Death Trooper drops

27 posts Member
Does Death Trooper just have a really low drop rate or is it just me? Man, spent all my cantina energy and 3 refreshes today and I got 6 shards even with double drop. That is awful.


  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    I have also been getting terrible drops. Multiple times pulled 0 shards from a refresh. Small sample size sure, but wouldn't surprise me if it had a different drop rate than the others.

    Most likely it is the standard 1/3 drop rate and we're just unlucky.
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    Just RNG. I've gotten great drops on DT every day since double drops started except for today.
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    Just wait till you realize the drop rate on LS 9-B
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    Mine have been horrible so I stopped and focused on Aayla until the double drops end. Much better drops for her on my end
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    They've been great for me!
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    RNG. Guildie just posted a screenshot a moment ago for 10 shards in 7 battles (5/7 drop rate).
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    Yeah RNG is always the decider sadly but I've had incredible luck I'm about to 5 star him soon double drops have helped alot
  • Mazurka
    961 posts Member
    I've gotten him to 6*, my drops have been decent
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    Mine were awful during double drops and even worse before. But I did get 2 Omegas so I consider myself lucky...
  • kodias
    264 posts Member
    How many omegas did yall managed to get? I spent about 1k cantina energy on the node and got 2 omegas lol.
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    I had a weirdness going on with DT. I simmed once and get 2 shards, then used all my energy, getting 2 again. I refreshed and used all my energy at once again getting just 2 shards and then once more getting the same thing. This has happened every day aside from getting 6 shards one time doing a 3 sim. I have never seen anything like this. I know, RNG, but whatever it was wierd getting 2 over and over again.

    Ive only been able to 4 star DT and this is after using all my cantina energy and 2 refreshes every day on him.
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    I just about managed to 5* DT so I guess my drops for him were about average (2x cantina refresh each day). I've done really well with omegas though by the sounds of it (~30), but then before the double drop event I would rarely get any omegas from nodes
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    I refreshed several times everyday over the 5 days (I refreshed the first 200 after the 2- 100 crystal refreshes at the least) and only managed to get him to 5*... most drops were 2 shards even simming 4 or 5 battles, and got 4 a few times but only hit 6 twice. Many times I got zero on full refreshes. RNG was not kind to me for farming DT the last few days.
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    I did the same with DT got 2 to 4 a refresh. Moved over to Bariss and received 10 every time.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Each day is different. Some better than others.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Winter wrote: »
    Does Death Trooper just have a really low drop rate or is it just me? Man, spent all my cantina energy and 3 refreshes today and I got 6 shards even with double drop. That is awful.

    i felt the same way but i think the 16 energy cost has something to do with it
  • jpi5k
    15 posts Member
    Mixed results here. Pulled 8 shards twice siming 4 battles at a time. Hit a drought where I got zero shards over 10 battles on two separate occassions. Switched to sims of 3 battles at a time, drop rate was 2 shards fairly consistently. Never got a single omega despite 3 - 4 refreshes a day over the lifespan of the double drops. Got DT close to 6 stars though, from 3 so...
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