Tw sandbagging and Total defense spots

76 posts Member
edited December 2017
So we are a 99mil gp guild the team across from us is at 103 mil gp so we shouldn't be playing them...but wait 1or 2 members didn't join and now they are on are lvl. Its not cheating but it still stinks, I'm not really upset with that. What I am upset about is that we get punished because since they are missing players we can only set 24 defensive teams we have all 50 we should not be punished for another team being unable to produce weather it is intentional or not.


  • Charzypants
    248 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    We are 35 million playing a 49 million gp squad.

    So relax you are pretty much equal
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    It's not the gp I care about its defensive teams. If we we're allowed all 25 we would win for sure but I bet we are gonna draw and get second place rewards anyway so why should we be punished because they wanted drop down a tier?
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    Congratulations on your probable win.

    If you thought about this reasonably instead of the knee-**** doom and gloom, you would realize that you’re going to have double the offensive teams and can afford to put in good squads on defense to soak up their limited number of attacks, then use your numerical superiority to easily attrition away their defenses.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    You do know people forget to lock in right.
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    Yes I do know people forget to lock in but that isn't my problem. We as a guild got all 50 to lock in, they did not, why does my guild have get punished because another guild can't get their members to do what they are supposed to? If we got the extra defense teams we would have more points I am confident we will wipe the board of the other team. Now like the other guy said thinking "reasonably" we get two extra guys to help attack not double. But from what I've read and knowing I didn't even attack last tw there are plenty in reserves. So if they clear ware board we tie. When we tie we both get 2nd place rewards. This isn't an issue if only the team that dosen't lock in gets punished when setting up defense.
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    Maybe I'm missing something. But, how is it a 'punishment' to get to use less of your weaker defensive squads? Unless you have enough uber-defensive squads to fill every slot...?
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    Im not following either
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    Your not getting punished, the other side has the same amount of spots. So you are saying you want more defensive spots then the other team? how is that fair?
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    If are guilds we're fighting all things being equal and mine was give 25 spots and yours 24 that is a difference of ten teams two being ships now we don't even have to fill all 10 if we put just one team in, all Toons being 6000 power each so the weakest team possible. And then both Guild clear the entire board we would win because we put one extra defensive team in.
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    The amount of spots isn't a reward for everyome signing up its decided to even the playing field incase some has less total members locked in. Not saying the matchmaking isn't a bit in accurate but this isn't the part that needs changing
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    Creepioo wrote: »
    Your not getting punished, the other side has the same amount of spots. So you are saying you want more defensive spots then the other team? how is that fair?

    It's fair when the other team can't get the members to commit I don't care about there life story. If a guild brings 50 and the other dosent fine that's the other teams problem if cg made it so you could always fill 25 teams fine no matter what couldn't complain but the fact that another guild can come under prepared and then we have to take the handicap as well? Not cool.
    Tell you what we can put this to rest in a few days if we win (or if we lose) I'll post it on here and admit I'm being **** for no reason. But if we tie you can bet I'll be here.
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    Im not following either

    It's a point system. 20 points for setting a defensive team 10 for beating it and x amount for clearing all defensive teams in a zone. If you have 50 v 50 the total defense you can put is 25. So both teams clear the board both teams tie get second place rewards. Suddenly oh it's 50v48 well you can only both place 24 now. Clear the board you both tie both get second place rewards. This game has put an importance on working with your guild and being on all the time. It should be important to lock in as the devs want you to play so if you team isnt as committed as the others you should be down a defensive team.
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    Yeah, no. Good day!
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    Honestly, the bigger problem IS relative Galactic Powers. If their 25 participating members is the same power as your 50 participating members, then sure, cool, fine. Whatever.

    But if their 25 members have a total power of, say 40m and your 50 is 100m, then you shouldn't have been matched up.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Charzypants
    248 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I guess they tried to make it fair... But ya if you have 50 members and they lock in 40.. it seems like you should be able to put in 25 and them 20.. that way they can't sandbag, as some one else put it

    Edit meant to say 40
    Post edited by Charzypants on
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    I don't see what the problem is. Honestly it'll give you the advantage as now you will have more teams to attack with as your not having to deploy more devesive teams.
    Ally ID - 562-215-984
    Discord - Scocho16#2722
    Guild - Galactic Paladins -
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    I agree but combined if you have but if combined 50 is equal to the other teams and then 25 if your guys don't show up how is that the other guilds problem? Need to crack the whip on your guild.
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    The only way to sandbag in this setup is to not level up toons to 6k as this will just inflate your gp but not be the most useful toon other than cannon fodder for defense.
    Ally ID - 562-215-984
    Discord - Scocho16#2722
    Guild - Galactic Paladins -
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    Scocho16 wrote: »
    I don't see what the problem is. Honestly it'll give you the advantage as now you will have more teams to attack with as your not having to deploy more devesive teams.

    If are guilds fought and we had 25 spots and you had 24 we would have ten extra teams we could put the weakest teams we have in those extra 10 if both are guilds cleared the board mine would win with 200 extra points.
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    Scocho16 wrote: »
    I don't see what the problem is. Honestly it'll give you the advantage as now you will have more teams to attack with as your not having to deploy more devesive teams.

    If are guilds fought and we had 25 spots and you had 24 we would have ten extra teams we could put the weakest teams we have in those extra 10 if both are guilds cleared the board mine would win with 200 extra points.

    I do see your point now OP.
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    Do nothing and get the zeta, omega, 375 event tokens and 1075 guild tokens and 135,000 currency....
    Awesome rewards for nothing, i think the incentive to win is really lacking in TW
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    why do you think you would win for sure if you had 25 spots per territory? The opposing guild would also have 25 spots to fill.
    What am i missing here?
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Yeah your point is that it isn't fair that you don't get more spots because you assume you will tie. By limiting you to 25 spots that means that you have more attackers yes, but it also means you can use some stronger chars on defense and use that to your advantage to help prevent them from clearing. You having more people gives you an advantage any way you look at it. You have a better chance of atippimg them and preventing them from clearing. If you are going to simply assume you're gonna get cleared maybe you need to worry about your strategy. If you faced a guild with 50 people in and got your 25 spots it isn't going to stop them from clearing your board and you ending up tied. You're crying because the advantage you're getting isn't the one you want. If your strategy is good you can win any way you shake it. This is PvP, sorry there is no simple auto win option for you, if you're that upset go play a game with no PvP because you're never gonna get handed a win.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    I guess they tried to make it fair... But ya if you have 50 members and they lock in 40.. it seems like you should be able to put in 25 and them 20.. that way they can't sandbag, as some one else put it

    Edit meant to say 40

    that would be super unfair. You get 20 banners for setting a def team and the enemy only gets 10 banners for defeating that team.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Complete misuse of the term sandbagging. How can they now possibly improve their performance now they are locked in? If anything they've now dropped down a bracket because not all of their members are signed up and now won't get as good rewards
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    Are you allowed to set 50% of the lowest amount of players locked in? For instance we have 40 players but can only put in 13 per area. Does this mean the other team locked in 26 players?
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    We are 35 million playing a 49 million gp squad.

    So relax you are pretty much equal


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    Complaining that he has too much money, toons, whatever....
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    Stocksy wrote: »
    Are you allowed to set 50% of the lowest amount of players locked in? For instance we have 40 players but can only put in 13 per area. Does this mean the other team locked in 26 players?[/quote yes maybe 27 not sure how it's numbers work
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    Stocksy wrote: »
    Are you allowed to set 50% of the lowest amount of players locked in? For instance we have 40 players but can only put in 13 per area. Does this mean the other team locked in 26 players?

    Yes ish :/
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