Unpopular opinion about zeta drop rates incoming...



  • Austin09370
    850 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    The drop rate is fine. I have the challenge unlocked for months and there have been only 2 or 3 times I didn't get any zetas from the challenge. Not having to spend my ship currency and getting zetas quicker then I can get the omegas ready is great.

    Although I find it unlikely if you're telling the truth you have the best luck in the world. I have heard of no one who hasn't had at least a couple bad runs.

    I know I have had multiple weeks where I got 0-1 zetas from challenges

    I keep seeing the posts about bad drop rates and I'm not seeing it. I'm certain it's not as bad as people say but I probably currently have a better drop rate then the average.
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    Kronen wrote: »
    I expect they will be adding zeta challenges soon as were hitting 6 months since ships were added. Thats going to be the first step before tweaking the drop rates. They did the same with omegas. First was the omega challanges, then after a few months they added them to the skill mats challange, then a couple months later they added the chance to get a drop from mystery box for doing dailies. They have hinted at a new game mode being added. They could use it to srart working zetas more into the game.


    First Omega Battles were made available.
    Them they were added to completion of daily activities at level 80, not the Mystery box. The Mystery box was added for completion of daily activies at level 85 and does not contain an omega. This is a very important distinction to make or else we start getting the "I didn't get omega in the mystery box" threads.
    Omega's were then added to character ability mat challenges.
    Omegas' were then made obtainable in the fleet shipments
    Omega battles then started on a regular schedule

    Zeta's are already available in the ships ability mat challenge
    Zeta's are obtainable via fleet shipments

    I really don't see them being added to character ability mat challenges
    Dev already stated they are not currently considering changing the omega battles

    We may get a zeta battle one day but don't hold your breath.
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    I just started a little over two or three weeks ago and i now have 17. I've got 2 to drop 3 times and 1 drops twice. I have felt very lucky
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    Zetas are a sacrifice, the same way focusing on gear XI and farming speed mods are sacrifices. If you want Zetas, then buy them. If you maintain top 100 in fleet arena (easy with minimum effort) then you can get 20 Zetas in 34 days. What I do is target 20 zetas every 40 days. I have completed my 3rd Zeta this way since I figured it out. This gives me about 400 shards to spend every other 80day. So, I only buy the super rare stuff: Slave I shards, Scimitar, Chirrut.

    People who rely on drops from the challenge to get Zeta are going about it wrong, in my view. The only guaranteed way to get Zetas is through the fleet shop, and that requires not buying the other parts of the shop. Does 7* Sun Fac really help your squads? Zam Wessell?

    The challenge zetas need to be seen as a bonus. Trust me, this will help with your outlook on the game approaching zetas in this way.
  • Valace21
    90 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Coolmcdrew wrote: »
    Zeta drop rate is not great we all know it. I have gone 3 weeks without getting a single one. However, zetas are ultra rare and really make parts of this game really easy if you have them or really hard if you don't have them. That's how it should be. I don't want everyone to have them. They should be hard to get. Quit whining about every single thing in this gam that you can't get in 3 seconds this game is a grind because the second it stops it will be over.

    Rant done.

    Zetas changed the meta completely, and changed the arena forever. For someone to get them based on pure dumb luck isn't right.

    That being said, it fluctuates. I have earned a full zeta in two and half weeks, buying them from shipments and challenges. However I have been working on this last one for almost 4. I have only earned 5 zeta in the past two weeks.

    I have a hard time believing some are going 3+ weeks without earning one.
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    Buy your zetas from fleet shipments. The zetas that drop from the challenge are just gravy.
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    Buy your zetas from fleet shipments. The zetas that drop from the challenge are just gravy.

    Its easy to say when you need blueprints to stay in the top 500, or character shards for arena toons. I haven't had to use fleet shipments for much, but am splitting my focus on Chirrut shards an zeta. I have a zeta waiting for Kylo and want another for Barriss.

    Kenobi, Chirrut, Baze, and Zeta Barriss and Zeta Kylo is the hardest team comp in the game right now.

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    Valace21 wrote: »
    Coolmcdrew wrote: »
    Zeta drop rate is not great we all know it. I have gone 3 weeks without getting a single one. However, zetas are ultra rare and really make parts of this game really easy if you have them or really hard if you don't have them. That's how it should be. I don't want everyone to have them. They should be hard to get. Quit whining about every single thing in this gam that you can't get in 3 seconds this game is a grind because the second it stops it will be over.

    Rant done.

    Zetas changed the meta completely, and changed the arena forever. For someone to get them based on pure dumb luck isn't right.

    That being said, it fluctuates. I have earned a full zeta in two and half weeks, buying them from shipments and challenges. However I have been working on this last one for almost 4. I have only earned 5 zeta in the past two weeks.

    I have a hard time believing some are going 3+ weeks without earning one.

    When I first was able to complete the challenge I was getting 1-4 zetas a day and in three weeks had 18 from challenges (average of 2 per day). I then went 4 weeks (24 consecutive challenge attempts) with 0 zetas dropping.
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    7 Zeta Toons here. Challenges are not the way to get them.. Gotta be top 3 in Fleet. You can get a Zeta almost every day.
    I 'd love to be a Jedi... But I sure as hell would use the dark side too...
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    It has been taking me 2 months on average to farm 1 zeta from the challenge node alone. Considering I could fully gear a toon in less than half that time it's way to slow. The main source for zetas is shipments and not the challenge node, that seems backwards to me.
  • Yesac
    362 posts Member
    I don't know if the OP pulled three weeks out of the sky, or if he was serious, but today marks my third week with 0 zetas. That's 18 straight 0 drops. I've had three double double drops (4 in one day). They were excellent. I didn't expect that to happen ever, let alone three times. But they didn't occur back to back to back, and there were many double 0 days between them. This current prolonged slump has become a joke for me. With every ship ability mat challenge I hope it will change, I hope it will prove to me that I was just in a dry spell, but it sucks to have waited three more days to discover that I still have terrible luck, and that maybe it isn't a dry spell, maybe it's just me. Other people are getting zetas still. Why not me? What have I done, O great RNG gods, to anger you?

    I rarely complain about the game. I understand the theory behind RNG, so when I go 0/12 on cuffs after an energy refresh, I take it knowing that my next refresh could drop 5. I remember once I scored 9/12. So I get it. It is random. On the first day of Cantina double drops I scored 50 Finn shards with two refreshes. That's typically 4-5 days worth of farming. Awesome.

    What hurts, what makes these ship ability mat challenges so much more frustrating and deflating than gear or shard farming, is the wait between challenges. Double 0 on a Monday or Thursday is followed by a three day wait. A real bitter taste in your mouth. So I have no other option than to use all of my fleet tokens to purchase zetas. It would be easy to feel the way others have suggested, that getting any zetas on these challenge days is like icing on the cake - I did feel that way four weeks ago. But it's really hard to feel like that after no success 18 times in a row.

    Maybe ranting about it here will change my luck?

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    Yesac wrote: »
    I don't know if the OP pulled three weeks out of the sky, or if he was serious, but today marks my third week with 0 zetas. That's 18 straight 0 drops. I've had three double double drops (4 in one day). They were excellent. I didn't expect that to happen ever, let alone three times. But they didn't occur back to back to back, and there were many double 0 days between them. This current prolonged slump has become a joke for me. With every ship ability mat challenge I hope it will change, I hope it will prove to me that I was just in a dry spell, but it sucks to have waited three more days to discover that I still have terrible luck, and that maybe it isn't a dry spell, maybe it's just me. Other people are getting zetas still. Why not me? What have I done, O great RNG gods, to anger you?

    I rarely complain about the game. I understand the theory behind RNG, so when I go 0/12 on cuffs after an energy refresh, I take it knowing that my next refresh could drop 5. I remember once I scored 9/12. So I get it. It is random. On the first day of Cantina double drops I scored 50 Finn shards with two refreshes. That's typically 4-5 days worth of farming. Awesome.

    What hurts, what makes these ship ability mat challenges so much more frustrating and deflating than gear or shard farming, is the wait between challenges. Double 0 on a Monday or Thursday is followed by a three day wait. A real bitter taste in your mouth. So I have no other option than to use all of my fleet tokens to purchase zetas. It would be easy to feel the way others have suggested, that getting any zetas on these challenge days is like icing on the cake - I did feel that way four weeks ago. But it's really hard to feel like that after no success 18 times in a row.

    Maybe ranting about it here will change my luck?

    @Yesac ranting here probably won't help. 3 weeks has been my longest slump. I've now missed on 3 days in a row again. But I'm still glad because once zetas are everywhere this game will be all jacked up.

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    It will take me far less for zader than to 7* him put it that way lol
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    Coolmcdrew wrote: »
    Zeta drop rate is not great we all know it. I have gone 3 weeks without getting a single one. However, zetas are ultra rare and really make parts of this game really easy if you have them or really hard if you don't have them. That's how it should be. I don't want everyone to have them. They should be hard to get. Quit whining about every single thing in this gam that you can't get in 3 seconds this game is a grind because the second it stops it will be over.

    Rant done.

    To see a true zeta drop rate do this for two months and see if you still feel the same way.

    1) Do every single zeta challenge every week. Write down how many you get or don't get.

    2) Save all your ship tokens you get. Don't spend anything. Once you get to 40k in ship tokens count and see just how many zetas you have collected from challenges only.

    Once you see that you have only collected maybe 5 or 6 zetas in that two month period you may feel a bit different about the zeta drop rate. Purchasing zetas with ship tokens allow for a faster farm. Subtract the ship token farm and you'll see what a lot of people are angry about. People getting 0 for weeks on end when other people are getting 1,2,3 and 4 for both zeta challenges is wrong.

    This game is supposed to be about building the best teams to beat your opponents team. Instead what this game has turned into is who gets lucky RNG on zetas. So not only are players fighting other players to be the best..they are also fighting a broken system designed to keep the unlucky players down and behind the curve.

    If I wanted to play a luck based game I play casino games instead. This game used to be strategy based and to an extent it still is..but this is turning into a luck based game every new update that comes out..designed for one thing..to make unlucky people spend money.
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    The problem is when you go extended periods without them and your rivals are dropping them and getting there faster than you and not sending money to do it. They shouldn't be like gear drops, they should drop like ability mats in the challenges.

    This game is what it is, it's a game of luck, it's not a game of skill as much as the majority of people would probably want it to be. All that matters is how lucky you are in getting shard drops, gear drops, mod drops, zeta drops, raid rewards... Of course, the way to 'increase' your luck is to spend more money and have more goes at getting what you want. That's called gambling. Like it or not, we're playing a gambling game here first and foremost in the guise of a collectable card game in Star Wars colours.

    The people at the top of the game will by and large be people who have spent money to get there or gotten lucky with the right drops at the right time.
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    How dare these people come rant on the internet about their zero drop rates.

    It's as dumb as people complaining about others ranting on the internet.
    Travelling through Hyperspace ain't like dustin' crops, boy!
  • Yesac
    362 posts Member
    I'd take 3-4 zetas a month, as meager as it sounds. But I see your point. No extra drops prolong zeta farming. Four zetas are nearly a week's worth of tokens.

    Depending on where you place in fleet arena, your two//h month timeline is an exaggeration. I place in the top 50 in fleet arena = 1300 tokens/day. I have spent every token in the last three weeks on zetas and have had 0 drops in the challenges. Today, I have 13 zetas and 1300 tokens in the bank. It will be eight days before I have 20 zetas, a total of 31 days. I've done the math, trust me. Those few extra zetas would have really speed things along
  • Yesac
    362 posts Member
    So, the next Sunday, I got 4 zetas. That following Monday, I got 3. And the next Thursday, I got 2. So after three weeks of zeros, it was nice to actually see some drop. Of course, I see a pattern here. If I get one tomorrow, and zero Monday, I won't be surprised.

    RNG sucks sometimes.
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    I get mine from one place: ability mats challenge. I've not had an Omega drop while using cantina energy, ever, no, I'm not kidding. I consider the drop rate zero, and only worry about character shards.
  • Cm3Po
    234 posts Member
    I only buy rare stuff in fleet shipments. All the common ships appear in war shipments, and a wise person would only farm them there. I didn't buy zetas until I knew for certain that I had enough currency stockpiled where if I had every rare ship show up on every refresh in a day, I'd be able to buy them all. I currently have slave I and bistan done. I'm still working on the rest of the rares. I only buy a zeta when my stockpile gets to be about 10k. This way I know I will never miss a rare character/ship. As far as the characters go, they all appear in guild shipments. Why would you use the most valuable currency (fleet currency) on characters that show up in guild shipments? I'm currently working on my 5th zeta :)
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    12:10am and have done all my zeta challenges for the day. Inky 23 hours 50 minutes till the next
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    dough wrote: »
    the answer is simple -- just buy them with Fleet shipments currency... sure, it blows having to put other farming on hold but anybody who sits around waiting to accumulate Zetas via just the challenges is a buffoon.

    This ^^^^^^. I agree with this be post, and this is very true. I have been farming zetas for a very long time. So long I honestly can't remember when I unlocked it. Since I have unlocked the challenge I have only gotten 5..... Yes you heard correctly 5 lol. I have bought everyone one of mine but 5. I'll have my third zeta Tuesday which will go to Savage. I agree it's absolutely crazy how ridiculous the drop rate is but what can you do other then just buy them. Cheer up OP and be happy with what you have gotten so far and pray to rnjesus it gets better. :)
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    Im looking forward to the point where it will be void to put z before a charname, because it is understood that obviously we're talking about a toon with maxed abilities.
    Kinda like noone says "i use an omega'd fives in arena" nowadays.
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    Buy your zetas from fleet shipments. The zetas that drop from the challenge are just gravy.

    Yup. I just zeta'd my second character today, 39 mats came from shipments, #40 from the challenge I unlocked a few days ago.
  • Bossk_Hogg
    335 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Coolmcdrew wrote

    @Yesac ranting here probably won't help. 3 weeks has been my longest slump. I've now missed on 3 days in a row again. But I'm still glad because once zetas are everywhere this game will be all jacked up.

    If everyone has them, we're on equal footing. If people having them is a bad thing, then only a few people having them is even worse. They may as well hand out top 50 of arena by RNG at this point. What's worse, they balance factions based on their inclusion.

    What they need to do is give one zeta each challenge attempt, with a small chance to get 2. Reduce the highs and lows to balance the playing field. With a paltry 6 attempts a week after laying out tons of resources on ships, the payout should be better than it is.
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