Ships..... lame and AI cheats

146 posts Member
edited May 2017
If it weren't for Zeta credits I wouldn't even bother. So lame. Teams far below me routinely beat me or I have to win barely. Don't even start me on the Tie Fighters dodging 4 times in a row. What the beans is that. Ships have lots of potential but, as is no fun and rigged
Post edited by ShaolinPunk on


  • RacerDejak
    3203 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    If it weren't for Zeta credits I wouldn't even bother. So lame. Teams far below me routinely beat me or I have to win barely. Don't even start me on the Tie Fighters dodging 4 times in a row. What the beans is that. Ships have lots of potential but, as is no fun and rigged


    Post edited by Mageduckey on
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    No protection you gotta give him something.
    Better get ready for more ships and ship content or you are going to get left behind.
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    Better get ready for more ships and ship content or you are going to get left behind.

    Left behind what? Ships exist for one reason; to get zetas. That's the only purpose that "game" serves. Once you can auto the ability mat challenge, continuing to build your ships up becomes near pointless. The rewards for ranks are so similar that there's no real need to fight for the top spot; especially since there are no gems rewarded. Just not seeing much point in investing in ships right now, and without a major update to the rewards, that won't change.
  • Options
    Better get ready for more ships and ship content or you are going to get left behind.

    Left behind what? Ships exist for one reason; to get zetas. That's the only purpose that "game" serves. Once you can auto the ability mat challenge, continuing to build your ships up becomes near pointless. The rewards for ranks are so similar that there's no real need to fight for the top spot; especially since there are no gems rewarded. Just not seeing much point in investing in ships right now, and without a major update to the rewards, that won't change.

    Can't wait to see his cry post when new ship stuff is released and he crys that he can't complete it for lack of ships.
  • Brigger
    241 posts Member

    Can't wait to see his cry post when new ship stuff is released and he crys that he can't complete it for lack of ships.

  • Ender22
    1194 posts Member
    Ships is one of my favorite things. If your ships are losing defensively too often then you didn't build the right team.

    Plus, that new game mode. Now is the time to Really get those ships going!
  • Tatebomb
    797 posts Member
    They need to do something and soon. I was a big fan of ships at first but now it's do my 1 battle and that's it. So rng based it's not even fun.
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    LOL, cry? Because of ships? No. Got plenty already, thanks. You need them to auto all the events. But more? Nope. Got a maxed team of republic ships for arena, and teams of rebel/darkside ships strong enough for the events. If something new comes along and it's worth it, I can always work on it then. But right now? No. Not spending a lot effort on it or farming ships. Just no point to it.

    I mean, come on. There's always the potential for an event that requires you to build up something you didn't already have. When it happens, you deal with it. Assuming that people will "cry" because they don't have enough of something they could work on? Sure...if you've the emotional balance of a three year old.
  • RacerDejak
    3203 posts Member
    Better get ready for more ships and ship content or you are going to get left behind.

    Left behind what? Ships exist for one reason; to get zetas. That's the only purpose that "game" serves. Once you can auto the ability mat challenge, continuing to build your ships up becomes near pointless. The rewards for ranks are so similar that there's no real need to fight for the top spot; especially since there are no gems rewarded. Just not seeing much point in investing in ships right now, and without a major update to the rewards, that won't change.

    Will be great if daily arena fleet erase from daily challenge. They're so lame that i'm so lazy doing that, just auto-ed them. :expressionless:
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    Fleet is just another farm. Keep that in mind and enjoy your day. I go in, hit battle win or lose and bank the tokens. Use them for gear or shards. Absolutely zero interest in how they update it, etc.
  • Exletion
    649 posts Member
    I never have a problem with ships. It's heavily RNG dependent, but my team comp is good and I can always stay in the top 50. I've been top stop a few times as well. The ships right now are all relatively balanced fairly well. There is no meta team comp destroying everyone. I enjoy the strategy of ships and the tokens they produce are some of the most useful currency in the game behind crystals. You can literally get almost everything with them from gear, to rare characters, to ships, to zeta/omega. I can never have enough of them.
  • TurgonGW
    205 posts Member
    I actually really enjoy the ship part of the game.

    I find the battles interesting and trying out different team combinations and figuring out how to beat a superior power opponent challenging. I have been in the top 10 in my fleet shard for the last two months now and I love watching how people around me are changing their teams and then fighting them to see how I fare.

    I don't understand why so many people hate on ships, but everyone also cries out for more game content >.>

    SWGoH - TurgonGW
    Guild - Starchoppers - Feel free to help us in the Raids!
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    If it weren't for Zeta credits I wouldn't even bother. So lame. Teams far below me routinely beat me or I have to win barely. Don't even start me on the Tie Fighters dodging 4 times in a row. **** is that. Ships have lots of potential but, as is no fun and rigged

    Squads with lower power win in arena too. It's not rigged. On defense, the AI stinks - and no, it doesn't cheat and it's not rigged.

    Think about what you are suggesting for more than 5 seconds - IF it were rigged (and it's not), is it only rigged against you?? Becuase if it's rigged when you're on offense, then the "rigged" AI would also play for you on defense. It's not rigged. The AI makes bad decisions and other fleets (even ones with lower power) might have better synergies, better strategy than the lame AI playing for you or just get plain lucky occasionally.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • lisztophobia
    808 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    The AI makes bad decisions and other fleets (even ones with lower power) might have better synergies, better strategy than the lame AI playing for you or just get plain lucky occasionally.
    Pretty much this.

    Synergy + good battle tactics + crazy RNG > power rating.

    Both in Squad Arena and in Fleet Arena -- although I feel like crazy RNG probably plays a bigger role in Fleet Arena.
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    Better get ready for more ships and ship content or you are going to get left behind.

    Left behind what? Ships exist for one reason; to get zetas. That's the only purpose that "game" serves. Once you can auto the ability mat challenge, continuing to build your ships up becomes near pointless. The rewards for ranks are so similar that there's no real need to fight for the top spot; especially since there are no gems rewarded. Just not seeing much point in investing in ships right now, and without a major update to the rewards, that won't change.

    Can't wait to see his cry post when new ship stuff is released and he crys that he can't complete it for lack of ships.

    Made the same mistake before zetas. Now I'm grinding dark side ships.
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    Yeah the AI is just flat pathetic. My main beef are the AI's capital ship getting 3 turns to everyone elses 1.Mace Windo's ship might take what seems like 10-14 turns before I can use Convergence, the AI will get it in 5-6 turns. They don't even try to attempt to make it unobvious.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Yeah the AI is just flat pathetic. My main beef are the AI's capital ship getting 3 turns to everyone elses 1.Mace Windo's ship might take what seems like 10-14 turns before I can use Convergence, the AI will get it in 5-6 turns. They don't even try to attempt to make it unobvious.

    I run a mace ship and sometimes on offense I can use my ultimate 3 times in a single battle, when the opponent only uses the ultimate once.

    I do feel the defense may have a slight handicap with crits, target locks landing and dodging (imperial tie fighter of course), but I don't find it too much. I'm told that my ship holds well on defense from shard mates. Some combos tend to perform well on defense, while others may be good on offense, but not hold well on defense. Have you tried looking into different ship combinations?

    :edit: Just noticed this has been necrod so will likely be locked.
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    You need those ships for platoons in TBs. Your ships can hold on defense with the right mix.
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    Been there. I've seen wayyyyy too many "glitches" and "bugs" in ships myself. My ships getting destroyed in 1-2 hits, but my ships taking 10-12 to destroy an enemy ship of equal level. Tarkin's imp assault nuke is the worst. When the AI uses it, your ships are destroyed completely. when you use it, "meh" you might wipe the AI fleet IF there are 3 or less. Facing Tarkin's ship using imp assault about 20 times I've had a total of 8 ships survive. Once 2 did, and twice 3 did, but they were almost destroyed anyway so its fleet attacked each once and they were destroyed.

    I've even faced a fleet that had no mods on ships, except 1-2. Even the capital ship pilot didn't have mods and the pilots were all blue gear level and mine were all gear 7 or 8 with 3-5 dot mods on them. Guess who won? Not my ships that had more power, higher level abilities, etc. I even used fleets suggested to work together and still lost. Why? Because the AI "rolls" max for itself almost every time.

    Yes, the AI cheats. Yes, the fleet arena is buggy. These are reasons why "thousands" of people play in regular arena and literally "tens" of people play fleet arena. The Chimera is the first real "update" to fleet arena in a year (according to the youtubers who feed on GOH.)

    Hopefully they pay some more attention to ships now and fix some of the issues because it is frustrating and tiresome. For each daily I just load it up usually and just auto fight. If I win, cool. If I lose, not a surprise.
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    No one is forcing you silly pumpkins to play. <3
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    If it weren't for Zeta credits I wouldn't even bother. So lame. Teams far below me routinely beat me or I have to win barely. Don't even start me on the Tie Fighters dodging 4 times in a row. What the beans is that. Ships have lots of potential but, as is no fun and rigged

    You mean those highly maneuverable but shieldless (read protection) starfighters? How dare they translate it from the movie to the game! Having no protection but high evasion is by design. TIE Fighters are glass cannons they hit big but if you so much as brush past it, it's going to explode.
    I fight the good fight
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    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    Been there. I've seen wayyyyy too many "glitches" and "bugs" in ships myself. My ships getting destroyed in 1-2 hits, but my ships taking 10-12 to destroy an enemy ship of equal level. Tarkin's imp assault nuke is the worst. When the AI uses it, your ships are destroyed completely. when you use it, "meh" you might wipe the AI fleet IF there are 3 or less. Facing Tarkin's ship using imp assault about 20 times I've had a total of 8 ships survive. Once 2 did, and twice 3 did, but they were almost destroyed anyway so its fleet attacked each once and they were destroyed.

    I've even faced a fleet that had no mods on ships, except 1-2. Even the capital ship pilot didn't have mods and the pilots were all blue gear level and mine were all gear 7 or 8 with 3-5 dot mods on them. Guess who won? Not my ships that had more power, higher level abilities, etc. I even used fleets suggested to work together and still lost. Why? Because the AI "rolls" max for itself almost every time.

    Yes, the AI cheats. Yes, the fleet arena is buggy. These are reasons why "thousands" of people play in regular arena and literally "tens" of people play fleet arena. The Chimera is the first real "update" to fleet arena in a year (according to the youtubers who feed on GOH.)

    Hopefully they pay some more attention to ships now and fix some of the issues because it is frustrating and tiresome. For each daily I just load it up usually and just auto fight. If I win, cool. If I lose, not a surprise.

    I agree big time. The damage output discrepancy auto vs. manual is ridiculously large. And of course comes the ability blocks with Wiggs. AI gets much more often than on manual.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Moved to correct sub forum.
  • Platypoctopus
    18 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    You guys must be truly horrible at this game if you legitimately believe that the AI cheats. I can assure you that the AI has absolutely no advantages compared to the player. For example - the guy who was complaining about the AI taking more turns with Endurance - go read the **** abilities, the Valor buff gives the capital ship turn meter every single time an ally takes a turn and also reduces the ultimate's cooldown. The ability that grants it also has its cooldown reduced for each target hit so it can be used back to back. If they're using their ultimate before you, it's because they're getting more target locks on you.

    The AI doesn't get extra damage, doesn't take extra turns, doesn't magically give the player's team extra hit points... If their ships are doing more damage than yours, then maybe it's because - wait for it - their ships are stronger than yours. I take #1 in fleet every day and actually know how to play the game, so it's easy for me to recognize how obvious it is that the AI doesn't cheat. If they could actually cheat, then why is it that I beat teams with 60k more power than me literally 100% of the time?

    Seriously, you guys just aren't very smart. I can only imagine you're all 12 year olds that rage and scream about how your opponent is cheating every single time you lose. Pathetic.
  • BridgeBuilder
    47 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    The AI might not cheat but the randomness of it all makes any tactics and strategy useless. You can try and go one way or the other but in the end the fights are decided - like pretty much everything else in this game - by Randomjesus.
    Also, the amount of available buy outs in the ships department is ridiculous. The difference in ships power between Free-to-play and a Pay-to-win players is crazy. Granted, the difference in money spent is also crazy but I don't think I ever seen a game where you could basically buy out first rank. Sad.
    What is even more disheartening than the two above is the "PvP and Rivalry" forum. Full of calls to circle-jerks. Now THAT is pathetic.
    By the way, Platypoctopus, please get the fork outta'here with that literally 100% of the time. Seriously.
    Post edited by BridgeBuilder on
    "Frustration leads to impatience. Impatience leads to buying crystals. Buying crystals leads to revenue."
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    You guys must be truly horrible at this game if you legitimately believe that the AI cheats. I can assure you that the AI has absolutely no advantages compared to the player.

    I don't think so mate. Take a look at how often the AI target locks you compared to how often you target lock them. It shouldn't take you long to figure out the truth.
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    Whoever target locks first wins 90% of the time.

    90% may be an exaggeration but you get the point.

    I usually target the ship with the least tenacity to get target lock and most of the time the AI gets one on my 40% potency ship before I can get on their 15% potency ship.
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    I just watched Mace attack 15 times, 5x more than any other ship. All of which he granted immunity 4 times that lasted for 3 of my turns with consecutive ships taunting. Ships are the worst aspect of this game. It’s bad enough when Vader can force crush you 2 times in a row stacking damage or the other “no cooldowns” the system gets. Big ships are so bad they don’t make you want to upgrade ships at all. There’s no allure to farming them or even playing them. With so many similar complaints on here you would think thy would do something and change it. When 1* and 2* ships destroy 4* and 5* ships in 2-3 hits there’s something wrong. And when the capital ship attacks 5x more than any other ship there’s something wrong. When they are 100% target lock 100% of the time there’s something wrong. When Biggs taunts and gains health the ENTIRE battle for them there’s something wrong. Ships suck! They could be cool, but are terrible
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