Secrets and Shadows Assault Battles [MERGE]



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    Yes, you're right, Sabine is the key of this fight. I didn't use Chopper. She can stagger him, lower his defence and hit hard (at least harder than her teamates).
  • NightwingTR
    169 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    can anyone Stun Sidious or Nihilus?
    I tried with Zeb and Daka "got nothing" !
    i guess They(EA/CG) are Mocking with us
    this game getting worse everyday :'(
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    Hera lead
    Ventress just for fun.
    Worked well. Can’t beat Sid on last hard tier though. Tried a nightsister team and did better but his aoe is crazy. Seems you need MT for that last hard tier.
  • Kalano
    415 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    It's an assault battle. It's ment to be hard. Actually, I didn't expect to beat tier 1, as my Phoenix are g8, except Ezra g10. Sabine and Chopper did the trick for me, in the bonus tier. Didn't use Kanan
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    Pieriku wrote: »
    I used more or less the same tactics. Stagger with Zeb and Sabine, event special ability on Kanan (to speed up everybody else) with backup plan on him and defence buff on whoever needs it. Took me a few attemps but could manage to get past Sidious. And Nihilus was quite easy compared to him.
    I guess that is the plan, yes. Sabine and a bit of good fortune from the rng. Kanan's zeta with team cleansing should shine too considering the number of dots Sidious applies.
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    Is anyone else having a bug where the healing immunity from sidious can't be removed from a few characters? Every time I try it it's gets stuck on a few characters. I'm able to dispel it on a few but not all, and it's a different character each time. It's making it hard for me to get past his 2nd AOE because I can't recover from the first.
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    I like a challenge and I am sure it’s WAI, it’s just very tough. I can’t do it this time around but will get it next time.
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    Gear and mods. Mine are all 10+ and Tier III Sid and DNi were tough. You gotta work through his shields. Once his shields are gone, his HPs are nothing (Plague kit from NS Im sure eat through him). DNi auto Annihilates when you encountet him in Tier III. Use the special ability during Sid and DNi. The speed boost will help, but you gotta do damage quickly.

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    and Why can't we stun Sidious and Nihilus ?
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    I am all for a challenge but this isn't a challenge it is CGs typical **** rng luck event.

    Bad programming at its finest.
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    I got through bonus round with all G8 pheonix, no Kanan. I'm sure I got amazing RNG, as Sid's AoE took everyone down to a sliver of health, but no deaths. The trick was to delay Sid with stagger so he never got to use AoE again. Sid dodging Ezra is annoying, so thats more RNG added in the mix. Chopper's assists helped more than I expected.

    Also, Sidious is immune to stun in his event. Definitely is WAI. If you could stun him, there would be no challenge at all. He'd be a sitting duck with no allies to help him. Same for Nihilus (trooper and Assassin are really weak)
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    @Dart_EdMar thanks for sharing your strategy, I followed it and completed the bonus tier.
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    Once you get through his protection, his HPs are a joke. I think 2 shotted him?? Therefore its designed more for Plague kit and NSers. Still doable with Phoenix. Got through everything with only losing Kanan in Tier III due to DNi auto annihilate at beginning.

    Used Hera, Sabine, Kanan (all G11), and Zeb & Ezra (both G10). 4-5* mods but not really speed kit as their counter w/kanan keeps them going.

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    thanks. i only hve the PS though, mine might not be ready? i dunno. it did say extremely difficult.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Moved to strategy section
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Moved to strategy section
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Moved to strategy section
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    i had just finished it, once u get right past Sid and DN's protections, its easier. And, DN annhiliates at point blank in Bonus Tier, took me 12tries.

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    I just wish my gear 12 zid could be that strong! Lol
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    If you're using Nightsisters, switch to Talzin for your leader. Plague ignores protection.

    I was having trouble with Ventress (ftp Nightsister team, Daka (g9) and Talia (g8) 7*, Ventress (g8) and Acolyte (g7) and Initiate (g7) at 6*, moved the leftover jank mods I had on my Ewoks to these folks) so I switched to Phoenix and had ZERO luck. Lost a whole bunch with both. So then I swapped Talzin in for the Acolyte and made her my leader instead of Ventress.

    Try not to use any abilities in round 3 so that all your abilities are available for round 4. I admittedly got lucky with round 3 ending with Talia near full turn meter, so she was able to Stagger Sidious (and plague him, thanks to Talzin's leader ability) right off the bat, then Ventress AoE'd to drop his TM down (AoE because it's a special ability and will apply another stack of Plague, your basic won't.) By the time Sidious got a turn he had over 6 stacks of Plague (Daka should taunt with Celerity because you'll need her res) which dropped his health by at least 30%--I forget exactly how many stacks I had on him, sorry, I did this a few hours ago--even though his protection was still nearly full. This killed everyone but Daka, who then ressed everyone but Talia. Sidious' second attack is a single target whack, which gives you two full turns to stack as many more Plagues on him as you can. The Plagues killed him at the start of Sidious' third turn, which would have been an AoE.

    I expected to lose because I never was able to res Talia, Daka died to Nihilus' opening Annihilate, and Talzin only got two attacks (Dark Magick, crucially, and a basic on Nihilus that added another Plague) before dying. But I was able to just keep attacking Nihilus with specials and stack more and more Plagues on him, then when the Sith Trooper taunted I used Ventress to clear it and stacked on him. Plague finished off both of them, and then I was able to clean up the Assassin with just Ventress and Initiate.

    My Talzin is 4*, gear 6. Her leader ability is at 7, but the rest is hovering around 4/5 (nowhere near enough purples), I got lucky in the Credit Heist so she's level 85, but that's not so important. Mods are leftovers that I took off the Acolyte, a whopping 119 speed, only 7 of that coming from her mods. All of this is to say that she doesn't have to be anywhere near maxed out to be effective!

    I won't be able to do the final tier this time, for sure, but when the event comes back in a few months it should be do-able.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Enye164
    267 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    2star clear only on bonus tier and I used the following: (no zetas) all Unqiue skills Omega'd

    Hera @ gear10 , speed 199, basic and Leader kits are omega'd
    Ezra @ gear10, speed 227, basic and Watch&Learn are omega'd

    (omega'd sounds funny)

    Chopper @gear9, speed 229, basic and unique kits (omega)
    Zeb and Kanan @ gear8, speeds 163 and 175 respectively, Kanan's unique and "intervene" omegad and Zeb's basic and unique kits are omegad

    r.n.g. on the jedi connecting to Darth Sidious' advantages, i let Chopper taunt when it can, so he gets increase Evasion

    Chopper and Kanan uses the boost strategically, timing revives, offense down helps a lot, Staggers from zeb helps a lot. did not connect any stun on DS nor DN.

    got lucky in the end since DN annihilated my Zeb on his first turn but then everything else connected.

    Get past the protection, and everything else is easy.

    point is, PS is still useful here. but i do think NS is the way to go. i just dont have them.
  • Rojas
    336 posts Member
    I just finished the bonus tier in auto lol. I tried it a few times this morning unsuccessfully, then my daughter asked me for something put in in auto and walked away, when I got back to the game it was completed :)
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    I just finished the bonus tier with my g11 Ezra and g8 everyone else. They key for me was taking off ezras speed arrow and putting on an accuracy one (never thought I would ever use one of them). He didn't miss a hit on sid and I breezed through. Couldn't do it before that
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    Actual footage of Round 4 Sidious:
  • C1pher_Five
    267 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    T3 Sidious is completely unfair and if you get to T8, Nihilus greets you with an Annihilate right out of the gate.
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    T3 Sidious is completely unfair and if you get to T8, Nihilus greets you with an Annihilate right out of the gate.

    If you get to past sid then dn should be a breeze, even with an Insta kill
  • Dread
    152 posts Member
    Are you using sabine? She was pretty useful with both her special abilities for Sid and Nihilus
  • Gawejn
    1129 posts Member
    Very nice event. Not easy, I had to think how to deal with Sid.
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