Grey Jedi

126 posts Member
This is based mostly on speculation on a movie that hasn't been released, but if Ep8 changes the common thought regarding Jedi; the widely touted, "Grey Jedi", would this new canon introduce a new faction tag? If so, this how they could introduce Revan?

Obviously this depends on a lot of unknowns but the limited information we have regarding Ep8 seems like this could be the way it's going.

As an extra, could any existing toons be listed under this potential new tag? Anakin? Mace? QGJ?

Food for thought.


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    Fats could and there's another gray Jedi in the rebels cartoon
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    CG has already mentioned how they have no intention of blurring the DS vs LS theme any more than has already been done. If anything, you will get a LS toon who synergizes with a DS toon.
    539 posts Member
    What exactly is a grey Jedi anyway? And how did you deduce this from TLJ teaser material?
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    Grey Jedi walk a balance between light and dark. They feel that it is their job to maintain that balance at aNY cost, by any means necessary. So if they feel diplomacy and peace are the way to go, that's what they do. But if they feel a situation is best handled by putting a lightsaber through the gut of the problem or roasting it with lightning then they won't hesitate. The freely use both sides of the force. The closest canon character to a Grey Jedi is Qui-Gon simoly because he regularly flaunts the Jedi Code on service of the Force. In the TLJ trailer there is a image that resembles the Grey Jedi seal from Legends and Luke's mentioning of "It's time for the Jedi to end", that has many people believing the Grey Jedi will be made canon soon.
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    I always thought grey Jedi was pretty silly. Not neutral force users, but the Jedi & Sith are much more akin to religious factions; and a non-practicing Jedi makes you not a Jedi.

    Look at Fulcrum Ahsoka. She's still a morally good character, who protects those weaker, helps the rebels, and fights tyranny in the galaxy regardless of the form it takes. Regardless, the minute she renounces the Jedi council and turns her back on them, she's no longer a Jedi.
    539 posts Member
    Luke's comment in the teaser trailer for TLJ means nothing at this point. There's no context to know what he means. Not to mention there's always a chance it may not even be in the movie at all if you consider what was absent in TFA and R1 from their respective trailers.

    I don't see how a concept of "grey jedi" could fit into the current star wars canon. Not following rules is not the same as following the dark side. Neither is being aggressive the same as abandoning the light side. Do you think Qui-Gon is represented as a dark side user? What about the bendu? Do you think he is grey or just ambiguous and indifferent?

    There is no grey side of the force in star wars. We are told that the dark side is about following ones selfish passions and lust for power and control, where as following the light side is about selflessness and compassion and submission and love. I don't see how you could logically embrace both of these at the same time. It kinda makes for a ridiculous hypocritical character.
  • Osh
    126 posts Member
    Of course, speculating on what we have been shown is not easy, Grey Jedi is just one of many interpretations of Luke's ambiguous comment and that's not really the path I wanted the discussion to go down.

    I merely wanted to throw the scenario of what if that is the way the film goes and Grey Jedi do become more prominent, what would change? (For the game that is.)
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    Grey Jedi walk a balance between light and dark. They feel that it is their job to maintain that balance at aNY cost, by any means necessary. So if they feel diplomacy and peace are the way to go, that's what they do. But if they feel a situation is best handled by putting a lightsaber through the gut of the problem or roasting it with lightning then they won't hesitate. The freely use both sides of the force. The closest canon character to a Grey Jedi is Qui-Gon simoly because he regularly flaunts the Jedi Code on service of the Force. In the TLJ trailer there is a image that resembles the Grey Jedi seal from Legends and Luke's mentioning of "It's time for the Jedi to end", that has many people believing the Grey Jedi will be made canon soon.

    This isn't very accurate. Jolee Bindo was a gray Jedi, and he could care less about balance and what not.
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    Like the Jedi will be more powerful.
  • Xhonak
    27 posts Member
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    Is there a source that this 'code' came from? Or is it just a fan-created credo. Because it seems to have no flow and to contradict itself. Id like to read the source material if it exists. Qui gon followed the living force by the way. He practiced balance in ones present moment and following the will of the force instinctively: not dwelling on the future or the past but letting one's connection to the force carry him/her like a river. This often caused him to clash with the Council, as they, being more traditional, saw the force as a tapestry that could be perceived with meditation, as Yoda demonstrated with his perception of future events. Food for thought.
  • Darax_ren
    363 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Gray Jedi is the worst idea that has ever been conceived.

    Sure, there were tons of problems with the Jedi Order. But the idea that it is "wrong" to exclusively use the light side of the force is not one of those problems.
  • KueChael
    930 posts Moderator
    They have already introduced the Whills in rogue one and clone wars. Not to mention the Bendu, they are not grey Jedi. There is no grey. Just those that use the force at it entirety. Luke was already going down that path in ROTJ. He choked the Guards... a Vader move, Threatened to destroy Jabba, a dark gesture. He is th balance.
  • Crazylazyguy
    1786 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    It's basically what Jedi MUST be. Jedi should go with the flow of the force(Like Qui-Gon did). Qui-Gon disobeyed the council constantly, but only because he wasn't caught in their false perception of a perfect world.
    Sith are the bad guys. They want power. They want to rule everything. They do it only for their own benefit. Jedi are supposed to be unbiased. They must not have rules such as "you are not allowed to marry anybody", "you are not allowed to love", "you are not allowed to do this and that". If the force is telling you to kill somebody, you KILL him. If the force tells you to help someone(as Qui-Gon did for Anakin) you do it. You don't wait for the council to approve. You are supposed to listen to what the force tells you. This is what Jedi are supposed to be.
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    Gáy jedi? Oh cmon!!!
    "and i will show you ... where the iron crosses grow..."
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    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    CG has already mentioned how they have no intention of blurring the DS vs LS theme any more than has already been done. If anything, you will get a LS toon who synergizes with a DS toon.

    We already do: Ahsoka, whose leader ability synergizes with Jedi and Nightsisters.
  • crzydroid
    7333 posts Moderator
    Laughing at the grey Jedi code which contradicts itself in the first three lines. If there's no light or dark side, what are you balancing?

    Qui-Gon is not by any means a gray. I'd say the closest thing is Bendu, who blasts both Imperials and Rebel ships in the final season three episode.
  • StarSon
    7466 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    crzydroid wrote: »
    Laughing at the grey Jedi code which contradicts itself in the first three lines. If there's no light or dark side, what are you balancing?

    Qui-Gon is not by any means a gray. I'd say the closest thing is Bendu, who blasts both Imperials and Rebel ships in the final season three episode.

    Neither are Grey Jedi, because Grey Jedi aren't a thing.

    Also, Bendu is not a Jedi of any kind.
  • crzydroid
    7333 posts Moderator
    StarSon wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    Laughing at the grey Jedi code which contradicts itself in the first three lines. If there's no light or dark side, what are you balancing?

    Qui-Gon is not by any means a gray. I'd say the closest thing is Bendu, who blasts both Imperials and Rebel ships in the final season three episode.

    Neither are Grey Jedi, because Grey Jedi aren't a thing.

    Also, Bendu is not a Jedi of any kind.

    I didn't say he was, just that he was closest to a true neutral character.

    And since they are not a tging, it doesn't matter that he isn't.
  • Zombie961
    1819 posts Member
    Gray Jedi are stupid. They are usually Jedi that feel the code isn't enough and go their separate way, allowing themselves to use both dark and light, however due to their morality they almost never use the dark side, so the whole thing is pointless
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    CG has already mentioned how they have no intention of blurring the DS vs LS theme any more than has already been done. If anything, you will get a LS toon who synergizes with a DS toon.

    We already do: Ahsoka, whose leader ability synergizes with Jedi and Nightsisters.

    Same with droids. Thats as close as we will get if the developers are to be believed.
  • Options
    SWGAMER6 wrote: »
    Luke's comment in the teaser trailer for TLJ means nothing at this point. There's no context to know what he means. Not to mention there's always a chance it may not even be in the movie at all if you consider what was absent in TFA and R1 from their respective trailers.

    I don't see how a concept of "grey jedi" could fit into the current star wars canon. Not following rules is not the same as following the dark side. Neither is being aggressive the same as abandoning the light side. Do you think Qui-Gon is represented as a dark side user? What about the bendu? Do you think he is grey or just ambiguous and indifferent?

    There is no grey side of the force in star wars. We are told that the dark side is about following ones selfish passions and lust for power and control, where as following the light side is about selflessness and compassion and submission and love. I don't see how you could logically embrace both of these at the same time. It kinda makes for a ridiculous hypocritical character.

    It fits perfectly. The reason the Sith exist is because of the Jedi. To destroy the Sith, the Jedi must also go. I see this being the theme in this entire new trilogy. Ben Solo is repeating history because Luke tried restoring the Jedi Order. Luke will realize the Sith will always exist as long as the Jedi exist. Many Jedi fall to the dark side due to the stupid rules the Jedi Order implemented. Anakin would have never turned to the dark side if the Jedi would have allowed him to marry Padme.

    Luke is going to figure this out. He's making the same mistakes other Jedi did before him. Therefore creating the Knights of Ren and a new Sith order. It's inevitably leading to Luke being a grey Jedi.
  • StarSon
    7466 posts Member
    BSwoody87 wrote: »
    SWGAMER6 wrote: »
    Luke's comment in the teaser trailer for TLJ means nothing at this point. There's no context to know what he means. Not to mention there's always a chance it may not even be in the movie at all if you consider what was absent in TFA and R1 from their respective trailers.

    I don't see how a concept of "grey jedi" could fit into the current star wars canon. Not following rules is not the same as following the dark side. Neither is being aggressive the same as abandoning the light side. Do you think Qui-Gon is represented as a dark side user? What about the bendu? Do you think he is grey or just ambiguous and indifferent?

    There is no grey side of the force in star wars. We are told that the dark side is about following ones selfish passions and lust for power and control, where as following the light side is about selflessness and compassion and submission and love. I don't see how you could logically embrace both of these at the same time. It kinda makes for a ridiculous hypocritical character.

    It fits perfectly. The reason the Sith exist is because of the Jedi. To destroy the Sith, the Jedi must also go. I see this being the theme in this entire new trilogy. Ben Solo is repeating history because Luke tried restoring the Jedi Order. Luke will realize the Sith will always exist as long as the Jedi exist. Many Jedi fall to the dark side due to the **** rules the Jedi Order implemented. Anakin would have never turned to the dark side if the Jedi would have allowed him to marry Padme.

    Luke is going to figure this out. He's making the same mistakes other Jedi did before him. Therefore creating the Knights of Ren and a new Sith order. It's inevitably leading to Luke being a grey Jedi.

    No it isn't, because Grey Jedi aren't a thing.
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    I'm not a fan of the term, but in the canon the only Jedi who really fits the idea of "gray" to me is Jedi Luke from ROTJ. He chokes people, he has attachments and friends when he shouldn't, and he is able to be angry and use the dark side without succumbing to it. Yoda says multiple times that even starting down that path will mean it controls you forever, and that there is no coming back. Clearly Luke is able to balance it himself.
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    Yeah, gray Jedi ain't happening, even the guy who is basically in charge of deciding what's canon and what isn't thinks it's dumb.
    "Because I'm Batman"-me
  • Pseudot
    102 posts Member
    There really needs to be Grey Jedi. This type of faction hierarchy has existed in fantasy RPG realms forever. It translates into Star Wars lore just as it does in any well developed good vs. evil conflict.

    Lawful Good - Jedi Council
    Chaotic Good - Qui Gon, Ahsoka
    Lawful Neutral - Grey Jedi
    Chaotic Neutral - Bendu, Night Sisters
    Lawful Evil - Palpatine, Vader
    Chaotic Evil - Maul, Nihilus

    It's all just Dungeons and Dragons in the end
  • Options
    Yeah, gray Jedi ain't happening, even the guy who is basically in charge of deciding what's canon and what isn't thinks it's dumb.

    Source? And they may not label it "grey Jedi" but it could still be a possibility. It's definitely the non-safe way of writing this new story, so you're probably right. Disney will just keep it simple for you guys with good vs. evil instead of trying something new.
  • StarSon
    7466 posts Member
    BSwoody87 wrote: »
    Yeah, gray Jedi ain't happening, even the guy who is basically in charge of deciding what's canon and what isn't thinks it's dumb.

    Source? And they may not label it "grey Jedi" but it could still be a possibility. It's definitely the non-safe way of writing this new story, so you're probably right. Disney will just keep it simple for you guys with good vs. evil instead of trying something new.
    StarSon wrote: »

    Repeat after me: Grey Jedi aren't a thing.
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    StarSon wrote: »

    this really made me laugh. it's hilarious and makes the point so well.
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