Best Rex arena team



  • BzmR94
    231 posts Member
    i currently run Rex, Kylo, Boba, Palp and Shoretrooper. I finish at least Top 10, but more likely Top5 atm.
    I can also beat Teams with multiple Zetas when i have 0 Zeta Abilitys atm.
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    Rex, 5'S, CS, Echo, GK.
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    Thanks all!

    Rex seems to be viable in a lot of teams, but everybody uses him as a leader? Is he viable at all in arena when he isn't the leader?
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    Starmaxn wrote: »
    Thanks all!

    Rex seems to be viable in a lot of teams, but everybody uses him as a leader? Is he viable at all in arena when he isn't the leader?

    Yes. Cleanse + tenacity up + tm gain can be useful leader or not.
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    I've been trying to decide between maxing Rex and maxing Darth Maul, after reading this, I don't think it's even a question.

    My question would be, do I keep using Anakin as my leader? Or do I swap Rex to lead?
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    Arena seems to be almost only about speed, no speed or turn meter from Anakins lead. Also check out this report on top 10 arena leaders:

    Anakin isn't even on the list
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  • Mewingloki
    515 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Depends on your arena opponents naturally - but I haven't found an opponent that made me feel bad I was using Rex lead lol. He's a really good equalizer for mods. As mentioned arena is about speed. But his TM gain allows for some wiggle room and can hold your hand a bit if you're behind on some speed secondaries.
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    Mewingloki wrote: »
    Depends on your arena opponents naturally - but I haven't found an opponent that made me feel bad I was using Rex lead lol. He's a really good equalizer for mods. As mentioned arena is about speed. But his TM gain allows for some wiggle room and can hold your hand a bit if you're behind on some speed secondaries.

    Pretty much Nihilus only (sith can't crit). Against a zQGJ, there are better leads (Palp comes to mind), but he's not a horrible choice for that.
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    I run a- Anakin lead, Rex, 5's, Ashoka, Sun Fac team, they are a lot better than my old team Rex is 2 gear away from maxed, but he dies so quick (even with 2 lots of health mods) does the 2 last gear help this at all?
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    Depends on what two pieces of gear he lacks. You can see what the gear in question provides for him. As for his survivability strength increases his health and armor, agility increases his armor, and tactics increases his resistance
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    Yes star max they are both quite general pieces of gear, I'm just thinking out loud really, but one does strength, tactics, armour and physical damage so should make him a little more buff
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    He'll be dead soon with or without those last two pieces of gear.
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    Curious to revisit this now that we're another 6 weeks into the zMaul takeover of so many shards (Zaul leads make up 14 of my top-30 at the moment, with 5 Zader, 4 Rex, 3 Wedge, and 4 other).
    I've been running Wiggs, Lando, Palp, STH for probably 3 months now in my April 2016 shard, and only recently am I struggling to remain in the top-35, let alone challenge for top-20 anymore. Up to this point, I'd been thinking the way to go was a Zader squad, building towards Zader, EP, TFP, zBoba, and RG or 5* Shore. But after building up a full g10/g11 Zody squad for HAAT, and with g8 Rex in tow as well, I'm now fascinated by the idea of running him lead.
    Of course, it seems every Rex lead on my leaderboard has a crucial piece I'm missing, whether Baze (locked), Nihilus (3*), GK (locked), zBariss (locked), etc.
    Would this roster lend itself to a Rex lead if I gear him up a bit more, or am I better off sticking with the Zader plan?
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    With your roster I think you could build a team with Rex (L), Emperor Palpatine, Boba Fett, Fives and B2. I believe that this team could do well given the right mods and gear levels
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    Interesting, I assume I'd need Rex and Fett to both be pretty fast there, and then rely on B2's barrage and Fives' counter to cover for not having a taunt anywhere in that lineup? Thanks for the tip!
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    Good mods are hard to get but if I could choose I would go with this

    Rex: Speed and tenacity
    Boba: Speed and either crit damage & chance or potency
    Palpatine: Same as Boba
    Fives and B2 may need defense/protection/tenacity but potency helps too
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    Fives would not compensate for the lack of a taunt. He's soft damage, and really only viable in high end arena under a GK lead with a Zarriss.

    Instead of Fives, you could run ST Han. It would help compensate for any lack of speed by getting him up to speed really quickly and then gaining TM from both the Rex lead and Stormy's taunt.
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    Other than the fact that my STH is already g11 and nice and speedy (199 atm, I think), is there any reason to use him over Shoretrooper, once I get Shore geared up (which, to be fair, could take a while given his need for 3 mk5 stun cuffs)? Neither has any particular synergies with Rex, so Shore seems more useful both being tankier and having the auto-taunt.
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    ....well, and the speed boost from his first turn, as you mention.
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    Rex, Chirrut, Baze, Nihilus, B2. Gives u 2 cleansers, 2 dispellers and speed. Equally modded, u have better than 50% odds vs. the current meta of zMaul, zQGJ and other Rex leads imo.
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    The best lineup I've found is Rex(l), Chaze, zDN and Zylo.

    I don't love Zylo's AI but find lash out very useful against aoe teams with both him and Chaze countering. On offense it's unstoppable. On defense a few teams can beat me but I usually finish #1.
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    I currently run an EP lead team consisting of TFP Vader B2 and Boba, but I plan on removing TFP who is useless against Chaze teams. I am 3 zetas away from my first set but even though I have Maul since everyone is apparently using him I am reluctant to put it on him.
    Would a Rex EP Vader B2 Boba team be viable in arena? Rex leader against most teams, EP against jedi and either Rex or DN, after I gear him up, leader against other Rex teams
  • mlb1399
    674 posts Member
    @danflorian1984 it could work to a certain level. The magic of the Rex lead is with double cleanse of chirrut, synergy of Chaze and basically keeping 2 other attackers alive and with no negative effects to destroy your opponent.
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    Other than the fact that my STH is already g11 and nice and speedy (199 atm, I think), is there any reason to use him over Shoretrooper, once I get Shore geared up (which, to be fair, could take a while given his need for 3 mk5 stun cuffs)? Neither has any particular synergies with Rex, so Shore seems more useful both being tankier and having the auto-taunt.

    The problem with Shore is that when he taunts on his first turn, he will grant crit immunitiy to your team. Which will slow you down, as your TM gain is reliant on crits. You'd probably be better off with zBarris, who would heal your team from the crit they received, and they'd get the TM from Rex.

    If you still see Wiggs a lot, and your only pre-taunt is Shore, then it's a worthwhile spot. Otherwise, STH should be a nice add.
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    I currently run Rex, zBoba, NH, GK and EP with great success in arena.
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    Other than the fact that my STH is already g11 and nice and speedy (199 atm, I think), is there any reason to use him over Shoretrooper, once I get Shore geared up (which, to be fair, could take a while given his need for 3 mk5 stun cuffs)? Neither has any particular synergies with Rex, so Shore seems more useful both being tankier and having the auto-taunt.

    Shore is a fine replacement once he is geared. I was just going by who you had geared already. The question really becomes what kind of speed you can put together -- I ran Shore for a while with my Rex team which was fine because all my key personnel were over 200 speed. If you don't have a lot of speed, then you might want to stick with STH for the TM boosts and for not shutting down the TM gain from the Rex lead.
    Would a Rex EP Vader B2 Boba team be viable in arena? Rex leader against most teams, EP against jedi and either Rex or DN, after I gear him up, leader against other Rex teams

    Vader doesn't seem to really fit in that build -- you need someone to taunt, because Rex is squishy as can be.

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    Other than the fact that my STH is already g11 and nice and speedy (199 atm, I think), is there any reason to use him over Shoretrooper, once I get Shore geared up (which, to be fair, could take a while given his need for 3 mk5 stun cuffs)? Neither has any particular synergies with Rex, so Shore seems more useful both being tankier and having the auto-taunt.

    Shore is a fine replacement once he is geared. I was just going by who you had geared already. The question really becomes what kind of speed you can put together -- I ran Shore for a while with my Rex team which was fine because all my key personnel were over 200 speed. If you don't have a lot of speed, then you might want to stick with STH for the TM boosts and for not shutting down the TM gain from the Rex lead.
    Would a Rex EP Vader B2 Boba team be viable in arena? Rex leader against most teams, EP against jedi and either Rex or DN, after I gear him up, leader against other Rex teams

    Vader doesn't seem to really fit in that build -- you need someone to taunt, because Rex is squishy as can be.

    Would a Rex EP SF Boba B2 ( or DN) be a better fit?
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    SF would be a decent fit.
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