Fleet ships omegas

When will the ship omega be released.


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    "Soon" ;)
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Hopefully at the same time as hardware....

    Wish we knew.
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    Well since hardware is also "soon" (literally right there in the game) it has to be the same time...right?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    "Soon" is infinite, doesn't have time limit.. could be someday in the year 7890

    Technically speaking
  • scuba
    14118 posts Member
    Ships omega's have already been released they just haven't made a way to obtain them on regular basis.

    They will be "obtainable in a later update" unlike hardware which is "soon" and has been soon since release over a year ago.
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    Time is an illusion, like perception. It’s only our interpretation of it, that gives it any value.
    When something is arriving “soon” or “later”, we go into “wait mode”. In that way, we get it exactly when we want it, and we can’t get it any sooner than the moment it is available.
    I digress.

    I’m hoping when they bump up to level 90, we’ll see some action in that direction.
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    The things that baffles me is that, somehow, the gamechangers have that material in their test account since ages.
    Guess it's about time they release it to us ;)
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    The things that baffles me is that, somehow, the gamechangers have that material in their test account since ages.
    Guess it's about time they release it to us ;)
    Some ppl on my "none-test"-fleet-shard got it as well ... seems like they were purchasable in a shop earlier.
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • thomssi
    526 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    "Soon" is infinite, doesn't have time limit.. could be someday in the year 7890

    Technically speaking

    Well if you want to get technical then you need to factor in time dilation and build a really fast spaceship and then soon is whenever you want it to be.
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