7* Thrawn without Hera?

I only have Hera at 4* and am finishing off other Cantina farms.

All other Phoenix are level 85 with

Ezra G11
Chopper G10
Kanan G8
Sabine G8
Zeb G8

I’m guessing survivability and stuns are probably the way forward so Kanan and Zeb would be the likely options to gear up.

Has anyone 7* Thrawn without Hera and who did you focus on?



  • BrakirKY
    145 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    I honestly don't think it's feasible at any gear level without hera. The unique sharing from Hera's lead is what really makes phoenix work.
    Post edited by BrakirKY on
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    You need Hera. She's essential.
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    Her leader ability shares each Phoenix’s special ability with each other. She also calls assists, can revive, and expose enemies. Pretty essential.

    Now you may pull off a 5* Thrawn is everyone else is geared... maybe. But no way to 7* without her.
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    Maybe if you use G12 Phoenix you can do it :P
    My collection https://swgoh.gg/u/Hskull55/
    Sorry for my English :]
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    Hera is needed and is an easy farm.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Let's put it this way - accidentally went into a TB mission with Zeb as lead since I wasn't paying attention and he has the highest GP - barely cleared the 2nd wave. Paid more attention next TB in the same phase, cleared Wave 5 with full health (crushed on 6, but hey, skulls).

    Same mods, same gear, same stars.

    You need Hera if you want Thrawn.
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    Thanks for the posts although as mentioned I’m interested in hearing from someone that’s tried the event without Hera. I’ve read her leader ability.

    @Adm_Gosular I 6* Thrawn in the last event with the same team but much less gear.
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    The difference between Tier 6 and Tier 7 of the event is huge. You aren't getting him 7* without Hera. Quite frankly, I don't understand why you don't have her yet? Phoenix are important for TB, not having their leader is ridiculous.
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    cbk107 wrote: »
    Thanks for the posts although as mentioned I’m interested in hearing from someone that’s tried the event without Hera.

    You might as well be interested in hearing from someone that's tried scuba-diving without an air tank.

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    @Crazylazyguy erm, did you read the first line?
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    @cbk107 Everyone can read, we just don't think that the person you're looking for exists.A quick google search showed several other threads on both this forum and Reddit with the same question and a resounding lack of responses that said 'yeah, I did it with G12 Ezra and Kanan and G11 Sabine and Chopper'. While it's impossible to prove a negative, it's more than reasonable to conclude that it cannot be done.

    At least get her to 6* so you can help your guild out on TB missions.
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    I’m not sure if it’s possible either which is the reason for the post. There’s a possibility someone might have tried it though and respond with a strategy.

    I 5/6 TB with Phoenix currently.
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    You need her unique sharing ability. The reason nobody has come forward is that it hasn’t been done without her. I tried without her (she lacked gear and omegas) the first time around and failed. I tried with her when the event returned and got a 7* Thrawn.
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    ^ Thread closed I think.

    Unless there's any other wrong trees that need barking up.
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    cbk107 wrote: »
    @Crazylazyguy erm, did you read the first line?
    cbk107 wrote: »
    @Crazylazyguy erm, did you read the first line?

    What did I have to read? That you have her 4* and you are farming other things? Fine by me, you're the one not getting Thrawn and you're the one who's going to have hard time in TB. She's as essential to Phoenix as air is to you.
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    There was a guy that did it without hera but he had everybody else at g11. But with hera it can be done with g8 toons.. It’s a heck of a lot easier to farm hera to 7 star g8 than 5 other toons to g11 lol
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    @Crazylazyguy Yes, that’s what you should have read, for the 2nd time. You asked why I didn’t have Hera which was clearly explained.
    Anyway, this has derailed into playground antics rather than something useful so let’s call it a day.
  • Gawejn
    1134 posts Member
    I think it is possible but not with gear lvl 8 or 10. They need lot of protection if they canot have bonus from Zeb and dmg if they cannot have bonus from Ezra. And crit dmg set on Ezra an Sabine. Maybe with g11 You can do it. This is option without zeta on Sabine and Zeb. Almost noone who answered your post doesnt have zeta on Pheonix. But Sabine and Zeb has very good dmg with zeta. And those exposes could be very helpfull. Zeb has insane dmg so he can one shot the troopers. So it is possible with protection and two zetas.
  • Gawejn
    1134 posts Member
    cbk107 wrote: »

    @Crazylazyguy Yes, that’s what you should have read, for the 2nd time. You asked why I didn’t have Hera which was clearly explained.
    Anyway, this has derailed into playground antics rather than something useful so let’s call it a day.

    So I was thinking about this. I came to conclusion that it is possible. But Kannan should be g10, Sabine minimum g10, Zeb minimum g9. I dont know if zetas are needed but for sure it would make fight more easy. Ezra will be hitting hard so more dmg needs Sabine. But I am not 100% sure if this can work in this setup, it can work. Needs testing.
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    Thanks @Gawejn for taking the time to think about a possible strategy, appreciated. I’m happy to gear up but probably wouldn’t Zeta.
  • Gawejn
    1134 posts Member
    cbk107 wrote: »
    Thanks @Gawejn for taking the time to think about a possible strategy, appreciated. I’m happy to gear up but probably wouldn’t Zeta.

    Also you will need a lot of speed, Hera was giving tm bonus so they need more speed. You have good gear on Ezra and Chopper. Kannan will need a lot of protection to survive Fracture. With zeta on Sabine (those exposes:)) you could do it more easy. Thrawn needs to be dazed, stunned so wont counter. Crit dmg set plus crit dmg triangle on Sabine and Ezra plus protection cross is a must for this setup. Protection secondaries with speed will help a lot. Zeb needs potency a lot to buff Thrawn so I had around 70%. Speed on arrows everywhere. I think this can work.
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    I can mod Ezra and Sabine with CD / CC to give an additional 90 & 88 speed and load Kanan with protection and Zeb with potency.

    Zeb stunning Thrawn after some decent rng luck was how I managed to 6* Thrawn in the last event. Thanks.
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    Instead of come here, ask for something that is not the usual (use Phoenix without hera for 7* thrawn), complain that people give negative feedback, you just go, make it happen and come back here showing your achievement (picture/vid or didn't happen).
  • Gawejn
    1134 posts Member
    Instead of come here, ask for something that is not the usual (use Phoenix without hera for 7* thrawn), complain that people give negative feedback, you just go, make it happen and come back here showing your achievement (picture/vid or didn't happen).

    I dont think you are right. His post was very good and he wanted answers. But he was receiving strange info, like without Hera is not possible or why you dont have Hera. That wasnt the point and he was right about this. Nobody tried to think about case without Hera but were pretending to know. As always. If he will gear Pheonix he can do it. He can also give zeta to Sabine or Zeb. And with this Hera is not needed in Pheonix to 7* Thrawn.
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    I dont ever post and I will not say that it cannot be done. But why would you invest in a team that revolves % around Hera's leadership w/no Hera. You lose out on 25/25 crit/crit damage, prot/health regen, huge counter chance, rez, tm, assist, ect ect. Would you run a ns team w/o Asajj or Talzin? I guess you could run Old Daka but you would be a gimp ns team. Maybe run a empire team using RG as your lead? How did you farm everyone w/o going after Hera?.. Your just a gimp phoenix team.

    6* Thrawn is not hard. Going after 7 is a good step up. Ezra is your heavy hitter so why not make him better? Good luck but I wouldn't waste my resources unless I had a plan to get Hera up. 7* Thrawn is not easy. I had 2 in G8 gear w/good mods and it took a little luck and a lot of tries. Kanan and Zeb are my G8s. Ezra was G11. Would have been much better if I was G9-10 w/Kanan. Zeb didnt seem to matter but any helps. w/o Hera youll prob need all in min G10 maybe or prob more like G11. I just wouldn't wont to waste those kinds of resources in anyone but Ezra unless I was going all out and zeta my phoenix team. But why would I do that when you can use that gear on better teams. I only use phoenix for tb and gw. You just don't need to invest much in them to be good at those.
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    @imnojedi I have other Cantina farms at the moment to finish off before Hera as mentioned. I fully understand her leader ability and will end up farming her but the point of the post is to see if anyone landed a 7* Thrawn without her or has a strategy to do this. Ezra is currently G11.
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    Gawejn wrote: »
    Instead of come here, ask for something that is not the usual (use Phoenix without hera for 7* thrawn), complain that people give negative feedback, you just go, make it happen and come back here showing your achievement (picture/vid or didn't happen).

    I dont think you are right. His post was very good and he wanted answers. But he was receiving strange info, like without Hera is not possible or why you dont have Hera. That wasnt the point and he was right about this. Nobody tried to think about case without Hera but were pretending to know. As always. If he will gear Pheonix he can do it. He can also give zeta to Sabine or Zeb. And with this Hera is not needed in Pheonix to 7* Thrawn.

    Let me get this straight, you are saying that he should max gear all 5 other Phoenix but hera, use some zetas, just to go and do it without a leader ability? Where he could finish it with g8/g9 toons?

    99,999999999999% of the player base is smart enough to use Phoenix with it's leader, don't think someone here would try/bother use Phoenix without leader. That is the reason all answer say the same, get Hera or stop complaining about the answer you get.
    And again, picture or didn't happen, if someone achieve thrawn without hera show us all.
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