Since r2 is back after 3 months does that mean thrawn will be too?

Wouldn't it be really likely he'll be back in September? I've heard some people say October is more likely but i don't know


  • crzydroid
    7337 posts Moderator
    No one knows.
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    crzydroid wrote: »
    No one knows.

    I know I'm just wondering when people think he'll be back
  • crzydroid
    7337 posts Moderator
    They think he'll be back either September, since R2 was early, October because of the four month gap between Palp events, or December, because of the mistaken belief of six months between Palp events and maybe also Christmas.

    I suppose you could throw in some people possibly throwing in November because of the two year game anniversary.

    But none of them know.
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    Rebel every 4 months, Empire every 6 months /s
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    In my opinion, R2 is early because we'll need him for Commander Luke. Would be an outcry if he'd be needed yet the R2 even only appeared once before.
  • Bhaalor
    1724 posts Member
    Either way I've amped up my phoenix farming. Almost have them all at 7*
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    Considering all the advertising for him on other platforms i say earlier rather than later.
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    September is rebels season 4 release i think. Better get ur phoenix team ready than sorry later.
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    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Better get ur phoenix team ready than sorry later.
    This, really. If you want Thrawn, you know that sooner or later, you'll need them at g8-9 at least, with good mods and maxed abilities (at least the Uniques), so you'll eventually have to farm them anyway.
    If the four Legendary events share a common schedule of one per month, and you miss next Thrawn, you're doomed to wait four more months. So, unless you really have some toons to farm that are more game-changing than Thrawn, better start up on those Phoenix.
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    Ambassador wrote: »
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Better get ur phoenix team ready than sorry later.
    This, really. If you want Thrawn, you know that sooner or later, you'll need them at g8-9 at least, with good mods and maxed abilities (at least the Uniques), so you'll eventually have to farm them anyway.
    If the four Legendary events share a common schedule of one per month, and you miss next Thrawn, you're doomed to wait four more months. So, unless you really have some toons to farm that are more game-changing than Thrawn, better start up on those Phoenix.

    Thrawn isn't that much of a game changer. A pain, yes. I would say it's the toons that they surround him with that makes him seem like a game changer. For the most part I can beat him with no problem unless he fractures my Nihilus. Then RNG seems to go downhill from there.
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    I don't say "unbeatable", but "game changer". You don't run him (or against him) like you do any other comp. And his presence also changes the way you can approach HAAT (solo P3 is possible). Even in Arena, if modded for speed (counter-intuitively, I'd say), he voids the starting-taunt strategy. If he's slow, I agree that he's easily beaten, but if your squad is Chaze + 3 others, your glass cannons become shattered glass very quickly.
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    Ambassador wrote: »
    I don't say "unbeatable", but "game changer". You don't run him (or against him) like you do any other comp. And his presence also changes the way you can approach HAAT (solo P3 is possible). Even in Arena, if modded for speed (counter-intuitively, I'd say), he voids the starting-taunt strategy. If he's slow, I agree that he's easily beaten, but if your squad is Chaze + 3 others, your glass cannons become shattered glass very quickly.

    I see your point! I face fast Thrawns every day in top arena with no Chaze on my team. For me it all depends on who he fractures first. If he fractures my Rex or Zylo first it's no big deal. But's all downhill from there.
  • StarSon
    7466 posts Member
    I don't think Thrawn will be coming back next month, I think he'll follow the norm and be back in November. I believe R2 is back so quickly to help people out with Luke, where he may be required.
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    nite0wl29 wrote: »
    Ambassador wrote: »
    I don't say "unbeatable", but "game changer". You don't run him (or against him) like you do any other comp. And his presence also changes the way you can approach HAAT (solo P3 is possible). Even in Arena, if modded for speed (counter-intuitively, I'd say), he voids the starting-taunt strategy. If he's slow, I agree that he's easily beaten, but if your squad is Chaze + 3 others, your glass cannons become shattered glass very quickly.

    I see your point! I face fast Thrawns every day in top arena with no Chaze on my team. For me it all depends on who he fractures first. If he fractures my Rex or Zylo first it's no big deal. But's all downhill from there.

    Yes, a bit like the old Wiggs meta of last year, before the advent of Shoretrooper. Whoever has the fastest Wiggs would OHKO the opponent, and against the AI it was pretty much random.
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    RacerDejak wrote: »
    September is rebels season 4 release i think. Better get ur phoenix team ready than sorry later.

    I said that in another thread so I'm in complete agreement. The show tie in is too enticing to pass up.
  • Nith
    22 posts Member
    He'll definitly return, the question is when. I'd bet on late setember, early october
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    nite0wl29 wrote: »
    Ambassador wrote: »
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Better get ur phoenix team ready than sorry later.
    This, really. If you want Thrawn, you know that sooner or later, you'll need them at g8-9 at least, with good mods and maxed abilities (at least the Uniques), so you'll eventually have to farm them anyway.
    If the four Legendary events share a common schedule of one per month, and you miss next Thrawn, you're doomed to wait four more months. So, unless you really have some toons to farm that are more game-changing than Thrawn, better start up on those Phoenix.

    Thrawn isn't that much of a game changer. A pain, yes. I would say it's the toons that they surround him with that makes him seem like a game changer. For the most part I can beat him with no problem unless he fractures my Nihilus. Then RNG seems to go downhill from there.

    how is a 20% chance to lose a battle just because the enemy has thrawn not gamechanging? lol
    OT: if you haven't started farming phoenix i'd start now just to be on the safe side.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    nite0wl29 wrote: »
    Ambassador wrote: »
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Better get ur phoenix team ready than sorry later.
    This, really. If you want Thrawn, you know that sooner or later, you'll need them at g8-9 at least, with good mods and maxed abilities (at least the Uniques), so you'll eventually have to farm them anyway.
    If the four Legendary events share a common schedule of one per month, and you miss next Thrawn, you're doomed to wait four more months. So, unless you really have some toons to farm that are more game-changing than Thrawn, better start up on those Phoenix.

    Thrawn isn't that much of a game changer. A pain, yes. I would say it's the toons that they surround him with that makes him seem like a game changer. For the most part I can beat him with no problem unless he fractures my Nihilus. Then RNG seems to go downhill from there.

    Do you actually run Thrawn? If so, I find it hard to believe you don't think he's an elite toon. His impact on arena, raids and GW is extremely noticeable.
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    nite0wl29 wrote: »
    Ambassador wrote: »
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Better get ur phoenix team ready than sorry later.
    This, really. If you want Thrawn, you know that sooner or later, you'll need them at g8-9 at least, with good mods and maxed abilities (at least the Uniques), so you'll eventually have to farm them anyway.
    If the four Legendary events share a common schedule of one per month, and you miss next Thrawn, you're doomed to wait four more months. So, unless you really have some toons to farm that are more game-changing than Thrawn, better start up on those Phoenix.

    Thrawn isn't that much of a game changer. A pain, yes. I would say it's the toons that they surround him with that makes him seem like a game changer. For the most part I can beat him with no problem unless he fractures my Nihilus. Then RNG seems to go downhill from there.

    Do you actually run Thrawn? If so, I find it hard to believe you don't think he's an elite toon. His impact on arena, raids and GW is extremely noticeable.

    I agree I only have a five star thrawn will be six or seven next time around and I'm a sith guy and I'm probably about to drop EP in favor of thrawn and as a bonus Phoenix squad is pretty good in general and rancor
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    BulYwif wrote: »
    Rebel every 4 months, Empire every 6 months /s

    While you are probably joking, that would be quite in line with the difference between how empire toons and rebel toons have been treated until now. Maybe Thrawn will be next year, when R1 empire toons will finally cost 50 crystals, and Shore with Krennic will have their Dark hard nodes. Or maybe he will never be back.
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    I think R2 returning so soon just goes to show that none of us actually know. The lesson to be learned here is if you want someone, prepare to get them as fast as you can.
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    Ambassador wrote: »
    I don't say "unbeatable", but "game changer". You don't run him (or against him) like you do any other comp. And his presence also changes the way you can approach HAAT (solo P3 is possible). Even in Arena, if modded for speed (counter-intuitively, I'd say), he voids the starting-taunt strategy. If he's slow, I agree that he's easily beaten, but if your squad is Chaze + 3 others, your glass cannons become shattered glass very quickly.

    I run a not-ultra-fast thrawn (I think he's around 220) who never goes first. My shard mates say my team is very tricky to beat, and I don't use chaze
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    DarthxMaul wrote: »
    Wouldn't it be really likely he'll be back in September? I've heard some people say October is more likely but i don't know

    I just want to say that I love your profile pic
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    Most likly thrawn will be back next month. If they follow their pattern
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    DarthxMaul wrote: »
    Wouldn't it be really likely he'll be back in September? I've heard some people say October is more likely but i don't know

    I just want to say that I love your profile pic

    Haha thanks
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    3-4 months if you want a prediction but as a super rare event.... I mean it's till 3 times a year but sitll hard to guess. It could be much longer but so far super rare events came back 3-4 months or so
  • Revi
    573 posts Member
    R2 is early, he shouldn't even be back yet... He's only back because to many noobs would cry about needing him 7* to unlock CL.
    Thrawn wont be back for a while.
  • Torzek
    72 posts Member
    Haven't you learned by now that the community is terrible at predictions? If you want Thrawn, farm Phoenix now and be ready for when they spring him on us again.
  • StarSon
    7466 posts Member
    Torzek wrote: »
    Haven't you learned by now that the community is terrible at predictions? If you want Thrawn, farm Phoenix now and be ready for when they spring him on us again.

    Really? Lots of us predicted Phoenix when Thrawn was first teased, and lots predicted the exact requirements for Luke. Sounds more like the community is terrible at paying attention to hints but great at being mad at someone else for that inability after the fact.
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    I am all ready for Thrawn when he comes back around. Commander Luke I may have a problem with as I put off farming for him until after I had my Phoenix all farmed. (I had my 7 empire ready about a week after his event closed the first time.) As it is I only have Old Ben at 60/65 and I left Luke 30 shards short so the Login rewards will 7 star him.

    I didn't really believe Old Ben was going to be required for Luke, but I started farming him anyway just in case. Oh well. I couldn't possibly have farmed all the characters they have been throwing our way any faster than I have. Either I will make it for CLS or I won't... if I don't, it will be because I farmed for R2 and Thrawn first.
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