Best tank

2 posts Member
edited June 2021
Hey guys,

I am relatively new to the game, and I was looking at all the tanks when I saw Stormtrooper Han. I liked him because his taunt lasted two turns, while my current tank Chewy's taunt only lasted one. After having han for a while, I am finding chewy is better, so I am asking the community, which tank do you consider to be better, and why?
Post edited by Kyno on


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    StHan is much better, he isn't as "tanky" as chewy but he gives your team turn meter which will help them take turns faster and thus defeat the enemy faster.
  • htid1987
    124 posts Member
    5's! Good health, speed down and counters
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    phatphil3 wrote: »
    StHan is much better, he isn't as "tanky" as chewy but he gives your team turn meter which will help them take turns faster and thus defeat the enemy faster.

    That makes a lot of sense. Thank you.
  • Orleans
    177 posts Member
    phatphil3 wrote: »
    StHan is much better, he isn't as "tanky" as chewy but he gives your team turn meter which will help them take turns faster and thus defeat the enemy faster.

    Many play with Dispel characters. Or Buff immunity / Ability Block. Sun Fac, for example, is still useful.STH without Taunt is useless. Pre Taunt is also very good. Shore / Baze are also good tanks. It is hard to choose the best tank. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.
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    Royal Guard was my go-to tank for the longest time. eventually StHan became more useful, he's powerful against teams using counter attacks (5's, dooku) and AoE attacks. Chewie has less strategic value, and is much harder to get up to 7 stars.
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    Depends on your team, really. I can give you a list of the best taunting and non-taunting tanks:
    1. Sun Fac.
    2. Royal Guard.
    3. STHan.
    (Hard to get)
    4. Shoretrooper.
    5. Baze.
    6. General Kenobi (of course).
    1. B2.
    2. Fives.
    Short list, I know. Tanks like FOST are awesome but only within their respective faction. Finn and Poe are really good tanks too, specially in a Resistance team.
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    Old Ben (OB) will make your opponent enrage and break their devices if you are on a new leaderboard. You only need him at 4* and enough gear to unlock his ability. Put him on lead xD
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    Neo2551 wrote: »
    Old Ben (OB) will make your opponent enrage and break their devices if you are on a new leaderboard. You only need him at 4* and enough gear to unlock his ability. Put him on lead xD

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    Royal Guard was my go-to tank for the longest time. eventually StHan became more useful, he's powerful against teams using counter attacks (5's, dooku) and AoE attacks. Chewie has less strategic value, and is much harder to get up to 7 stars.

    I already have Chewy 7*, it wasn't too hard.
    Neo2551 wrote: »
    Old Ben (OB) will make your opponent enrage and break their devices if you are on a new leaderboard. You only need him at 4* and enough gear to unlock his ability. Put him on lead xD

    I just looked him up, and I can already tell your correct. Oh god...
    Depends on your team, really. I can give you a list of the best taunting and non-taunting tanks:
    1. Sun Fac.
    2. Royal Guard.
    3. STHan.
    (Hard to get)
    4. Shoretrooper.
    5. Baze.
    6. General Kenobi (of course).
    1. B2.
    2. Fives.
    Short list, I know. Tanks like FOST are awesome but only within their respective faction. Finn and Poe are really good tanks too, especially in a Resistance team.

    A lot of unconventional tanks here, where does Chewy place on there? I use him and his taunt is pretty good. I doubt I'd be able to get Baze or Shoretrooper being strictly F2P. So basically I see StH, Sun Fac, Royal Guard, and Chewy, which should I get?
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    For me RG is still better than ST Han if you're looking mainly for a sheer wall. His auto taunt that activates every time an ally goes below 50% health can't be beat. And I still love his stun.
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    Britland wrote: »
    A lot of unconventional tanks here, where does Chewy place on there? I use him and his taunt is pretty good. I doubt I'd be able to get Baze or Shoretrooper being strictly F2P. So basically I see StH, Sun Fac, Royal Guard, and Chewy, which should I get?

    Chewie is just too slow and has little to no utility for your team. As a tank, he's really durable, but I think RG and Sun Fac are actually better in those stats as well.
    RG will be able to save your squad members with a Taunt, Stun and/or Speed Down on basic and gain health and TM whenever someone attacks an ally. Sun Fac will dispel on basic, can Taunt and inflict Offense Down and counter attack too. Counter attack + Taunt is really deadly. Specially against teams with lots of buffs or with heavy glass cannons like Rebels or Rey. He can also inflict Critical Chance down.
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    The best Tank to use depends on two things.. what you have and what your team makeup is.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Britland wrote: »
    Royal Guard was my go-to tank for the longest time. eventually StHan became more useful, he's powerful against teams using counter attacks (5's, dooku) and AoE attacks. Chewie has less strategic value, and is much harder to get up to 7 stars.

    I already have Chewy 7*, it wasn't too hard.
    Neo2551 wrote: »
    Old Ben (OB) will make your opponent enrage and break their devices if you are on a new leaderboard. You only need him at 4* and enough gear to unlock his ability. Put him on lead xD

    I just looked him up, and I can already tell your correct. Oh god...
    Depends on your team, really. I can give you a list of the best taunting and non-taunting tanks:
    1. Sun Fac.
    2. Royal Guard.
    3. STHan.
    (Hard to get)
    4. Shoretrooper.
    5. Baze.
    6. General Kenobi (of course).
    1. B2.
    2. Fives.
    Short list, I know. Tanks like FOST are awesome but only within their respective faction. Finn and Poe are really good tanks too, especially in a Resistance team.

    A lot of unconventional tanks here, where does Chewy place on there? I use him and his taunt is pretty good. I doubt I'd be able to get Baze or Shoretrooper being strictly F2P. So basically I see StH, Sun Fac, Royal Guard, and Chewy, which should I get?

    In answer to your question about where Chewie fits - honestly, after all of them. StHan is excellent and easy to get from Arena shipments. Sun Fac is particularly useful if you also have problems with opposing tanks. RG is great if you run an Empire team, as he benefits from some of the leadership synergies.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    Stormtrooper Han for a rebel squad. Otherwise get RG.

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    I think the AAT wins best tank award
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Bigchef wrote: »
    I think the AAT wins best tank award

    Good call. Kind of a slow farm right now though. ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    STHan if you want to speed up your team, Sunfac if you just want a meat shield and bonus for his dispell on basic. Chewy is not even worth the effort of staring and gearing unless for Credit Hiest in which case you can find better scoundrels to use the resources on.
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    Britland wrote: »
    Royal Guard was my go-to tank for the longest time. eventually StHan became more useful, he's powerful against teams using counter attacks (5's, dooku) and AoE attacks. Chewie has less strategic value, and is much harder to get up to 7 stars.

    I already have Chewy 7*, it wasn't too hard.
    Neo2551 wrote: »
    Old Ben (OB) will make your opponent enrage and break their devices if you are on a new leaderboard. You only need him at 4* and enough gear to unlock his ability. Put him on lead xD

    I just looked him up, and I can already tell your correct. Oh god...
    Depends on your team, really. I can give you a list of the best taunting and non-taunting tanks:
    1. Sun Fac.
    2. Royal Guard.
    3. STHan.
    (Hard to get)
    4. Shoretrooper.
    5. Baze.
    6. General Kenobi (of course).
    1. B2.
    2. Fives.
    Short list, I know. Tanks like FOST are awesome but only within their respective faction. Finn and Poe are really good tanks too, especially in a Resistance team.

    A lot of unconventional tanks here, where does Chewy place on there? I use him and his taunt is pretty good. I doubt I'd be able to get Baze or Shoretrooper being strictly F2P. So basically I see StH, Sun Fac, Royal Guard, and Chewy, which should I get?

    STH=RG>sun fac>chewy

    sun fac is overrated and only good under rex lead or if your fighting a really slow team.
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    Different tanks are best in different stages and areas of the game. Chewie is great to start out with then move to STH and RG. At that point you will know enough about the others to decide what's best for you.
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    For me RG is still better than ST Han if you're looking mainly for a sheer wall. His auto taunt that activates every time an ally goes below 50% health can't be beat. And I still love his stun.

    Not against palp
  • rts540
    10 posts Member
    No love for Scariff Pathfinder? Obviously he's only useful with a Rebel team, but his taunt+revive combo has been awesome for me, and he grants speed up every time he gets taken out. Great for pumping up Akbar to employ his tactical genius and yell, "It's a trap" while posing like Superman more often...

    I'll admit my Rebel squad is weak (Akbar (l), Luke, Biggs, Lando, Pathfinder), but if he's made mine this passable, I think honorable mention is in order.
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    Chewy is good until you get better options. Same goes with all of your starting characters. If I were you I would stop farming and gearing Jedi consular, Luke, talia, chewy. Start farming rebels and scoundrels. It's the mistake all beginning players make.
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    For me RG is still better than ST Han if you're looking mainly for a sheer wall. His auto taunt that activates every time an ally goes below 50% health can't be beat. And I still love his stun.

    +1 agreed. RG is the most useful tank in my opinion.. especially early on pvp. Can't beat the auto taunt and stun.
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    Fives. My pick for SWGOH MVP of 2016. Suitably geared and modded, he is like a solid utility man in baseball. Can play him anywhere and he doesn't kill you.
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    I found Chewie pretty useful when I started playing. I know they used to give him to you when you start the game, not sure if they still do. StHan is better overall but harder to acquire.
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    Baze is the best tank for sure
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    For me RG is still better than ST Han if you're looking mainly for a sheer wall. His auto taunt that activates every time an ally goes below 50% health can't be beat. And I still love his stun.

    HER, RG is female :)
  • TheoPatino
    100 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    rts540 wrote: »
    No love for Scariff Pathfinder? Obviously he's only useful with a Rebel team, but his taunt+revive combo has been awesome for me, and he grants speed up every time he gets taken out. Great for pumping up Akbar to employ his tactical genius and yell, "It's a trap" while posing like Superman more often...

    I'll admit my Rebel squad is weak (Akbar (l), Luke, Biggs, Lando, Pathfinder), but if he's made mine this passable, I think honorable mention is in order.

    I love Pathfinder, he really shines in GW more than Arena though, with his Revives. Running Wedge,Biggs,Lando,Ackbar and Pathfinder... works pretty well.

    RG is great and can be very annoying, especially in a dual taunt set up... stun and triggered taunt with no CD.
  • Vertigo
    4497 posts Member
    Different tanks are best in different stages and areas of the game. Chewie is great to start out with then move to STH and RG. At that point you will know enough about the others to decide what's best for you.

    He's not bad on a Zeta Maul team with 4 sith and him as the 5th.
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