get a speed boost from zaul), you cant use any dispells, regardless if AA, rex, chirrut, GK
  • Mewingloki
    515 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    does rex lead really work against zaul teams? the daze prevents TM gain and if he gets stunned or ability blocked by the zaul team EP/boba (which tend to get a speed boost from zaul), you cant use any dispells, regardless if AA, rex, chirrut, GK

    Um....yeah xD It works itself out lol.
    Post edited by Mewingloki on
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    does rex lead really work against zaul teams? the daze prevents TM gain and if he gets stunned or ability blocked by the zaul team EP/boba (which tend to get a speed boost from zaul), you cant use any dispells, regardless if AA, rex, chirrut, GK

    It does. The opening attack is generally not Zaul (since he's the slowest sith). It's an AOE crit, which is full TM boosting. Even if Rex is stunned, generally by the time Zaul goes, Rex has been able to go or is close to full tm.
    Mewingloki wrote: »
    Been running Rex(L), Kylo, Boba, Palpatine, and Baze for a couple weeks as a counter to the maul squads that have saturated my arena group.

    It's been very effective against maul/sith teams, zader teams, and everything in between.

    It's been ineffective against a zeta QGJ, zeta yoda, kenobi jedi team.

    But you gotta pick your battles haha. One guy running the jedi team, and 10 running maul so i'm hedging my bets xD

    I run Rex (L), TFP, Boba, Palp, Shore. Pretty much the same experience as you. Against the zQGJ teams without Kenobi, I'm 100%. Against the one with Kenobi, I have to switch out to a Palp lead, and replace Rex with B2, and it's maybe 50/50. But, there's one of those, and a whole bunch of other teams, so I can generally just avoid that team.
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    Also, as with anything else, mods make the team. You can see mine here: j/
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    Started farming Rex from guild shop the moment he was made F2P. Just got him to 7*, and gear 11 this week. Rex lead, Kenobi, Zarriss, Anakin, Boba Fett has been great to take down Zaul teams. Honestly Rex lead with Kenobi and Zarriss is great with any two attackers you want in the last two spots. Critical hits are sweet nectar to my team.
  • Drazz127
    770 posts Member
    Would Rex mix well with Yoda for Zaul or Zader teams, or is that just a waste? I'd imagine B2 would have a tougher time clearing the tenacity up.
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    Rex (L), GK, Chaze, Zylo. No Sith team can touch that.
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    The best counter to Rex lead is a fast boba. I'll take out my fast tfp so boba goes first and ability blocks Rex for two turns and everyone else.

    My team is usually

    Vader L

    I'll change GK for tfp to outspend empire teams
    If I'm slower than their tfp, which is rarely then I use magma trooper instead GK
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    The best counter to Rex lead is a fast boba. I'll take out my fast tfp so boba goes first and ability blocks Rex for two turns and everyone else.

    My team is usually

    Vader L

    I'll change GK for tfp to outspend empire teams
    If I'm slower than their tfp, which is rarely then I use magma trooper instead GK

    I ran a very similar team for a while and versus a triple cleanse team, you need extremely good luck to stun/ability block all 3 cleansers. Plus, because Rex gives TM on crits, you don't get a chance to use EP right after Boba.
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    Is there a cheaper way to make it work?

    Also could someone explain the idea behind a Rex lead a little further? What teams should I be facing mostly to make it really good? I'm in a young shard (lvl 81 atm) where Wiggs and Empire fight for dominance still and I'm starting to wonder if Rex lead might be something I want to work towards. Seeing that I don't have Shore to make Empire work and my wiggs won't be good enough much longer unless I find holy grail mods.

    If someone feels like enlightening me I'd greatly appreciate it!
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    I'm working on this team: ani (L) rex, sgt, 5s and plo.

    I like ani's offense, and plo's tm boost for the clones. Have plo modded so he does a little damage.

    Any thoughts? Is this team going anywhere? I'm f2p so be a while to get echo, cody, etc.

    Rex is gear10. Sgt, 5s and plo are 9. Ani is 8.
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    Is there a cheaper way to make it work?

    Also could someone explain the idea behind a Rex lead a little further? What teams should I be facing mostly to make it really good? I'm in a young shard (lvl 81 atm) where Wiggs and Empire fight for dominance still and I'm starting to wonder if Rex lead might be something I want to work towards. Seeing that I don't have Shore to make Empire work and my wiggs won't be good enough much longer unless I find holy grail mods.

    If someone feels like enlightening me I'd greatly appreciate it!

    Rex lead is pretty straightforward. Whenever one of your people gets hit with a crit, your entire team gains TM. So against Wiggs, for example, when Biggs calls his assist attack, someone on your team is getting hit with 3 crits. Any clone (including Rex) gets 45% TM. Any non-clone gets 22.5% TM. When Rex goes, you use Squad Discipline for tenacity up and additional TM gain, so your entire team then goes.

    It's a solid lead against any team reliant on crits (Wiggs, Droids), or any team reliant on AOEs/Debuffs (Empire, Sith).
  • Options
    Is there a cheaper way to make it work?

    Also could someone explain the idea behind a Rex lead a little further? What teams should I be facing mostly to make it really good? I'm in a young shard (lvl 81 atm) where Wiggs and Empire fight for dominance still and I'm starting to wonder if Rex lead might be something I want to work towards. Seeing that I don't have Shore to make Empire work and my wiggs won't be good enough much longer unless I find holy grail mods.

    If someone feels like enlightening me I'd greatly appreciate it!

    Rex lead is pretty straightforward. Whenever one of your people gets hit with a crit, your entire team gains TM. So against Wiggs, for example, when Biggs calls his assist attack, someone on your team is getting hit with 3 crits. Any clone (including Rex) gets 45% TM. Any non-clone gets 22.5% TM. When Rex goes, you use Squad Discipline for tenacity up and additional TM gain, so your entire team then goes.

    It's a solid lead against any team reliant on crits (Wiggs, Droids), or any team reliant on AOEs/Debuffs (Empire, Sith).

    Makes perfect sense, thank you. Problem is, I need a bunch of guys who can actually take the hits then. Might be a problem since I run wiggs myself atm and my plan is to outspeed them and kill them first.

    How am I gonna changed that? Pretaunter mandatory?
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    Makes perfect sense, thank you. Problem is, I need a bunch of guys who can actually take the hits then. Might be a problem since I run wiggs myself atm and my plan is to outspeed them and kill them first.

    How am I gonna changed that? Pretaunter mandatory?

    As you advance to level 85, pre-taunts will become mandatory. Even without, however, a Rex lead allows some balancing. If the enemy goes first, and you lose someone, your team goes next and they lose someone. Depending on turn order and a bunch of other factors (including who you lose), you could end up going from 4 v. 5 to 4 v. 3 pretty quickly.

    Rex is a solid lead against Rebels, and he will be more helpful as your shard shifts to empire/sith.
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    Makes perfect sense, thank you. Problem is, I need a bunch of guys who can actually take the hits then. Might be a problem since I run wiggs myself atm and my plan is to outspeed them and kill them first.

    How am I gonna changed that? Pretaunter mandatory?

    As you advance to level 85, pre-taunts will become mandatory. Even without, however, a Rex lead allows some balancing. If the enemy goes first, and you lose someone, your team goes next and they lose someone. Depending on turn order and a bunch of other factors (including who you lose), you could end up going from 4 v. 5 to 4 v. 3 pretty quickly.

    Rex is a solid lead against Rebels, and he will be more helpful as your shard shifts to empire/sith.

    Well, that convinced me right there. Thank you.

    What kind of mods does he need? Obviously as fast as possible, but what else? In theory tenacity sounds good, but I keep reading that it's useless.

    Any suggestions what a first iteration could look like setup wise? Currently running wedge(l), biggs, sthan, ep and boba. Available toons would be rex obviously, sun fac, vader and Tfp are a work in progress.
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    For what you currently have, you could go Rex (L), wiggs, sthan, and either palp or boba (palp is easier to gear). Long term, you can take a look at what I'm running j/

    That'll give you an idea on mods. Rex is speed and protection (he's squishy), though some potency could help as well.
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    For what you currently have, you could go Rex (L), wiggs, sthan, and either palp or boba (palp is easier to gear). Long term, you can take a look at what I'm running j/

    That'll give you an idea on mods. Rex is speed and protection (he's squishy), though some potency could help as well.

    Thank you so much, really appreciate the help!
  • BrillO
    320 posts Member
    Makes perfect sense, thank you. Problem is, I need a bunch of guys who can actually take the hits then. Might be a problem since I run wiggs myself atm and my plan is to outspeed them and kill them first.

    How am I gonna changed that? Pretaunter mandatory?

    As you advance to level 85, pre-taunts will become mandatory. Even without, however, a Rex lead allows some balancing. If the enemy goes first, and you lose someone, your team goes next and they lose someone. Depending on turn order and a bunch of other factors (including who you lose), you could end up going from 4 v. 5 to 4 v. 3 pretty quickly.

    Rex is a solid lead against Rebels, and he will be more helpful as your shard shifts to empire/sith.

    Well, that convinced me right there. Thank you.

    What kind of mods does he need? Obviously as fast as possible, but what else? In theory tenacity sounds good, but I keep reading that it's useless.

    Any suggestions what a first iteration could look like setup wise? Currently running wedge(l), biggs, sthan, ep and boba. Available toons would be rex obviously, sun fac, vader and Tfp are a work in progress.

    I have full tenacity sets on my Rex lead and sun fac. They still get debuffed, but it's notably less than the rest of my squad. Anywho, speed for Rex is still clutch. It makes a big difference on offense being able to shield your team from Boba and ep(plus the turn meter gain).

    I still don't use a pre-taunter. Although it could help in certain circumstances.
    I get by with a Rex and sf(debuffing and dispelling), plus any the units I want. Generally dps works best. Rex, sf, wiggs and Boba are probably the best arena team I've used. But i even had success with changing wiggs for fives and k2... go figure.
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    BrillO wrote: »
    Makes perfect sense, thank you. Problem is, I need a bunch of guys who can actually take the hits then. Might be a problem since I run wiggs myself atm and my plan is to outspeed them and kill them first.

    How am I gonna changed that? Pretaunter mandatory?

    As you advance to level 85, pre-taunts will become mandatory. Even without, however, a Rex lead allows some balancing. If the enemy goes first, and you lose someone, your team goes next and they lose someone. Depending on turn order and a bunch of other factors (including who you lose), you could end up going from 4 v. 5 to 4 v. 3 pretty quickly.

    Rex is a solid lead against Rebels, and he will be more helpful as your shard shifts to empire/sith.

    Well, that convinced me right there. Thank you.

    What kind of mods does he need? Obviously as fast as possible, but what else? In theory tenacity sounds good, but I keep reading that it's useless.

    Any suggestions what a first iteration could look like setup wise? Currently running wedge(l), biggs, sthan, ep and boba. Available toons would be rex obviously, sun fac, vader and Tfp are a work in progress.

    I have full tenacity sets on my Rex lead and sun fac. They still get debuffed, but it's notably less than the rest of my squad. Anywho, speed for Rex is still clutch. It makes a big difference on offense being able to shield your team from Boba and ep(plus the turn meter gain).

    I still don't use a pre-taunter. Although it could help in certain circumstances.
    I get by with a Rex and sf(debuffing and dispelling), plus any the units I want. Generally dps works best. Rex, sf, wiggs and Boba are probably the best arena team I've used. But i even had success with changing wiggs for fives and k2... go figure.

    Sounds good, too. Thanks for your input! I'll experiment with the setups and see what works best.
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